Dream Guide

Chapter 655 Fire

LBNL, Aoki remembered, was the abbreviation of "Lawrence Berkeley National Experiment Center", and 19 should refer to the laboratory number.

LBNL is one of the most outstanding laboratories in the world. It is affiliated to the U.S. Department of Energy. It has won numerous Nobel Prizes and has more than 70 academicians. It has provided experimental support for the development of the first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb.

It has 18 laboratories and research centers covering multiple disciplines such as high-energy physics, earth science, environmental science, computer science, energy science, and materials science.

In addition, there is the most mysterious Lawrence Laboratory 19.

Aoki walked to the door.

The guard outside the door did not stop Huo from asking, but stood at attention and saluted, obviously knowing him. He put his palm on the instrument at the door and put his eyes close to the iris detection port. After a while, a beeping sound showed that it had passed.

He pushed open the door and walked expertly through the maze-like underground, passing through many heavy doors, and finally came to a brightly lit room.

He saw a person lying on the experimental table, and many dexterous robotic arms were sewing up the wound on the back of the person's neck.

A man wearing sterile work clothes and a mask, with only two deep eyes exposed, came over and reported to him:

"This is the fifty-fifth experiment..."

The memory is interrupted again.

Aoki was sure this was not an illusion. Laboratory 19 must have some relationship with him. But what kind of relationship would it be?

"I know you, you're from over there."

Qingmu recalled the words Liu Huaian blurted out when he first met him. Now it seems that it may not be as simple as the crazy words of a madman.

He found that he couldn't think of anything more, so he kicked forward on the snow again.

Bishenghua knew that he was looking for traces of memory, so she talked about the past casually along the way:

"The prices at the old farmer's market are fair. Not only people in Liuying Lane know that, but many people from Wuzhong come here early in the morning to buy vegetables by bus. I buy the elbow meat from the pork seller Lao Zhangtou, and his pigs are The meat of free-range domestic pigs in rural areas is more tender and more refined than the meat from farms. They eat water amaranth mixed with rice bran, and they don’t have the fishy smell like pigs fed swill.”

"A lot of effort was put into demolishing this market. Everyone said they wanted to keep it, but there is no such place nearby. Nowadays, farmers' markets are made like supermarkets. They are clean, but the cost It was too high to accommodate so many vegetable farmers. Later, it was Huang Ziqiang’s idea to convert a parking lot on Fuyi Road into underground and above-ground three-dimensional garages. The freed land was used to build a farmer’s market. The layout was similar to the original old vegetable market. Most of the vegetable farmers are still there, the management is stricter than before, and the prices are a bit more expensive than before, but not much, and still much cheaper than other places."

"This is where the Internet cafe used to be. The Internet cafe is completely gone. Now the Internet cafe business is hard to do, and you can't find such a cheap shop. The boss took the compensation and changed his profession. I heard that he opened one on Dongjie. I haven’t had time to look at the pet shop, so I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

Qingmu suddenly felt something and pointed to the front and said: "Behind the Internet cafe is the old Liu family's woolen factory, right?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't born when the woolen mill was prosperous." Bi Shenghua said, "I heard that the business in the factory was very good at that time, and many workers from other places were hired. Later, the woolen mill was burned down. There is nothing left in the fire!

I was born on the day of the fire. Because my mother had a difficult delivery, my grandfather went to the hospital, otherwise my grandfather would have died in there. Because of this, my grandfather loved me very much and said that I saved his life. "

"Why is your grandpa at the woolen mill?" Aoki asked curiously.

"My grandfather didn't care about anything, he only cared about trees. There were willow trees all around Liuying Lane, but a mulberry tree grew out of nowhere in the yard of the woolen mill. My grandfather said that the soul of the mulberry tree had revived, so he went to the factory to find one. Watch the warehouse work and take care of the mulberry trees.

Later, the mulberry tree grew bigger and bigger. The old Liu family thought it was in the way and wanted to cut down the tree. My grandfather tried to stop it. They cut down the tree while my grandfather was going to the hospital that day, but it caught fire that night. "

Bishenghua said with emotion when talking about these things, "My grandfather often said later that the old Liu family should not have cut down the trees. They just cut down the trees and that's why they suffered this disaster."

Aoki felt a little sad when he heard this. For some reason, the woolen mill appeared in his mind.

Surrounded by a wall as high as one person, the top of the wall was covered with broken glass to prevent thieves, and there were two large iron doors with a large wolf dog tied inside. There are rows of simple factory buildings in the yard, with warehouses and employee dormitories connected together. The entrance to the warehouse and the corners of the courtyard walls are filled with messy debris. A cut-off mulberry tree root protrudes from the soil, as if extending from the ground. The severed arm appeared, showing its horrific wounds to heaven.

Then he saw the fire.

The fire started in the backyard facing the street and quickly spread into the yard. The cotton yarn waste and semi-finished fabrics piled everywhere caught fire as soon as they were touched by sparks, and the fire suddenly became irreversible.

In a daze, he saw himself in a simple dormitory, lying on a simple steel wire bed, staring blankly at the 25-watt incandescent light bulb hanging from the ceiling. A burning smell rushed into his nose, and he heard someone crying, and then flames came in along the window.

He jumped up from the bed, grabbed his old windbreaker and put it on. He didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he climbed up the pull-up board beside the bed and rushed towards the door.

When the door opened, flames and black smoke came out. He squinted his eyes, held his breath and rushed out, the pull board making a clicking sound.

After just a few steps, he tripped over something and Kutong fell to the ground. He turned around and saw that it was the mulberry tree root that was half exposed on the ground. Under the heat of the flames, juice oozed out from the fracture, like pus flowing out of a worsening wound.

Then the fire caught on him, filling his lungs with smoke.

Before his consciousness dissipated, he saw a new sprout sprouting from the mulberry root that was burned beyond recognition.

The leaf buds glowed with an eerie green color in the firelight.

Then, the flames engulfed everything, and several crows were heard in the sky.

Like a broken mirror, the world in the mirror disappears, leaving only a vast white sky and earth.

A crow flew out of the broken mirror and landed on Aoki's head, croaking and complaining:

"You came out early in the morning to see the snow scenery, and you didn't even call me... Hey, people always hold hands when walking, why are you two so far apart, practicing passing the ball? Come on, come closer... Oops, Ruhua...you are being coquettish...pretend to throw someone...gua...what are you going to do...guagua...I am helping you gua...Ru-Hua-..."

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