Dream Guide

Chapter 713 Battle

The sky suddenly became gloomy, and yellow clouds blocked the sunlight in the sky. The surrounding ice and snow disappeared, replaced by long stretches of yellow sand.

A wide river fell from the clouds in the distance and flowed violently across the land, splitting the desert in half. The river is so turbulent that it looks like thousands of horses galloping nearby. Some pyramid-like buildings are distributed on both sides of the river, with varying heights and seemingly following a certain pattern.

Huang Liang knew this was not true. He had fallen into a huge dream at this time, but he didn't know which of the two monsters was composed of consciousness? Maybe both.

He saw Itnut opening his arms, his black robes being blown up by the wind, and a black line appearing on the horizon behind him, moving slowly towards this side.

The black line moved closer and closer, bringing with it howling wind and black sand flying all over the sky.

A huge sandstorm swept over, and the boundless pressure made Huang Liang breathless. Fortunately, the main target of this pressure was not him, but Horemheb, and at this moment, Horemheb suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Where he disappeared, the sand on the ground suddenly rose up and piled up into a monster with the head of a lion and the body of a human body. The monster roared forward, and the roar was accompanied by a whistling sound, which stirred up the strong wind and the yellow sand on the ground, forming a wall of wind-swept sand.

Black and yellow, two sand walls collided together. There was a roar between heaven and earth, and huge spiritual power exploded. Huang Liang staggered back a few steps unconsciously, almost losing his energy.

Some black sand hit the left side of his face, making him feel a cold pain. The dark aura on the sand penetrated the skin and passed through the muscles on the cheek, and it felt like even the roots of his teeth were broken. And some yellow sand hit the right side of his face, causing burning pain, as if they were sparks splashed from a steel-making furnace.

When he saw Howard opposite him, he also took several steps back as if he had been hit by a car. Apparently he couldn't bear the mental pressure. The other man in black was obviously much stronger, but his body shook slightly.

He looked at Hong Kui again.

Hong Kui didn't move at all, but he looked very weak. The ice soul in his hand emits a faint visible spiritual brilliance, becoming something like a transparent and invisible energy shield, which slightly helps him block some external mental pressure.

Huang Liang knew that with this thing in hand, Hong Kui could at least withstand the opponent's mental attack in the short term without any danger. But under such circumstances, it would be very difficult for his already weakened mental strength to recover.

I don’t know when the confrontation between Itnut and Horemheb will end. Judging from the dust storms flying in the sky with indistinguishable colors, they are about the same strength. Even if there is a gap, it is not yellow. Liang can see it. Of course he hopes that Horemheb can win. No matter whether he is a thousand-year-old demon or some kind of monster, at least for now he is on his side.

But you can’t rely on luck in everything. Huang Liang is a cautious person. He knows that the biggest variable now is himself. If he can eliminate Howard quickly, then he will be free to help Hong Kui. When he and Hong Kui work together to eliminate the man in black, the situation will become three to two. At that time, Horemheb's hopes of winning against Itnut had greatly increased.

Thinking of this, Huang Liang no longer hesitated, he was highly concentrated, and the invisible scalpel in his hand condensed brilliance. His shot was a decisive blow. A dazzling red light flashed, and the sword energy split the dust in front of him and pointed directly at Howard's neck.

But Howard is not an ordinary person after all. He can also be regarded as the veteran of the organization and Huang Liang's guide.

He shrank his neck, and his body shrank into the black cloak and windbreaker. Immediately afterwards, the person escaped from the windbreaker. The whole windbreaker was empty, like a ghost floating in the air, and was cut into two by Huang Liang's sword energy. Half.

Of course, all of this is done in consciousness, it is a mental attack, and there is no physical scalpel. The windbreaker that was chopped into pieces by the knife also disappeared in the air as Howard's spirit broke away.

Howard appeared three steps away. He was still wearing a black cloak and windbreaker, but there was a gap in his breath. That was the scar on his spirit caused by Huang Liang's attack just now.

"You're not a bad boy," Howard sneered. "Did you make too much progress under the guidance of that old woman in the past few years, or did you hide most of your strength back then?"

Huang Liang didn't answer, he missed with one blow, and then came out with the second knife. Another bloody red light flashed in front of Howard. This time, Howard was prepared. He leaned back and waved his hands, and an invisible shield was drawn out, blocking the incoming sword light.

They all heard the sound of gold and iron in a trance. This is not an illusion, it is part of a dream constructed by their consciousness mobilizing memories.

I saw the light of the sword flashing, and the sonorous sound of swords and shields intersecting in the air. Huang Liang struck out more than a dozen swords in one go. Howard struggled to hold on and seemed to have no ability to fight back. However, Huang Liang's sword energy did not damage his roots. However, the invisible shield in front of him had cracks, and the sword energy followed the cracks. Intrusion.

Huang Liang could have continued to attack, but as long as he could chop more than a dozen times in a row, Howard would be unable to hold on. But the mental pressure from Itnut and the freighter Heib was too terrifying. Under this pressure, Huang Liang had to exert all his strength every time he swung his sword, as if he was in the deep sea, with the surrounding water pressure , the pressure made him not only breathless, but also a little difficult to lift his arms.

The wind became stronger and stronger, and Horenheib, who transformed into a monster with a lion's head and body, slowly swayed its huge body and took two difficult steps forward. It opened its huge mouth and aimed at Itnut, trying to swallow him in one bite.

Itnut's figure hid in the black wind and sand, leaving Horemheb to bite the dust.

A sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded in the dark sandstorm. The whistling sound sounded particularly harsh, like ten thousand people scratching the glass with their fingernails at the same time.

Then, the situation changed, and a twisted black human face appeared in the black sand in the sky. It was Itnut who was hiding in the sand.

Horemheb's progress suddenly stopped. He stretched out his hands, covered his ears, and shook the lion's head a few times, looking painful.

The black sandstorm took the opportunity to press up, and the yellow sand wall rolled back like waves hitting the rocks, instantly burying Horenheib in the sand.

Huang Liang secretly screamed, knowing that if Horenheib lost, he and Hong Kui would have no chance of winning against Itnut.

At this moment, the yellow sand pile suddenly bulged, and a giant beast emerged from the sand. The body of this giant beast looks like a lion, but it has the head of a man.

Huang Liang immediately thought of the Sphinx in the Egyptian desert.

Horemheb, who transformed into a lion-like beast, crawled on the ground and roared at Itnut in the black sand. The heaven and earth trembled, and the yellow sand in the sky pressed down on him.

Then, the lion suddenly jumped into the air, stretched out its huge sharp claws, and rushed towards Itnut's face.

Bless Wuhan, bless the people across the country, and wish everyone safety and health! Come on Wuhan, come on the motherland!

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