Dream Guide

Chapter 685: Tracking in the Icefield

The sun rises slowly in winter.

When we set off, there was already a faint white light in the sky, but it was not until the motorcade rumbled forward for several hours that the sun slowly climbed up like a sleepy teenager after a night of playing games.

The snow tires of the off-road vehicles crunched against the thin ice on the Seward Highway.

Enruck said that the Seward Highway is the most beautiful highway in the world. From Anchorage to the Kenai Peninsula, there are mountains and canyons, blue glaciers and lakes along the way. If you go there in the evening, you can follow the most beautiful sunset. Chasing the midnight light in Alaska.

But this winter was particularly cold. The cold air from the polar regions occupied the skies over the southern Gulf of Alaska very early, and it stayed here and never left.

Except for the glacier, the rest of the beautiful scenery on the Seward Highway is gone.

However, Huang Liang really likes to see this kind of desolate scenery. After all, he has lived most of his life among the flowers and willows. Whether it is the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River in Wuzhong, the Europa style of Amsterdam, or the romance and warmth of Stanley Park. The primitive beauty reflected by the glaciers here did not shock his heart as much.

When they entered the Harding Icefield and got off the car, Huang Liang felt that his soul had flown out and merged with the vast world in the cold air.

The Harding Icefield is covered with an ice cap of 1,600 meters. About 12,000 years ago, the Pleistocene glaciers covering the entire continent began to melt, but for unknown reasons, such a thousand square kilometers of ice was left in southern Alaska. crown.

Compared to the Ice Age more than 10,000 years ago, the Harding Icefield is just a remnant of ice and snow left over from that era. But human beings look so small standing in front of it. Those huge glaciers stretch into the distance like tentacles of the earth, and the rolling ice peaks glow with a light blue, as if telling its ancient sorrow.

Enruke proudly said that every step taken here is a witness to the ancient history of the earth.

Huang Liang agreed with this statement, but he knew that now was not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and they were not tourists hiking the ice field.

The only clue to find the Holy Land of Ice lies in the dreams of the Wolfe family. The mysterious white wolf once led the ancestors of the Wolfe family through the Land of Eternal Sealing, but those who came after them never had such luck again. You can only catch a glimpse of the White Wolf King in your dreams.

Qui Wolfe is the closest thing to the White Wolf in his family in recent generations. He once entered that sacred land in his dream and looked at the white wolf up close.

Dreams are not divinely inspired, nor are they the real world. Dreams are made up of memories, and the White Wolf and the Holy Land are ancient memories etched in the genes of the Wolf people.

According to the hints in the dream, the last place where the Wolf King appeared should be in the Harding Icefield.

The Kenai Peninsula once lived with a huge wolf. They were two meters long and more than one meter high at the shoulder. They were the true kings of canines. Starting from the 16th century, humans hunted it for three hundred years, and finally became extinct in the 1920s.

What Huang Liang saw in Old Wolfe's dream was a scene of a group of white men hunting Kenai Mountain wolves. When the wolves had nowhere to escape, the White Wolf King appeared. It attracted the full attention of the predators and was eventually trapped on an ice cliff.

Old Wolf once tried to break through the barrier of dreams, and the parasite once encouraged him to do so in order to obtain clues to the Holy Land, which resulted in his becoming weak and almost dying.

Only Hong Kui successfully passed through the barrier and saw the ice cliff clearly. He believed that as long as he found this place, he would be able to find further clues.

It is difficult to find a specific place on the ice sheet of 1,900 square kilometers, not to mention that the details shown in the dream are only scenes etched in the genetic memory, at least a hundred years have passed. In the past hundred years, the surface glaciers have undergone great changes, and perhaps they have become unrecognizable. Sometimes after a heavy snowfall, the mountain peaks turn into flat ground and never show their true colors again.

In fact, according to the power of the Wolfe family, Hong Kui only needs to describe the scene in detail and arrange for people to find it. As long as you have enough people and equipment, finding it is relatively easy.

In fact, Hong Kui had already started doing this. But in order to keep it secret, he did not make a big splash. Instead, he only let Enruke, whom he trusted, take charge and do it quietly.

Although Enruk did not find the place, he delineated the area, at least excluding most of the irrelevant areas.

He pointed to the undulating ice mountains ahead and said, "It's probably there, there, and there."

Huang Liang frowned unconsciously. The range was too large, and it pointed in three directions. How to find it?

Hong Kui climbed up a high slope, looked into the distance, then firmly pointed in one direction and said: "There."

Huang Liang asked: "Are you sure?"

Hong Kui nodded: "I smell his breath coming with the wind."

Huang Liang knew that the "he" he meant was White Wolf. He faced the wind and smelled it. The air on the ice sheet was fresh and there was nothing except the coldness that could dry out his nose and throat.

The sun either doesn't come out in winter, or it climbs very high when it does. The sun shines on the ice, flashing randomly, as if there are gems buried everywhere.

The three people carried heavy equipment and walked forward at a faster pace. There are only five or six hours of daylight in this season. If you can't find the next clue and return as soon as possible, you will have to camp on the ice sheet.

After walking for about two hours, they arrived at the foot of the ice peak that seemed not far away.

Huang Liang glanced back, trying to determine the distance from where he came, but the dazzling light reflected from the ice made him uncomfortable. He squinted his eyes and suddenly saw a vague black figure with a cloak flashing in the halo. When he looked carefully again, it was gone again.

"It seems like someone is following us." Huang Liang made sure that he was not dazzled.

"Who?" Enruke was shocked and looked back, but saw nothing.

Huang Liang looked at Hong Kui, wondering if he saw it, because he also looked back.

"Well, ignore him." Hong Kui said, "Let's go our own way."

They continued walking, and three hours later, Hong Kui suddenly stopped.

He looked silently at the snow in front of him, his eyes reflecting the color of the ice, a faint blue.

"This is it," he said.

But Huang Liang couldn't see any connection between this place and the ice cliff in his dream.

"Here?" he asked.

"This is it," Hong Kui said. "The heavy snow has covered up the shape of the mountains. It is in the ice beneath our feet."

"Then what should we do?" Huang Liang didn't think they could pry open the ice here with their strength.

Hong Kui stopped talking and just stood quietly, as if listening to something.

"Listen, he's calling!" he murmured.

Enruke didn't hear anything, but he didn't dare to ask. He just opened his mouth in surprise.

Huang Liang felt an abnormal mental fluctuation from Hong Kui. He turned his head to look and saw that the beard on Hong Kui's cheek was growing longer, and long white down grew on his entire face.

The mental fluctuations became more and more obvious, spreading outward like ripples. Then, sharp fangs protruded from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes glowed green, as if he could see through the thick ice.

At that moment, Huang Liang knew that the white wolf was not under the ice cap, and that Qui Wolfe was the white wolf.

Yesterday's chapter has been slightly modified. The progress of the last volume may be faster and the jump may be larger. Everything that needs to be explained is almost explained. If there is anything you don't understand, it may be that you have ignored the previous books. detail

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