Dream Guide

Chapter 626: The sake is mixed with the beer, and the beautiful woman has an appointment

The wind was a bit strong, and there was a heavy and light rain from time to time.

The food stalls in the night market have tents set up to protect them from the rain. They are swaying as if they will be blown away by the wind at any time, but there are not many customers coming for late night snacks. People drank beer, grilled lobsters, and talked happily about Sino-US friction, alien invasion, secret weapons and celebrity gossip. Beer foam, pepper foam, shrimp shells and saliva stars flew out together and were swept away from the table by the wind. Fly to another table.

The bad weather did not seem to affect the mood of the people in Wuzhong at all, and the business of Ruhua Bar was actually better than usual.

When Bian Ziyuan walked into the bar, there were no good seats, so he had to sit down against the bar. From the corner of his eyes, he looked into the dark corners, hoping that the guests there would leave early and give up their seats.

The bartender was concentrating on mixing drinks behind the bar, and the customer next to him was talking to a strange girl about windmills. The girl was stunned for a moment after hearing a series of meteorological and geographical terms that sounded like that, but she never said anything. To win the heart of a beautiful woman, the conversation becomes a tug-of-war.

Bian Zi had seen many such scenes before, and laughed secretly in his heart. This is a typical example of a man in science and engineering trying to pick up girls. His knowledge can make women admire him, but he cannot please her. Even if you say a thousand sets of formulas and ten thousand theorems, it's not as good as telling a joke to make a woman shudder and make her heart flutter.

Bian Ziyuan himself is a typical science and engineering man, so his smile is also a kind of self-deprecation. Of course, he is no longer as hesitant and helpless when facing girls as he used to be, because he understands the true meaning of picking up girls, especially in places like bars.

Women admire knowledgeable men, and prefer handsome men who can tell jokes, but these are not worth one-tenth of money. If you drive a Lamborghini, wear a Patek Philippe, or Armani, then you basically don’t need to speak. Just a look and a lot of women are willing to follow you. Of course, there are also richer people who may be very low-key and will not come to places like bars at all. They can make women fascinated by their fantasies day and night without showing up.

Although Bian Ziyuan's current income is not considered rich, he still needs some strength to charm people with his eyes and actions, but he can order a few bottles of the most expensive wine and let the bartender deliver it to the girl's table, and then shake it to show his personality. His Tesla key and Hilton key card exuded a masculine charm that was enough to attract some women to come over and talk to him.

Of course, he wasn't here to pick up girls today, he was here to go on a date with Mei Ziqing, who made him a little fanciful and a little awe-struck.

On the Qingming Festival, while drinking and dining with Lao Yu, Mei Ziqing bumped into her. Mei Ziqing joked that she wanted to join their party, and later asked Bian Zi to invite her to drink at Ruhua Bar while she was away.

Bian Ziyuan thought she was just saying it casually, but he didn't expect that Mei Ziqing took the initiative to find him today and asked him when the proprietress of Ruhua Bar would be there. She wanted to try the wine she mixed. Bian Ziyuan is elated, knowing that tasting wine is just an excuse. A single woman is willing to go to a bar to drink with a single man. No matter how it develops later, this is a good start.

He originally wanted to invite Mei Ziqing to have dinner at Wuyanwuyu next door first, but Mei Ziqing said that the professor had something else to do, so he would have dinner with the professor and come back after eating.

Bian Ziyuan looked at the bartender's elegant movements, tapped the bar with his fingers, and asked, "Isn't your boss lady who is famous for bartending here?"

Xiao Qi looked up and felt that he looked familiar. Knowing that he was a regular customer, he smiled and said, "Why, are you not satisfied with the wine I mixed?"

Bian Ziyuan said: "No, a friend came here because of her name. He will be here soon."

Xiao Qi said, "Oh, that's a coincidence. The boss lady comes here once in a while, and she did come today, but..." Xiao Qi shrugged, "She left again just now."

"Ah, am I lucky, or am I unlucky?"

Bian Ziyuan turned his head and saw Mei Ziqing standing behind him, her face seemed a little disappointed, but she was still smiling, like her usual gentle look.

Mei Ziqing took a step forward and sat down next to Bian Ziyuan. For some reason, Bian Ziyuan became a little nervous. For a moment, he even forgot to breathe.

"What do you want to drink?" Xiao Qi glanced at Mei Ziqing twice, not that he coveted her beauty. As a bartender, what kind of beauty has he not seen? And Mo Yu is a great beauty. How can he? Have thoughts about other women. I just think that Mei Ziqing's temperament is very special. Women with this kind of temperament rarely appear in bars.

Mei Ziqing said: "Ah, whatever you want, just use whatever you are good at."

This time, Xiao Qi was in trouble. To be honest, he doesn't have anything special, I can only say that it's pretty average. Unlike Bishenghua, each wine can create a different flavor from others, and the taste can even change with changes in weather and mood.

Bian Ziyuan asked: "Is there any sake?"

Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mei Ziqing, and suddenly understood, "Japanese?"

Mei Ziqing smiled and nodded.

"You speak Mandarin so well!" Xiao Qi praised, "There is some sake, how do you want to drink it?"

Mei Ziqing said: "Then let's have a sake bomb."

Xiao Qi nodded, opened a bottle of sake, poured it into a small cup, and poured half a glass of cold beer. He put two chopsticks on the beer glass, placed the small cup of sake on the chopsticks, and slapped the table hard. The cups and chopsticks were shaken, and the chopsticks moved to both sides, and the sake glass on top fell into the large beer glass below, causing a lot of foam to explode.

Mei Ziqing looked at it with gusto, and she also enjoyed it when she brought it over to taste. Bian Ziyuan's attention was not on the wine, but on the dark and unattractive seat in the corner.

There were people around the bar, and Bian Ziyuan didn't know what to say. The atmosphere suddenly became a little silent, which was completely different from the inherent liveliness in the bar.

He was speechless and said: "The windmill will land the day after tomorrow, right?"

Mei Ziqing said: "The professor said he can't log in!"

"Ah?" Bian Ziyuan felt strange, "We have already entered southern Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, so why won't we land?"

Mei Ziqing said: "I don't know, the professor said so. He said that the Andes Mountains are a wall that will block the path of the windmill."

"Andes Mountains? Isn't that in South America?" Bian Ziyuan asked curiously.

Mei Ziqing shook her head, saying that she couldn't figure it out either.

A male guest who was sitting at the bar drinking alone suddenly answered: "Don't worry, Shenzhou has a barrier and the typhoon will not land."

Mei Ziqing asked curiously: "What is the barrier?"

"Boundary is a very mysterious space theory that can hide a place. It clearly exists, but you can't see it or touch it."

As the man spoke, his body moved over like a squirming maggot, moving to a very subtle distance that would not make the woman wary or disgusted.

Xiao Qi knew at a glance that he was an expert at picking up girls.

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