Dream Guide

Chapter 627 Two dragons come out of the East China Sea, and the Pingyang tiger mourns itself

"Do you know Kunlun?" The face of the man approaching was full of confidence, as if he was showing off the back garden of his villa.

"Are you talking about mountains or novels?" Mei Ziqing asked.

"It's neither a mountain nor a novel, but a barrier!" The man said, shaking his wine glass. "Kunlun is the largest barrier in the world! The current Kunlun Mountain is not the Kunlun of the past at all. The previous Kunlun was the birthplace of the Dragon Vein and the Queen Mother of the West. They live by the Yao Pond on the mountain, and two blue birds guard the palace there day and night. Mount Everest is not the highest mountain in the world. The real highest peak is Kunlun Ruins, which is 11,114 steps, 2 feet and 6 inches high. , that’s measured by the steps of a god. A step of a god is one foot, and one foot is three meters. How tall do you think it is?”

This man smelled of alcohol and had obviously drunk a lot. Bian Ziyuan gave him a disgusted look, blaming him for breaking the bar's rules. How could he possibly just strike up a conversation with a woman with a male companion?

But Mei Ziqing seemed to be very interested in the matter of the barrier, and asked, "But Shenzhou is obviously there! Everyone can see it, and it will be there in just a short ride on the high-speed rail!"

The man seemed to think he had an opportunity, so he got closer. When he saw Mei Ziqing drinking wine, he pretended to be surprised and said: "Sake bomb! Very few people drink sake here. Are you Japanese? Or do you stay in Japan?" Passed school?"

Mei Ziqing said: "You didn't drink it, how did you know it was sake?"

The man said: "I study wine as deeply as I study women. No matter what kind of wine I am, I can tell what it is mixed with at a glance."

"Boring!" Bian Ziyuan muttered. This guy had clearly seen the whole process of the bartender making drinks, so of course he knew what kind of drink it was. He felt that Mei Ziqing would not be fooled, and this trick could only deceive a little girl who was not familiar with the world.

But he seemed to have overestimated the emotional intelligence of the female scientist. Mei Ziqing actually followed the man's topic and continued: "Really? Can you tell at a glance?"

The man raised his eyebrows provocatively at Bian Ziyuan and said to Mei Ziqing: "That's still fake! I can not only read wine, but I can also read people and palmistry, especially a woman's hand. Just look at it and I will You can see her past and present lives.”

Bian Ziyuan glared at the man angrily, but it had no effect. He was obviously next to Mei Ziqing, but was ignored. He felt slighted and challenged, but the inherent reserve of intellectuals prevented him from losing his temper. In fact, he didn't know how to lose his temper.

Stand up and tell people this is my woman? He couldn't even say this to himself. Or just slap someone and tell him to get as far away as possible? That was what he wanted to do right now, but what consequences would it have? Can you really beat him in a fight? Even if he survives the beating, will he be detained if he attracts the police?

A series of questions recurred in Bian Ziyuan's mind. This brain, which can write the most difficult artificial intelligence programs in the world, cannot solve the small problems that a fool can solve in front of him.

There was a fire in his heart, but he had nowhere to vent it. He had no choice but to drink up the beer in his hand and slam the cup down on the bar.

Xiao Qi was used to this kind of thing, so he didn't say anything and silently filled Bian Ziyuan's wine glass.

Mei Ziqing did not let the man's plot to read her palm succeed. Instead, she pursued the question just now and asked: "Why is there a barrier in Shenzhou?"

The man ordered another glass of strong wine, took a sip, and said: "Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been only six or seven typhoons that have actually landed in Shenzhou, and they were all just Brother Feng. The last few powerful Brother Feng have been avoided. If you draw the paths of typhoons over the past few decades, you can see a dense network, but there is a big hole in the middle of this network. This hole is Shenzhou. As long as Shenzhou is fine, we in Wuzhong can't stand it either What a disaster."

"Is that because Shenzhou is located in a special dimension and geographical location? There is always a scientific explanation." Mei Ziqing said.

The man realized that the woman in front of him was not as easy to pull off as she looked, and his face turned red with a drunken glow, as if a hunter had encountered a rare prey. He carefully loaded the bullet into the gun and took out the housekeeper. Capability says:

"You are right, Shenzhou's geographical location is indeed very special. It is at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and to the south is the mouth of the Qiantang River. Do you know what this is called in Feng Shui? This is called Two Dragons Going to the Sea!

These two dragons are so awesome! One is the longest water dragon in China, and the other is the strongest water dragon. The two dragons swim over rivers and seas all day long, so in ancient times, there was a vast ocean here. In order to calm these two dragons, Guanyin Bodhisattva built his dojo on Mount Putuo. Avalokitesvara was originally located in the South China Sea, and Avalokitesvara in the South China Sea was moved to the East China Sea just for these two dragons.

After Guanyin came, the two dragons took away their natures and set up a boundary on the sea to protect the land and water. This is why the Yangtze River Delta became prosperous. Water is wealth! Where there is a lot of water, there is a lot of wealth, but when the water goes down, it all goes to the sea. You see, before the Pearl River Delta, the richest city was Hong Kong, and that was all money flowing out. Later, the country reclaimed the sea in Shenzhen to subdue the dragon, and the Pearl River Delta became rich.

After the Yangtze River Delta has two dragons guarding the border, not only does the wealth not flow out, but the dragons can also move the wealth ashore from the sea, so it has been the richest place in China since ancient times. This is all the result of Guanyin Bodhisattva! "

Mei Ziqing held the wine glass and smiled without saying a word.

The man added, "Don't believe me. My ability to read palms and tell fortunes was given to me by a master from Mount Putuo. When he taught me, he said, don't show it off in front of others easily. I saw that you have a watery face." , and I’m from Japan, and have some connection with those two dragons, so I’m telling you this.”

Bian Ziyuan couldn't bear it anymore and cursed: "Nonsense!"

The man was not angry at all. He really looked like a master who had nothing to do with the world. He sighed and said to himself: "The world laughs at me, slanders me, bullies me, and doesn't believe me. I can't bear it." Let him, let him, leave him alone, don't worry about him, this is what Bodhisattva taught me."

Then he said to Mei Ziqing, "In this worldly place, talking about Buddhism and Taoism is not disrespectful to Bodhisattvas. How about we find a quiet place and let me figure it out for you, so that this opportunity will not be wasted!"

Of course Bian Ziyuan knew where the quiet place he was talking about was. He stood up angrily, pushed the man away from Mei Ziqing, and said angrily: "Shut your stinky mouth and get out of here!"

At this time, he was so angry that he forgot that the most important thing to do when encountering this kind of thing was to drag Mei Ziqing away instead of fighting with a drunkard in the bar.

The man didn't know whether he was really drunk or fake. He was pushed by Bian Ziyuan and fell backward. His hand slid along the bar. Not only did he bump into the people behind him, but he also touched the wine on the bar and shattered it. One place.

Those who were touched or whose wine glasses were knocked over all made accusations, and drinkers who liked to watch the excitement gathered around. Just as Bian Ziyuan was about to leave, the man caught up with him and said very gentlemanly that it didn't matter if he pushed him, but he should compensate other drinkers for their drinks. The onlookers didn't know what was going on and thought Bian Ziyuan was the tyrannical and unreasonable person.

Bian Ziyuan felt very embarrassed being surrounded by the crowd, and people's eyes were piercing him like sharp knives. He was extremely bad at dealing with this kind of situation. He didn't know how to explain it. His face turned red and his body was shaking with anger. It looked more like he was drunk than the guy opposite.

Several aggressive people rushed out, grabbed Bian Ziyuan's collar, and pushed him down on the bar. These people are very strong and fierce in appearance, not like a kind person. Bian Ziyuan wanted to resist, but the programmer's frail body could not withstand the torture and could not exert any strength.

Xiao Qi had already expected what would happen. The man looked like he was a veteran in picking up girls, and those guys who seemed to be fighting against each other were his accomplices. Such old gangsters are common in bars. He walked out of the bar, put his arm around the drunk man's shoulders and said:

"Brother, it's almost done."

The man was stunned and glanced sideways. His original gentlemanly demeanor was gone, and he didn't seem so drunk anymore. He said with a fierce look: "Sell your wine and mind your own business!"

Xiao Qi suddenly straightened his face and said, "You're new here, do you know who is covering this place?"

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