Dream Guide

Chapter 712 The Secret History of the Dynasty

Huang Liang watched Yitenut's hand reach out, but was unable to stop it. He had no extra strength left.

He glanced at Hong Kui and found that his face was pale and he was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed. It was obviously very difficult to resist such mental pressure, let alone resist.

He hopes Hong Kui can recover quickly. If he hadn't been mentally damaged when taking the Ice Soul, Hong Kui would have been able to control the Ice Soul better. Maybe he is the descendant of the Chayak family that the mummy monster mentioned, and can mobilize the power of the Holy Land.

Even if he can't, with Hong Kui's support to resist Yitenut's mental pressure, Huang Liang can free his hand and use his best scalpel to cut Yitenut. Even if you can't kill him, maybe you can chop off his disgusting-looking hand.

Of course, Huang Liang knew that they could not win no matter what. If it were just Howard, Huang Liang believed that he had the strength to fight. Even if the opponent had three Howards, he and Hong Kui wouldn't necessarily lose badly. It will not be easy for them to get the Ice Soul.

But this Itnut was so strong that he couldn't even move without the help of ice soul. But Itnut obviously did not exert all his strength. He looked so calm, as if what he saw in front of him was not his opponent or enemy, but just two ants.

Seeing that Itnut's hand was about to touch the ice soul, Huang Liang was unable to do anything. But at this moment, Itnut's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture point, and became motionless.

Huang Liang's mental pressure suddenly eased, and he felt a third spiritual force coming in to help him block Itnut's mental attack.

Then he heard a voice say: "Old guy, why do you have the nerve to snatch something from a group of children?"

The sound also sounded as uncomfortable as a saw pulling down rotten wood.

He looked in the direction of the sound and found another man wearing a windbreaker and a cloak. However, this man's windbreaker and cloak were both red. In the ice and snow, they looked as bright as a ball of fire. .

Itnut retracted his hand and turned towards the person. His expression changed dramatically, his muscles were constantly twisting, blood flowed rapidly in the capillaries, and a layer of blue-black mist evaporated on his skin.

"Horumheb, it's you!" Itnut said in a deep voice.

Huang Liang saw anger on his face.

Horemheb walked forward slowly, his red cloak making a sound on the ice field.

There were sounds in his throat that sounded like a smile but not a smile, like the cry of a night owl:

"It's me, old man! How long has it been since we last met? Three thousand years? Or longer?"

"Well..." Itnut took a deep breath, "You are actually still alive!"

Horemheb said: "Of course I am alive. You are not dead yet, how can I die? Don't think that you are the only one in the world who has mastered the secret of Pharaoh."

Itnut said angrily: "You thief! You stole my throne and destroyed everything! If it weren't for you, my plan would have been successful 3,000 years ago! Gaia has returned to the earth long ago, and I don't need to Resurrection with the help of this broken body!”

Horemheb snorted coldly: "The thief?! You are the thief! You deceived the Pharaoh's trust, charmed Akhennamun, made him give up his belief in the god Amun, violated Itsa's oath, and acted wantonly. He carried out religious reform and converted to the god Aten, and even his name was changed to Akhenaten.

You control the government and control the young Tutankhatun. When Tutankhamun grew up and no longer wanted to be manipulated by you, so he changed his name back to Tutankhamun and re-believed in the god Amun, you began to plan a plan to steal the country. You stole his scepter, killed him when he was 19, and ascended the throne yourself. What qualifications do you have to say that I am a thief? "

Itnut said: "Yes, I controlled the entire dynasty, but I forgot about you, General Horenheb!

I thought you were just a warrior who led troops to fight all year round. You had no other merits except having military power and gaining Amenhotep's trust. But I didn't expect that you are also an awakened person, and it seems that you and Akhenaten have some unusual relationship...

Well, let me think about it...your father used to be in and out of the harem, and we happened to have a romantic queen mother Taiyi...I have long heard that Amenhotep also had a son, so...you and Amenhotep Khenaten is a brother? You are Tutankhamun's uncle!

Well, that’s right! That's right...I really should have killed you! "

"You can't kill me," Horlenheb said. "Do you think there are so many battles to be fought outside? During the years when you controlled the government, I have been preparing for it."

"It turns out that you are deliberately delaying the war." Itnut said.

"I'm just trying to protect myself," Horemheb said. "As long as there is a war, I can live well. As long as I don't return to Thebes, you can't kill me."

Itnut nodded and said: "Yes, you are indeed the most skilled general in the dynasty. But how do you know the secrets of the Itsa Holy Land and the Awakened Ones? Even if you are Akhenaten's brother, you should not know these things .In the inheritance of the dynasty, the secrets of the guardians need to be kept strictly confidential, and only the pharaohs and heirs of the past generations are qualified to know."

Horemheb said: "Although you control Akhenaten, he is, after all, the descendant of Pharaoh and the biological son of Amenhopt. The blood of the Itsa people flows in his veins, and his body There is the soul of the awakened person in it. Akhenaten left me a will before his death, telling me your true identity and conspiracy. He gave me the inheritance of the guardian's identity and asked me to go to the temple to replace him. He repented."

"I understand..." Itnut nodded, "I asked why Tutankhaten suddenly wanted to change his name and faith for no reason. It turned out that you were instigating him."

"This is not instigation." Horemheb said, "I just told him the truth. I know your power, and the whole court is full of your minions. You have controlled the government for so many years, and I can't touch you at all. I just If you can find an opportunity to tell the truth to Tutankhamun, he has the right to know the truth. I told him to be patient and take his time. As long as the soul of fire is still in his hands, when he reaches great cultivation and joins my army, I can eliminate you. It’s a pity that he is too impatient.”

Huang Liang was confused as he listened to the words of the two weirdos. His poor historical knowledge was unable to determine the origin of the two familiar-sounding names Itnut and Horemheb, but he knew Tutankhamun and Akhenaten. Those are the names of the pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt.

Listen to their serious conversations about palace coups and dynastic struggles that lasted two eras. This is definitely not from a local bookstore or online novel.

Could these two monsters come from the ancient Egyptian dynasty more than 3,000 years ago?

This completely subverted Huang Liang's cognition. How did people survive thousands of years ago? Even if the spirit can live forever, how can the body be resurrected?

Fortunately, the new guy seemed to be here to help him. Now the situation has become 3 versus 3, and the outcome has become a matter of choice.

Hong Kui, who had not yet fully recovered, quietly winked at Huang Liang. They both know that the chance of fighting is fleeting.

Huang Liang thought, and the invisible sharp scalpel condensed in the palm of his hand.

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