Dream Guide

Chapter 654 Memory Fragments

The snow stopped at midnight on New Year's Eve, and the mulberry garden on New Year's Day was covered in snow. A few sparrows flew down on the snow, put their heads into the snow to look for food, then retracted their necks as if they were afraid of the cold, shook the snow particles on their heads, and started chirping.

Aoki and Lifespan took a walk in the garden side by side. The sunshine and sunshine shine warmly on people.

Standing on the Jiuqu Bridge in the center of the lake, Bishenghua pointed to the willow tree not far away and said, "This tree has only grown in less than a year. Generally, willows that take three to five years will not grow this big."

Aoki walked over and came to the foot of the tree. He reached out and gently touched the hanging willow branches, and the snow hanging on them fell down. He casually broke off a piece and dusted away the remaining snow particles, and found that there were still green leaf buds, which were very similar to the one he took to Ramla.

"It has actually been growing for five years." Aoki gently pinned the wicker in his hand to the pocket of Bishenghua's down jacket. "It has been growing in my arms and has never withered."

Although Bi Shenghua didn't quite understand, she didn't ask any more questions. What she understood as "in her arms" was "in her heart", and that was enough.

"Did you go somewhere far away?"

"Yes, very far."

Aoki looked up at the sky. The sky was blue, clear, deep and far away. It was hard to imagine that there was a magical space called Ramla in a distant place, which was inextricably linked to the earth.

Leaving Liuxia and returning to the Jiuqu Bridge, Bishenghua hesitated for a long time and asked: "Su...has Professor Su come back too?"

Aoki's body shook slightly, and he shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Everything that happened in Ramla reappeared in his mind. I don’t know if Situ activated the Stone Altar. I don’t know if anyone else has found the Ice Altar, or found the way home...

He knew he had a mission on his shoulders that was not yet complete. Those who are as confused as him are still worrying about the fate of mankind in the distant outer space.

"Then... do you still want to go?" Bishenghua asked seemingly casually.

Aoki remained silent and did not make a sound.

Bishenghua felt the subtle changes in his body and inner struggle, and said: "You don't have to think about me... Anyway, I will always be here. If you want to go, just go, business is more important."

Aoki thought for a while and said: "I probably have to go there again, but before I go, I need to figure out some things before I can decide what to do when I get there. Fortunately, the time on both sides is different, so I can always make it in time... "He thought of the different experiences he had with Lifespan again, and was filled with emotion.

Lifespan didn't understand what time difference meant, so she just said, "Then you have to be careful. I'll prepare whatever you need."

"I'll just go to a few places to take a look." Qingmu thought of the five holy places that Situ had analyzed, and then knocked on his head and said, "My memory seems to have recovered a little, and there are many scenes from the past flashing back and forth. But it’s very messy. I want to go to those places and maybe I can connect my past together.”

Bi Shenghua said: "This is a good thing. When will we leave?"

Aoki smiled and said: "Don't worry, I told you that I will stay with you these few days, and I won't care if the sky falls. You don't need to prepare anything, just stay with me and take care of the coal boss's mouth." "

Speaking of the crow, the two suddenly started laughing together. The bird ate most of the pork elbow last night, and its belly was as round as a ball. It said it was trying to make up for the hard work and poverty during this period of time. I drank too much, talked a lot of nonsense, and am still fast asleep on the sofa.

They smiled and crossed the curved bridge to the front garden of Mulberry Garden. The branches of the big mulberry tree were piled with snow, and there was a straw mat wrapped around the waist, which they tied up together yesterday.

Qingmu stood under the mulberry tree, thinking of Liuying Lane in the past. Although Bishenghua had told him last night what had happened over the years and the changes in Liuying Alley, he still had difficulty connecting what he saw in front of him with Liuying Alley in the past.

"Is this really the old willow tree from the past?" he asked.

Bishenghua said: "Yes, it was fine last year. This year after the new willow tree grew by the lake, it seemed to have suddenly grown old and began to crack and peel off branches. Later it turned into a mulberry tree. It was probably the original mulberry tree. The root is not dead, it has been living in the core of the willow tree since it was grafted.”

Then he pointed to a straight road in the mulberry forest in front and said, "This is the original old street."

The original street appearance appeared before Aoki's eyes. There were large and small shops on both sides, and there were many open-air food stalls facing the street. It was particularly lively at dusk.

He took out cigarettes from his pocket, put one in his mouth, took out a match, and struck it skillfully. The flame stopped in front of the cigarette, almost burning, but he didn't move.

He remembered that if measured in terms of Earth days, he had not smoked for five years. Even if calculated in terms of his actual time in Ramla, the desperate time in the static zone of time and space had already worn away his addiction to smoking.

Lighting a cigarette is a subconscious action, but I don't really want to smoke. Only then did he realize that he used to smoke a lot just to light a fire, as if the flame was very close to him.

The dancing light of the match made him feel a little dazed.

He saw that the mulberry tree in front of him suddenly became lush and strong, and its thick branches and leaves completely blocked the sky. The branches are covered with plump green, red and purple mulberry fruits, and some red wild mulberry silkworms are vaguely visible lying on the mulberry leaves.

He saw himself wearing old-fashioned youth clothes and a long scarf, standing high-spirited. Next to him, the lifelong flower put on a cheongsam, a shawl, and a colorful scarf, looking like a tender girl. Only her short hair still showed some energy.

He saw the photographer hiding in the thick blackout cloth, there was a bang, smoke billowed from the top of the camera, and the flash flashed with dazzling light.

Then the flame of the match became more intense, and a blazing flame surrounded him. He saw the flames of war flying ahead, with artillery shells and bullets whizzing past the Huangpu River. Behind him was a manor that was on fire, with houses and trees burning in the fire.

Many figures flashed in the flames, kind elders, ignorant children, bloody men, crying women, soldiers with broken legs, arrogant enemies...

The match burned all the way to his fingers. When he shook his hand, the match fell to the ground, went out with a bang, and melted into a small crater in the snow. A cloud of green smoke rose up and quickly dissipated in the cold air.

After the fire was extinguished, only a willow tree appeared in the ruins of the old garden, highlighting the former scenery of this place.

The fragments of memory were interrupted here and turned into countless fragments.

Aoki put away the cigarette, put it back in his pocket, and walked along the old street of Liuying Lane pointed by Bishenghua. Lifeshenghua stayed by her side quietly, only when Qingmu stopped by occasionally, she talked about the past scene here. This was Lao Li’s supermarket, this was Boss Wu’s noodle shop, this was Uncle Qian’s home who raised Bago...

Aoki suddenly stood still, pointed to the empty space in front of him and said, "Is this the old supply and marketing cooperative?"

Bishenghua said: "Yes, there is the old market below and the Internet cafe opposite. Crazy Liu jumped from the upstairs of the old supply and marketing cooperative."

Aoki seemed to see madman Liu Huaian standing on the roof spreading leaflets. Amidst the papers flying in the sky, he jumped hard and fell to the ground with a thud. He landed at his feet. Suddenly he grabbed his ankle and lifted him. He started and said with a bloody mouth:

"The children...are all right..."

Aoki nodded and said: "The money has been sent out, everyone has their own fate, so you can go in peace."

Liu Huaian let go of his hand, turned the back of his palm, and said with a grin: "I recognize you...you are from over there..."

Aoki was suddenly startled, and saw a mysterious and heavily guarded metal door in a trance. There was a sign at the door that read:


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