Dream Guide

Chapter 611 Liberation

Tafiti is still fighting the trapped beast. She bared her teeth at the people and let out a low roar in her throat.

Anderson suddenly rushed forward, grabbed Tafiti's arm, and smiled at Boris: "Alice, fish! Look, big fish! Hehehehe..."

Tafiti was caught with her left hand, and the arrowhead in her right hand stabbed Anderson's chest fiercely.

Alice yelled, "Look out, Anderson!"

Anderson was unaware and was still laughing, but Boris had already rushed over, grabbed Tafiti's right hand, and laughed loudly: "Fish, big fish! Fishing for submarines! Hahaha..."

The two lunatics each grabbed one of Tafiti's arms, laughing, as if they had found the most fun thing to do, and started spinning around in the pile of dead people.

Tafiti struggled desperately, but both of them were extremely strong, so she couldn't break away. She could only roar and tried to bite him with her teeth, but she couldn't.

The anger in her eyes grew stronger, and the sadness intensified.

Blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth. It was unclear whether she had bitten her tongue or was so angry that she vomited blood. Blood flowed down her chin and onto her chest, like an oil painting painted on a black body.

The two madmen refused to stop.

Ivan called Boris several times. When Boris ignored him, he took out his pistol and pointed it at Tafiti. But he didn't shoot immediately. Instead, he looked at Situ like an employee asking his employer's opinion.

Situ looked a little hesitant.

Aoki knew what he was hesitating about. He could see Tafiti's role in the spiritual formation, and Situ should also be able to see it. Maybe this woman is the key to solving some mysteries, but it seems a bit inhumane to use her for research at this time. You just killed her whole family and wiped out her entire clan, and now you are taking her to the most cruel laboratory in the world for research. In the dream laboratory, her experience will be repeated again and again. And every time it was repeated, her mental pain would be magnified countless times.

No matter how indifferent a person is, it is not easy for him to make such a decision!

Although the others didn't know Situ's true thoughts, they were very conflicted at the moment. No one is an executioner, no one likes killing, especially killing a woman who is no longer able to resist. But this woman is now worse off than dead. They have no better way to deal with her. Maybe death is her best escape.

Situ glanced at Qingmu, and then looked at Mrs. Larry.

Mrs. Larry said: "She may be the only survivor of the Itsa people."

"What should we do?" Alice asked.

Mrs. Larry sighed, "Many human races have been extinct on the earth. When civilization developed to this day, we began to look for traces of the existence of those human races. A skull, a strand of hair, and a broken pottery fragment were all left to us. Treat them as treasures. But their extinction was done by our ancestors! In the past, I only imagined the ancient world disputes from archaeological remains, but today I saw it with my own eyes.

If there was only one dog left in the world, how would you treat it? Even if the dog is crazy.

If there was only one Indian left in the world, what would you do to her? Even if she is full of hatred towards you.

You will definitely say, we must protect it!

Our civilization has made us pay attention to the value of life itself, making us worry about the survival of African elephants and white rhinos, and a panda giving birth to twins has become a big news event. We seem to have become the savior. Every corner and every life in the world is worthy of our care and needs our protection. We are proud of this and enjoy the sense of species superiority it brings.

Now, there is only one Itsa left in Ramla, and we don’t know what to do with her, just because we were witnesses of the event.

People are always used to convicting others, but few can see their own crimes; people are used to sympathizing with the weak who are slaughtered by others, but few are willing to save so-called enemies who conflict with their own interests. "

Mrs. Larry spoke very calmly, as if describing the story of the Colosseum in ancient Rome, without sympathy, pity, or any emotional fluctuations. She didn't say what to do with Tafiti, she didn't even give any advice.

After finishing speaking, she slowly turned around, pointed to the field on the side of the altar and said, "Petru, come with me for a walk over there. I can't stand the smell here."

Petru was overjoyed and said: "I am willing to help, madam!"

Seeing them walking away, Situ said to Ivan: "Let her suffer less."

Ivan understood and pointed the gun at Tafiti again.

Boris and Anderson were still dragging Tafiti around in circles, but Tafiti was unable to struggle, and her legs were dragging on the ground, letting the two men drag her sliding among the dead.

She lowered her head, and raised her head from time to time to roar, but she looked very hoarse and weak, only her eyes were still fierce. The only grass skirt she was wearing was long gone, and her body was covered in blood, mud, and dead flesh.

When Ivan fired, Tafiti just looked up. She saw the muzzle of the gun, gritted her teeth, and then somehow a smile appeared on her lips. She couldn't tell whether it was the relief of knowing she was about to be released, or the mockery of the devil.


Gunshots were fired.

The bullet accurately penetrated Tafiti's eyebrow. Tafiti leaned back, her neck relaxed, and her long and messy hair fell to the ground from her back.

Anderson suddenly screamed in grief, as if someone had robbed him of the fish he had just caught.

"Fish! My fish!"

Boris also shouted, "The fish is gone! The submarine is gone!"

The two men shook Tafiti's body desperately, but the "fish" never survived.


The two madmen began to dig frantically among the dead again, trying to dig out another live fish. But they could only dig out a severed hand for a while, and half a head for a while. After seeing that they were all dead, they threw them aside and continued digging.

Ivan wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Situ.

"Let them go. They'll stop when they get tired."

Ivan turned around silently and stopped looking.

However, something unexpected happened——

Alice was the first to notice the situation and issue a warning.

"Anderson, throw it away!" she shouted.

Only then did people discover that Anderson was holding a grenade.

He and Boris dug it out of the dead.

Everyone threw a total of seven grenades at the Itsa people. Probably under the influence of strong mental power and desperation, one of them was thrown out without opening the safety, and Anderson happened to dig it up.

Alice's scream could not save anything, Anderson had already pulled the safety on the grenade. He and Boris sat face to face on the pile of dead people, staring at each other, laughing and saying: "Fish! Fish fry! Hehe..."

Alice wanted to rush forward, but was hugged by Su Huilan. Ivan also wanted to rush over, but was thrown to the ground by Situ and Qingmu at the same time.


Aoki lay on the ground, feeling a wave of heat coming over him, and then some tiny things fell on his back like raindrops.

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