Dream Guide

Chapter 684 Night in Anchorage

The first time I saw that piece of ice

It's like seeing frozen time

It's smoother than the smoothest mirror in the world

snow mountain


my face



a whole galaxy

Everything reflected by it will be retained by it


My love to you

that moment

I instantly understood the meaning of life

When the soul shines in the aurora

i see your smile

even in the dark night

Also like eternal day

…………——Written before the final volume "The Ice of Eternal Day"

Alaska in winter is vast and quiet. Except for the coastline, most areas are covered with ice and snow.

It was already evening when Huang Liang and Que Wolfe arrived in Anchorage.

The days in Alaska are very short during this season, and it’s already dark before four o’clock. The lights of the city have already been on, but they are not as bright as the snow reflected from the Chugach Snow Mountains behind it. A golden moon hangs high on the top of the mountain, without any dust or fog blocking its light, as bright as the sun in the dark night.

A young man named Enruke came to pick them up. I heard Hongkui say that he is also an Inuit, so he is still his distant cousin. However, they don't pay as much attention to seniority as the Chinese do, so they don't care much about it. However, they are extremely united due to their race and blood relationship.

Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska, and the Wolf family certainly won't give up on this place.

They began investing here as early as a hundred years ago, when it was just a port for the newly built Alaska Railroad. At that time, the Wolf family was far from as powerful as it is now. They had no involvement in the construction of Meryl Airport and Fort Lisan, but they also achieved good results in developing scattered businesses around the railway. Many years later It turned into a considerable commercial district.

In 1964, a 9.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Anchorage area, and everything faced reconstruction. The Wolfe family inevitably suffered great losses, but reconstruction gave them opportunities. They began to be fully involved in town construction and the development of local resources. In 1968, oil was discovered in Prado Bay on the north coast of Alaska. That area was the homeland of the Eskimos, and the Wolf family became the biggest beneficiary. Correspondingly, Anchorage, which is a transportation hub in the south, has also received better development.

Enruke was very talkative and told them everything about this place while driving. Of course, he mainly told it to Huang Liang, a foreigner, while Hong Kui had already dozed off in the back seat.

Huang Liang knew that he came here with a heavy responsibility, and he should not and had no intention of lingering on the scenery around him, but Enruke's enthusiasm infected him and made him unable to help but think about the past and present of this city.

It can be heard that Enruke is very proud of being a member of the Wolf family, even though he has never participated in the core affairs of the family or even been to Vancouver.

They did not stay at a luxury tourist hotel in downtown Anchorage, nor did they see the large estate they imagined. Instead, they entered a small villa on the outskirts of the city.

Hongkui said this is the Wolf family's first property in Anchorage. A hundred years ago, this place was full of simple work sheds. Although it was a little far from the port, many dock workers were still willing to live here just for the hot wine that could make people's internal organs and even their bones burn.

Huang Liang drank this wine in front of the fireplace in the house. It is said that this wine was brewed using an ancient Indian method. The wine is not particularly strong, but it is indeed very warm. When you enter the mouth, it is like a warm flame that is swallowed into the stomach and spreads into the limbs and bones.

Hong Kui asked him: "How about the wine?"

"This is probably the best drink I've ever had in my life," he said.

Hong Kui sighed and said: "The Indians don't think so. They prefer to drink spirits from Europe. The colonists took advantage of this and obtained more benefits from the fur trade. Spirits are like Drugs spread like this among the Indian tribes, quickly consuming their wealth and their spirit. In their drunkenness, they forgot that their ancestors also made wine, and could make the most beautiful wine in the world."

Huang Liang looked at the wine as white as goat's milk in the cup and asked curiously: "Then where does the wine I'm drinking now come from?"

Enruke, who has been accompanying them, said: "This is brewed in our family's winery. More than a hundred years ago, when the railway was just built here, Mr. Wolfe wanted to open a winery here. He invited Some Indians were brought in to make wine, and the technology has been preserved in this way. Now there are countless generations of winemakers in the winery, and none of them are Indians."

Huang Liang felt a little sad when he heard this. People always fail to see the precious things they own, and it is good to easily believe in external things.

He said: "Fortunately, it has been preserved. Finally, I have a good taste. It would be great if I could drink wine like this every day. The citizens of Anchorage are so lucky!"

Hong Kui said with a smile: "It's true that you have good taste, but the citizens of Anchorage are not so lucky. The production of this kind of wine is very low. In the past, wine was very precious among the Indian tribes, because of the production of wine. Too low, and the Indians are very good at wine. Usually, the wine produced by this brewing method is not enough for a tribe of people to drink. They can only store it and drink it on special days every year. Normally, only the tribes can drink it. The leaders and important people can take a few sips. Although we have improved the technology now, we cannot change the raw materials and basic processes to maintain the taste, and the output is still very low. So we are now only for internal staff to drink, and this wine is outside There’s no need to sell it at all.”

Huang Liang instantly felt that the cup in his hand was a little heavier, but its mellow wine taste was much lighter. The taste of wine is always mixed with the human touch. No matter how good the wine is, it is no longer wine if it lacks the human touch.

At this time, Enruke, who was leaning against the fireplace and checking his cell phone, suddenly shouted: "Oh my god, what the hell is this!"

His voice was extremely abnormal, and he didn't know what kind of news he had received to shock him so much. Huang Liang and Hong Kui looked at him together, and he looked at them too.

"Look at your mobile phones and open a video app or news page," Enruke said.

Huang Liang and Hong Kui looked at each other and took out their mobile phones at the same time.

Then, he saw Selina's familiar face and her gentle and moving voice.

A trace of imperceptible spiritual power quietly spread in the room, and the flames in the fireplace were crackling.

Not long ago, Selena appeared at Huang Liang's wedding, sent him blessings and expressed her gratitude to him.

Huang Liang clearly remembered that she said that his courage inspired her and awakened her to do the right thing. What she meant was to stop an important action initiated by the organization. She said that like him, she would become a rebel in the organization, be hunted by the organization, and live in freedom and danger.

Huang Liang had been guessing what she would do, but he never expected that she would launch such a shocking live speech. What he didn't expect even more was the ending of the live broadcast.

When Selina talked about "mortal freedom", Huang Liang turned to look at Hong Kui, and he happened to look towards him.

He saw the shock on his face, and could even see the fire in his heart from his eyes, and saw the blood in his heart surging. He finally understood why Master Wolfe, who could just sit at home and wait to inherit billions of wealth, was so persistent in searching for the illusory dream holy land in the ice and snow. He must have known something for a long time, what he had been pursuing.

Huang Liang finally understood what he was pursuing. From the day he escaped from the prison in Wuzhong, he had been waiting for the day when he could cut off the tentacle behind his consciousness. He wants to pursue a complete self, breathe unfettered air, and let his consciousness fly freely in the universe.

When Selina died, he became more and more aware of how heavy the burden was on him and how difficult this trip was.

That night, none of them spoke again, nor did they fall asleep. Until the sky dimmed, Hong Kui said:

"We need to speed up, Enruke, you go make arrangements and we go to Kenai Mountain."

Enruke asked: "Right away? The road is covered with ice now..."

"Right away." Hong Kui said firmly.

Enruke said nothing more and stood up to go out.

The moment he opened the door, Huang Liang vaguely saw a black shadow flashing past the door.

He thought of the sinister face hiding behind the cloak on TV.

No, it's impossible! The live broadcast has just ended. This place is more than 2,000 kilometers away from Vancouver. He can't be that fast. Huang Liang thought so.

Originally this volume was called "Killing Gaia". Originally, this volume was all written in the first person and through Huang Liang's perspective. It was an attempt to turn it into a completely independent story. But in the end, I changed it, deleted everything I wrote in the past few days, rewritten it, and changed the title of the volume to "The Ice of Eternal Day", still using the third person. Well, I almost let myself go, almost... Anyway, it’s the last volume, let’s witness the coming of God together

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