Dream Guide

Announcement regarding the attack and the progress of the dimensional space project

During the two days I was on leave, the shield beast launched a new round of attacks on me, and its attack speed reached one chapter in two hours. Although I actively resisted, the opponent was too strong and attacked again, causing the renewal energy I had just accumulated to be exhausted again. The shell and internal components of the mecha were damaged to varying degrees, and I had to temporarily retreat to the stasis of time and space. district.

The Shield Beast is originally the messenger of the God of Light, maintaining the justice and peace of the dimensional world. However, this time for unknown reasons, it attacked indiscriminately on a large scale, causing countless regular dimensional projects to be destroyed, and even some veteran-level dimensional projects were turned into Got glutinous rice flour.

God-level dimensional space engineers are usually protected by Zhao Gongming, either using cornucopias to protect their bodies, or using golden cicadas to escape from their shells. Even if they are attacked, they can quickly resume the project. However, the vast majority of ordinary dimensional space engineers, especially those who work hard and never take any shortcuts, are full of passion, integrity, and focus on the dimensional space they create. However, they are not favored by Zhao Gongming, and they are constantly attacked by shield beasts. , seeing that my work has become riddled with holes, I feel nothing but despair! .

In the following days, I will need more time and energy to stay at the Time and Space Repair Center to repair the wounds bitten by the shielding beast and further upgrade the armor.

Since the threat of evil beasts is always there, the final drawings of this project may be simplified and the construction period may be delayed. We apologize for your understanding. But as a dignified dimensional space engineer, I solemnly declare that the project will be completed.

I posted a single chapter and more than half of it was swallowed. I was drunk too. Why didn’t you eat me?

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