Dream Guide

Chapter 649 The Garden is Full of New Green

You can eat soy pork elbows when you go home, so it is right to go home, so it is right to start the altar.

This is the coal boss's logic, simple and direct.

It doesn't matter whether the consciousness of Gaia comes after activating the altar, giving everyone on the earth spiritual power, or whether there is some unpredictable disaster, at least compared to the sauce, it doesn't matter.

Sometimes, simple logic is the right logic.

Aoki was originally a lazy person, and the logic of lazy people is also simple. But his mind was very complicated at the moment, thinking of many, many things, and he had more dead brain cells than in the past few years combined.

Memories of that garden flashed before his eyes. In addition to the two trees, one mulberry and one willow, the most important thing is the lake in the garden and the layout of the entire garden.

He left the altar and climbed the highest mountain nearby. I found a place with a wide view, and looking around, I could see the silvery lake in the distance.

He looked around and determined that the terrain here was almost exactly the same as the layout of the garden in his memory. The garden was built according to the pattern here. The position of the lake corresponds to the lake in the garden, and the position of the altar corresponds to the location of the giant mulberry tree.

He returned to the altar again, standing on the edge of the altar and looking down at the interior. Those seemingly random stones finally found order in their eyes. This was a miniature landscape, with each stone corresponding to a mountain. Of course, this is not a sandbox and will not replicate the overall terrain, otherwise you would have seen it already. These stones should correspond to key points, just like those tarabs in the South Pacific.

When the Altar of Wind was activated, a mirror image of the entire South Pacific appeared in the altar, and it was likely that the two places were synchronized. We also saw Petru's boat at that time, which shows that there is a corresponding channel between the altar and the earth after it is activated, which not only connects the spirit, but is also probably connected by a wormhole.

This is in line with the characteristic of Ramla extending in all directions. The so-called seal of the altar probably seals that passage. But if that's the case, why did there be fog in the South Pacific in the first place? And the first stop they entered Ramla was not the corresponding Ulakan tribe, but the location of the Sanchi tribe?

Is it because the Holy Land of Wind is located in the Pacific Ocean and is unstable due to currents and submarine volcanic movements? This is possible. Other holy places are either on land or on glaciers, which are relatively more stable.

However, in the memory scenes that just flashed, in addition to the mulberry garden and later Liuying Lane, there were also some scenes that could not be identified, including the ocean and islands. He vaguely felt that he had been to the South Pacific and even to Ramla.

If a passage is established, you should have to wait for fog to come back before you can go back, right?

But Ramla is an ant nest. Through the thick fog, you may enter any unsealed passage, and you need spiritual guidance to find the corresponding place.

He glanced at the Wood Soul in his hand. This thing can sense the corresponding spiritual force field and accurately find the passage in the fog. I believe that Situ and Petru have already returned to the Stone Altar and the Fire Altar at this moment.

So what can guide him to find the earth and the mulberry garden in Wuzhong?

He unconsciously took out the wicker and felt the warm green flowing on it.

Aoki took a long breath and smiled: "It's up to you!"

Crow kept silent and observed him. Looking at his appearance at this moment, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Hey, hey, what did you say? Who did you rely on? What on earth did you think of?"

Aoki said: "Let's activate the altar now, and then when it gets foggy here, we can go home."

The crow jumped excitedly above his head: "Oh, you can go home, you can eat the sauced elbow!"

Aoki did not rush to insert the wood soul into the connection point of the two triangles, but walked to the side of the altar first. There was an open space there that was not piled with stones.

"This corresponds to the location of the lake."

He muttered to himself, walked around the dry "lake", confirmed the location, lay down and searched carefully on the ground, and sure enough he found an inconspicuous small pit there.

He carefully inserted the willow branch in his hand. The buds on the willow branches look greener.

Bishenghua squatted down and looked at the willow seedlings carefully.

It is very short, but not weak at all. It does not look like it was born from the soil, but more like someone cut it.

But this garden was newly built, and because she rejected the previous greening plan, there were no workers these days. Who will cut a willow stick here? And it happens to be in this location!

She gently stirred the soil to confirm that the willow seedlings had taken root in the soil, and then slowly stood up, with a smile on her lips.

From then on, Bishenghua came here every day to see if the willow seedlings had grown up.

However, now there is a bigger problem - it is obviously a mulberry garden, but there are already two willow trees.

After thinking about it for a few days, she decided to leave the two willow trees alone and plant all the other places where trees needed to be planted with mulberry trees to match the name of the mulberry garden.

However, before she could implement this idea, God helped her realize it.

That day, she had just finished looking at the willow seedlings and watered it. She was delighted to find that it seemed to have grown taller, and the buds that had originally been in bud also bloomed with green leaves.

As soon as she stood up, her eyes were in a trance, and she suddenly found that the garden was full of green, and tender seedlings sprouted up one after another on the ground, connecting into a patch, covering the entire mulberry garden.

Aoki walked back to the center of the altar, squatted down, and touched the stone lines on the ground again. When he focused his mental energy on it, the symbol glowed with green light, as if something was flowing inside.

He inserted the Wood Soul into the connecting vertices of the two triangles. There was a hole there just enough for the Wood Soul to stand.

There was silence between heaven and earth. Both Aoki and Crow felt their thoughts freeze for a moment, as if time had stopped.

Immediately afterwards, all the stones on the ground floated, forming special shapes in the air. Sunlight filtered through their gaps and illuminated countless light spots on the ground.

Aoki had already seen these three-dimensional characters, so he was not surprised.

His attention was entirely on the Wood Soul. He felt that it was alive, like a tree, growing.

The tree is getting taller and taller, with branches stretching out from it, and green leaves blooming. Its crown fills the sky, dotted with plump fruits like stars in the sky.

As the main trunk grows, its roots are also going deeper, deeper, and deeper...

Then, Aoki saw those tree roots taking root into a land that was both familiar and unfamiliar. There are scattered pavilions and winding corridors; there is also a green lake with clear water; there is new soil there, but there are only some weeds and no trees.

Countless roots took root from the void and sprouted from the new soil, and pieces of tender green leaves bloomed from the thin buds.

The life-long flower stared blankly at the fresh greenery in the garden.

The wind blew over and wrinkled a lake of spring water.

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