Dream Guide

Chapter 657 Reunion

The original ancestor of modern domestic cats was most likely the African wild cat, also known as the desert cat. They were domesticated into domestic cats about 10,000 years ago and have become the most intelligent species that can naturally coexist with humans.

However, it cannot be said that cats have been completely domesticated successfully. Unlike other pets, they are not completely dependent on their owners for survival. In other words, in their eyes, humans are not their owners, but just another creature that coexists harmoniously with them. Just like a plover and a crocodile, if the plover climbs into the crocodile's mouth, the crocodile will not hurt it, but the plover will not recognize the crocodile as its father.

The Egyptians were the first to worship cats as gods. In ancient Egyptian temples, you can see many murals of Egyptian cats. As early as the Second Dynasty of ancient Egypt, the war goddess Bastet that people worshiped was a "cat god" with a cat head and human body, and was regarded as the patron saint of the pharaoh.

"But that's a white cat. Egypt doesn't seem to produce white cats."

As she spoke, Yao Jingjing turned on her phone and found pictures of Egyptian cats online. Sure enough, all Egyptian cats had black spots on their bodies and looked like leopards.

Aoki said: "The color of the Egyptian cat's fur is on the tip of the fur, and the inside is white, just like a layer of ink dyed on the white fur. If you shave off a layer of it with a razor, you will see a pure white cat. cat."

The crow heard the white cat, put down its elbow, flew over to join in the fun, knocked on Aoki's head and said: "You know again?"

But it soon became sad, lowered its head and muttered, "Oh, I don't know what happened to Xingran..."

Then he scratched Aoki's hair vigorously with his claws, "We should go and get Hengran back!"

Aoki said: "Aren't you afraid of running out of pork elbow?"

Crow was stunned: "Well, I'm very conflicted now..."

Qingmu smiled and ignored it, but said to Yao Jingjing: "Do you know the Sphinx?"

"of course I know."

"Lions are cats. There is no clear record that the Sphinx must be a lion or a cat. Of course, the cat god worshiped in ancient Egypt to protect the Pharaoh may also be a lion. There are white lions in Africa, pure white Lions, they are not albinos, but a rare species, and the origin of this population is still unclear.”

Crow was shocked and said: "You said Ruxue might be a lion?"

Aoki said: "Isn't the lion bad?"

"That size..." Crow shook his head, "No, no, no, no! Guagua..."

No matter what happened, as long as the coal boss got involved, it would become funny and make Yao Jingjing laugh. He laughed and said: "That Ramesses said that he came to see the cat in the Holy Land, but he did not mention the lion in the Holy Land, so you don't have to worry. Ruxue is probably still a cat. Even if the soul of a lion was once a cat, it has already become a cat." .”

The crow felt relieved and patted its chest with its wings, "Crow was scared to death!"

Speaking of Ramses, Yao Jingjing asked Aoki: "Where are you going to find him? Do you need me to do anything?"

Aoki said: "Ramses is the guardian of the Holy Land of Giza. He will not leave Cairo for too long. I will go to Cairo to find him. Before that, I have a few more things to do."

Yao Jingjing said: "How about we go to the front station first? I have met him before. Maybe it will be easier to find him."

Qingmu thought for a moment and said, "But since you left, I'm a little worried about the situation in Wuzhong."

Yao Jingjing said: "Wuzhong has been very peaceful in the past few years. We are all paying attention to Professor Mei and the Xia family. There is no sign of parasitic consciousness."

"It's just because it's too calm that it's abnormal!" Aoki said, "Let me make a decision after I go see Professor Mei."

Yao Jingjing disagreed, and said with a smile: "Are you worried about Sister Hua?"

Just at this time, Lifespan Flower came back. After hearing her words, she said loudly: "What should I worry about? Just go ahead and do whatever you have to do. The earth will not stop spinning without anyone."

Yao Jingjing held back her laughter, turned away and whispered to the crow, "Stubborn mouth!"

The crow croaked: "Stubborn mouth! Stubborn mouth!"

Bishenghua didn't hear Yao Jingjing's words, but she heard the crow's loud voice and stared at her eyes: "What did you say?"

The crow hurriedly jumped to a high place. Seeing that Lifespan Flower was not really angry, it shook its head and chanted a poem:

"I haven't seen you for a day, and I miss you like crazy; I haven't seen you for a thousand days, and I miss you every night. I see you outside the sky, and there are five girls; I keep an empty house, and I mean two monks..."

Lifespan Flower was furious, and she put her hands on her hips and cursed: "If you're a dead crow, come down!"

The crow raised its neck and said boldly: "A man is like a big crow. If you can't say it, you won't come down!"

Onions, garlic, radishes, taro, and cabbage flew out together, with a trail like a cannonball, chasing the crows flapping their wings in panic, and flew all over the house with clatter...

When it was time to eat, Shi Dazhuang and Hu Xing also came, taking Xia Tian and Meimei with them.

Hu Xing's eyes were red when she came in. When she saw Qingmu, she burst into tears and was speechless. It took a long time before she called "Master", which made Qingmu and Shi Dazhuang a little embarrassed.

Shi Dazhuang patted Aoki's shoulder hard and called "brother", and the two gentlemen hugged each other. All their emotions were expressed in the strength of their arms.

Hu Xing was not happy anymore and said to Shi Dazhuang: "Hey, what are you doing? Holding my master and calling me brother, what do you mean?!"

Everyone became happy.

Shi Dazhuang let go of his hand, laughed, glared, and said to Hu Xing like the leader scolded the police officers: "Your master and I have been on the battlefield together, of course we are brothers! Let's call each other our own."

Hu Xing pouted and muttered: "Hey! Go back and deal with you!"

The crow exclaimed excitedly: "Quah, it looks like someone is going to sleep on the floor at night!"

Then he quietly said to Hu Xing, "Hey, your man used to be a scout, and the floor can be used as a sofa. You have to let him kneel on the keyboard or sleep on the stairs! Don't let him enter the room... um... if you are yourself I can't help it, I saw Ruhua just bought carrots, would you like to lend you two?"

Xia Tian has grown into a young man, and he follows Hu Xing to call Aoki "Master". Meimei is only ten years old and has completely inherited the excellent genes of her parents. If you look closely at her eyebrows, you can see a bit of Xia Xiaoxiao and Situ.

She was not in a hurry to be intimate with Aoki. She called "godfather" and went to the kitchen to help Bishenghua serve the dishes. It wasn't until the adults had finished talking that she took a chance and sat next to Aoki and asked quietly:

"Godfather, have you seen my father?"

Aoki saw in Xia Chujue a maturity that was inconsistent with his age. It’s no wonder that a child has been away from her parents since she was five years old, living in a place that is completely unfamiliar to her, and has made many secrets with her father that only exist in dreams. Even for adults, this is not surprising. Not an easy task.

He used his spirit to comfort her, and when he entered her dream, he saw a vast ocean and a beautiful island. The moonlight there is like water, and the mountains are covered with purple flowers.

There is a small wooden house standing on the beach. The wooden house has no door.

Meimei stood barefoot on the beach, with her back to the moonlight.

Qingmu felt the strong mental power supporting this dream, and found that Xia Chujue's mental power had grown faster than he imagined. Only then did he realize that the wooden house that Situ left to her was not just a thought, but a space connected to the void. spiritual source.

There is probably a dream corridor leading to the Holy Land.

Qingmu knew that Situ had left a large amount of wealth to his daughter, but it was all external possessions. It was impossible for a person like Situ not to leave some means of survival for his daughter. The greatest wealth was probably still in this dream, in that house. In the cabin.

He suddenly remembered that there were so many doubts about Ramla's activation of the Altar of God. How could someone as smart as Situ not be suspicious? To restart the Holy Land and gain Gaia's spiritual power, does he have another purpose?

However, Qingmu didn't want to pry into the secret Situ left for his daughter, so he didn't use his mental energy to explore the inside of the wooden house. He looked at Mei Mei's eagerly looking forward face and smiled:

"Your dad was a great man and we fought together."

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