Dream Guide

Chapter 638: The sun covers the sky with stars, and a person falls into a deep well

Ronald Cohen mentioned in his last words that the reason they fell into the "deep well" was that there was only half a Fire Soul, and now when the Uracan Altar is activated, Duva has a whole Wind Soul in his hand, but the time and space still line remains. Moved from the horizon.

Although Situ reminded everyone to escape, everyone could see that with the speed of the black line, no one except the coal boss could escape.

Aoki told the coal boss to run, but the crow grabbed his hair tightly with its claws.

"I don't want to fly outside and turn around to see you turned into a mummy," it said.

Aoki knew it would not change its mind, so he said nothing more. He began to think about the relationship between the still zone of time and space and the altar. Judging from the current situation, the sudden appearance of static space and time is probably not accidental, but must be inevitably related to the activation of the altar. This is likely to be a protection mechanism set up by the Itesan people, that is, in case they cannot prevent the activation of the altar. , will inevitably be swallowed by the deep well of time and space, so the invader can only leave his last words like Ronald Cohen, hoping that someone will see the last words thousands of years later and activate other altars.

But this hope is very slim. First of all, you have to escape from the static zone of time and space by some chance, just like drifting in the deep sea of ​​death, all the way to the edge of the dead sea, but the problem is that you are already dead, and even if you reach the edge, you don’t know , there is a high probability that you will pass it by; secondly, someone must see your last words, and they must believe your last words, and be willing to take risks in order to welcome Gaia's will. Not only that, they must also have Strong mental power, otherwise it would be impossible to use the Holy Rod; finally, even if this hope comes true, such as Ronald Cohen, it will take four reincarnations to activate all five altars, which undoubtedly makes the probability It became so small that it almost didn’t exist.

In this way, Ronald Cohen's behavior is also illogical. If he had known about the Deep Well of Time and Space for a long time, then he should have made better preparations, such as preparing more than five teams to alternately complete this mission; if he didn't know it at the beginning, then how could he judge himself? fate and wrote such clear and coherent last words? In other words, if he didn't know the problem at first but later understood the problem, then he should at least give a hint in his last words to prevent others from making the same mistake.

Aoki felt that there must be some issue that had been overlooked.

After thinking about it, I still have to run. They had already rushed out of the altar and were running in the valley at top speed. But Mrs. Larry and Alice slowed their running, and the black line of time drew closer and closer to them, like the shadow of death.

Of course, even without their drag, they wouldn't be able to escape. Logically speaking, static space itself does not move much in the universe, so the planet they are on should be crashing into static space at a certain speed. If this is the case, even the crow cannot escape because it cannot fly away from the planet. .

There is probably a space passage in Ramla that passes through the static zone of time and space. Perhaps the designer of this ant nest did not know the existence of the deep well at the beginning. Perhaps this passage was specially designed by the Itesan people. Whenever the altar is activated, , the space where the altar is located will enter this passage, and the speed of the passage will not change, just like a train passing through a tunnel, but people passing through the tunnel will spend their lives in the slow flow of time. When the train passed through the tunnel and sunlight shone through the windows again, the passengers on the train had been dead for thousands of years.

Seeing that they could not outrun the god of death, they simply stopped.

At this time, the sky and the earth were divided into two halves: light and dark. The bright half contained four suns, and the dark half contained the starry sky. There is an obvious boundary line between light and darkness. The line seems slow, but in fact it is moving extremely fast. Darkness is constantly devouring light.

At this time, no one cared about why the three suns in the sky turned into four at this moment. Everyone watched the black line move past the body, and even forgot to breathe. For a moment, they felt like they had entered a mirror. Inside the mirror was a gelatinous space. The air became thicker and the movements became slower. When they look back, they can still see the bright world outside the mirror. However, after the light in the bright world entered this shadow, it actually became slower.

But soon everything returned to normal, as if it was just a matter of transitioning from day to night. They can no longer see the moving black line, and the entire world has completely fallen into the well of time and space. But the strange thing is that the eyes can still see clearly, which is different from the usual dark night.

When Aoki looked up, he found that behind the bright stars, he could vaguely see the blurry shadows of four suns, as if the original sky was covered with a dark film studded with stars. This shows that they are still in the original universe, but have entered a space similar to a glass house. They can see outside, but I don't know how big this glass house is, and why is the sun above the starry sky.

Except for the strange scene covering the starry sky under the sun, which made people feel a little hairy, everything returned to its original appearance. This eliminated everyone's fear of the static zone of time and space to a certain extent. Only Situ's face became more and more solemn.

They walked back to the altar. The altar was still the same as before, as if no one had ever been there. They left the altar again, and the square was filled with Itsa corpses. At this time, it looked even more shocking. Only then did people realize that a massacre had just occurred here. The tribe that had guarded the altar for countless generations died amid the roar of machine guns. They may not know why they want to protect this place and why they died. In their eyes, these outsiders are messengers of the devil, and they have been abandoned by the gods.

Such wars may happen all the time in the universe, and there is no distinction between good and evil.

The stars in the sky kept changing, as if they were traveling in a spaceship through endless darkness. Only the sun behind the four furry sunglasses above the sky was always there.

They walked around the surrounding mountains, trying to find clues to leave here, and finally returned to the boat in the lake.

"Are we really going to die of old age here?" Alice recovered from the grief of Anderson's death, and felt very depressed when she thought that in a thousand years they would all become mummies like the soldiers on the ship.

"It's just that the sky has become darker. We can't confirm whether this is a deep well of time and space. Maybe there is no static time and space at all." Su Huilan said.

Situ had been silent until then and said, "This is indeed a static zone of time and space."

"How can you see it?" Although everyone knew that this possibility was very high and Situ would not lie, they still didn't want to believe it in their hearts.

Situ asked: "How long does it seem to you that it has been since the altar was activated?"

"About ten to twelve hours." Mrs. Larry has a good sense of time. She often knows how long she has been working at the archaeological site without a watch.

Others agreed with Madame's sentiments.

Situ looked up at the sky, silent, as if waiting for a certain moment. After a while, as if the moment had arrived, he said:

"The atomic clock of my consciousness has only ticked one second since we were covered by the shadow."

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