Dream Guide

Chapter 658 Professor Mei, Professor Mei and Mr. Sang

Compared with five years ago, Mei Yiqiu was much older, the wrinkles on his face had deepened, and the hand holding the pipe was trembling slightly. Only the white hair was still stubbornly fluffy, radiating the rays of wisdom.

"So you went to the M42 Nebula. This is a great thing!" The professor took out a box of cigarettes from the drawer and threw it to Aoki, while he took his pipe and started smoking.

Aoki waved his hand and said, "Quit."

"Cough cough cough..." The professor suddenly coughed violently several times, and then looked at Aoki with wide eyes, as if he was even more shocked than hearing the story of the Itesan people, "Quit?!... Uh... Why?" Did it?"

Aoki smiled and said: "It seems Ramla doesn't grow tobacco, and there are no women rolling cigarettes on their thighs."

Mei Yiqiu laughed loudly and said: "I don't smoke cigars! I still like my pipe...cough cough..." He took two hard puffs and coughed again, "...cough cough...cough cough cough cough... …”

Mei Ziqing walked in when she heard the coughing, and scolded with concern: "Professor, I told you to smoke less, but you just didn't listen!"

She pressed a few times on the touch screen on the wall, changed the air circulation system in the room, increased the oxygen supply, and the air in the room suddenly became fresher.

She went to the cabinet to get another box of medicine, but she heard Mei Yiqiu suddenly scream: "No! I don't want to take the medicine! Take the medicine away!... Cough cough cough..."

Mei Ziqing spread her hands helplessly towards Aoki.

Aoki had already seen Mei Ziqing in the corridor before coming to Mei Ziqiu's office. After Aoki came back, everyone he saw had changed. Only this woman was exactly the same as she was five years ago. She was still so gentle and beautiful, as if she would never age. The corner of her mouth always maintains a standard Japanese smile, which sometimes makes people wonder if she is a robot.

"The professor is getting more and more stubborn!" Mei Ziqing whispered to Qingmu, "His lungs are not in good condition and he refuses to take medicine. His addiction to cigarettes is getting bigger and bigger..."

"I can't die!" Mei Yiqiu's hearing was still so good. He shouted angrily and banged his pipe on the table, "I can't die! Ahem...are you cursing me to death? Ahem Cough…cough…I don’t want to take…cough cough…take medicine!”

"Professor, I didn't mean that!" Mei Ziqing said a little aggrievedly.

Only then did Qingmu feel that Mei Yiqiu was really old. Just now, he thought that the professor was not surprised by his story in Ramla because he was calm, but now he realized that it was probably just that people don't care so much as they get older.

"Professor, if you are not in good health, you still need to take medicine." Qingmu said to Mei Ziqing.

Mei Yiqiu calmed down a little, but his chest was still heaving, "Okay, okay, you all think I'm old, even you think so! Well... even you think so too!"

He put the pill into his mouth angrily, probably choked on it while drinking water, and coughed again.

Cough cough...cough cough cough cough...

He kept coughing, his body was a little cramped, his back was arched, his head was buried under the table, he coughed and vomited into the trash can, and he didn't know if he vomited out the medicine he had taken.

Even so, he did not let go of the pipe in his hand. As soon as he stopped coughing, he tried to put the pipe into his mouth.

Mei Ziqing looked at Aoki for help.

Aoki couldn't stand it anymore. He shook his head, grabbed the pipe and said, "Professor, you can't smoke anymore."

Mei Yiqiu gasped hard and looked at Qingmu angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

"Professor, I hope you can help me analyze things about Ramla and the Holy Land." Aoki hoped to divert the professor's attention by changing the topic. "What is the possibility of the real existence of Gaia consciousness? What are the effects of activating those altars?" What’s the risk? I always feel like someone has dug a hole and is waiting for me to jump out of it.”

"Then jump!" Mei Yiqiu gasped, "What's the big deal? The earth has been very peaceful in the past few years, and nothing has happened. This was due to the panic caused by the invasion of parasitic consciousness. Politicians and businessmen are not as bold as before, for fear of being regarded as parasites if they jump out, but YouTube and YouTube are full of silly people pretending to be aliens. Now everyone is proud of 'I am a parasite' Now, do you think it’s funny or not? It’s as stupid as if someone was proud of being a traitor eighty years ago and would put a label on his forehead to tell the world. Ahem…”

He coughed again, "Cough cough...but let me tell you, cough cough cough...this is all superficial. There are undercurrents surging under the calm sea surface, and the earth is about to change drastically!"

Mei Yiqiu made an exaggerated expression on his face, and the deep wrinkles were twisted, like dry, insect-eaten bark of an old tree.

"Do you know why I made the Dream Guide game? Why did I develop the space box? Is it just to identify parasitic consciousness? No...cough cough...of course not...cough cough cough...we are...human civilization The last guardian of the world! The note Situ gave me back then also contained a secret phrase...ahem...a secret phrase - mirror! Ahem...mirror!...ahem...ahem..."

Aoki found that the professor looked a little crazy, completely different from the tall, humorous and wise old man back then.

He looked at Mei Ziqing puzzled.

Mei Ziqing shook her head helplessly.

"Mirror! There is another world in the mirror... ahem..." Mei Yiqiu was still talking to himself, "If this world doesn't work anymore, we will change it to another world. The world in the mirror is exactly the same as ours. Hide Going into the mirror is the best way, isn't it...cough cough cough cough..."

Qingmu felt that he would not get the results he wanted if he continued. He saw Mei Ziqing winking at him and gesturing for him to go out, so he said, "Professor, I will come see you another day."

Mei Ziqing also said: "Yes, Professor, it's time for you to rest."

After saying that, he went over and took the bag of the trash can next to the professor, and pulled Aoki out together.

As soon as they reached the door, they heard the professor say: "Wait a minute!"

Aoki turned around and saw the professor with a serious look on his face, with disheveled white hair and deep meaning in his eyes. He slowly stretched out his right hand and said solemnly:

"Give me back my pipe!"

Aoki was stunned for a moment, then realized that the professor's pipe was still in his hand, so he had to walk over and return the pipe to the professor's hand.

Mei Yiqiu took the pipe and his expression relaxed, saying: "Some things are wrong even though they know they are wrong, but they still can't help it! They have been wrong all their lives. You can't change them if you want to."

Aoki felt that there was something in Mei Yiqiu's words, but looking at his expression, he wasn't so sure. Mei Yiqiu started to wave impatiently, "Let's go, let's go quickly!"

When going out, at the moment when the door was closed, Aoki saw Mei Yiqiu skillfully filling the pipe with shredded tobacco and lighting the fire. Then, another coughing sound of "cough cough cough" came from the office, and then the door closed, and the sound It was blocked inside.

Mei Ziqing opened the garbage bag, looked at it, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't spit out the pills, otherwise I would have eaten them in vain."

Aoki asked: "What happened to Professor?"

"I don't know. The hospital did a check-up and found that apart from a little chronic bronchitis, he doesn't have any other illnesses, but he seems..."

Mei Ziqing pointed to his head, "Something's wrong. I've been talking about mirrors and mirror worlds all day long. Once you press that button, the whole world can hide in the mirror. Ask him which mirror and where the button is, and he I can’t explain it clearly, I’m just talking nonsense.”

At this time, a laboratory staff member passed by in the corridor and greeted Mei Ziqing respectfully: "Hello, Professor Mei!"

Aoki looked at her doubtfully, Professor Mei?

Mei Ziqing explained with a smile: "Oh, I got the title of professor the year before last, and Dongda also hired me back to be a professor, but I still like to stay in China, and the professor... He is like this now, with so many projects in the laboratory , especially when the space box and dream guide reach a critical moment, someone needs to take the lead... you know..."

Aoki understood that Professor Mei was still in charge of Mei's laboratory now, but this Professor Mei was no longer Professor Mei.

Mei Yiqiu sat in the office, pressed a button, and the surveillance screen of Qingmu and Mei Ziqing walking out side by side appeared on the computer screen in front of him.

He put the pipe to his mouth, did not smoke, and gently put it back on the table. He opened his palms and held two pills in his palms. He was playing with the pills, his energy suddenly became strong again, a humorous expression on his face, and he said to the screen:

"Sometimes right and wrong are not absolute. If you make mistakes all your life, you will always do it right once. I wish you good luck, Mr. Sang."

Thanks to Hengfeng for the tip, as well as friends who have tipped recently, I would like to thank them all. Sorry, I haven’t updated much recently. Firstly, I’m busy. Secondly, I’m still affected by blocking and grades, so I’m a little discouraged. Thirdly, it’s mainly because the ending is hard to write, and I’m always worried that I won’t be able to write well and disappoint my book friends. Another point, I heard that once the books are blocked on the PC, they will probably never be released again. There will be a chance to release them in the future pending updates. Hey, is this a good excuse?*)_(*Also , I am also debating whether to open a new book. I have some ideas, but I am afraid of being thrown into the street. If I fight on the street, I won’t make money. If I don’t make money, I will have to move bricks. If I move bricks, I won’t have time to code. I have no time. If you can't write code words well, you won't be able to write quickly. If you can't write well, you won't be able to write quickly, so you'll be in trouble even more~~~

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