Dream is King

Chapter 292: Now I've been flying too long to know that you

   Bai Haonan was sent home. Who told him to be dirty and bloody, the key is that he has no cash.

   He didn't expect that there would be so many levels here, anyway, as soon as he showed up, he was immediately caught.

But he didn't have any trouble, he took off the bank card cloth bag around his waist, Wang Jianguo's ID card and the previous Vietnamese passport and visa have been thrown away, and finally he can justifiably report the identity of Bai Haonan: "Yes, I am The former professional player was tricked into the casino here, you can say kidnapping, anyway, he was fooling around there for a few years, his ID card was lost, and it was even more dangerous to fight in a mess, and only recently did he escape with his friends. When I came out and returned to China, I encountered a landmine, and he was blown up on the mountain over there, or you should bring something to collect his body."

The complete social system is reflected in the fact that every detail will be clarified as much as possible. The bloodstains and unidentified fibers on this body must be clarified. The military police really escorted him to find him again. Bai Haonan's memory and Ada's sense of smell are both I can guarantee that the route is good, and at this time, I will give instructions on how to collect Li Haizhou's body with a stable mind.

In fact, he didn't know that this kind of port was easy to come out and difficult to go back. The investigation was very strict, but no matter how strict it was, it was reasonable. Bai Haonan could even point out that the stack of bank cards was his own, the password was very clear, and the usage records were at least I haven't touched it for more than two or three years, and my identity is half a celebrity. If it wasn't for this **** body, I'm afraid I would have thrown it into the shelter at that time, and it was delayed for a few days. The most important thing is that I don't have any criminal record, even the original disappearance. I didn't report the case, even if I searched on the Internet, it appeared in Guixi two or three years ago. The bank card had Guixi's, and it was proved, but there was still no crime. Bai Haonan insisted that he didn't know the true identity of the friend who was traveling with him. Relying on the other party to lead the way, no one would have imagined that such a thing would happen.

  What the military and police wondered is that there are often landmines in this area, but they are rarely installed on the side of the border, and it is not that the border on the other side has been used as a battlefield.

   But all inspections proved that it was the result of a mine explosion, the explosion element and the time of death of the corpse proved that it was alive and suddenly died.

So even the blood samples were compared to prove that the bloodstains on his body belonged to the guy who was killed by the bomb. After several days of inspections, the urine and blood samples proved that Bai Haonan did not use drugs and had no infectious diseases. There are common problems, so there is no reason to keep him in trouble. In the end, Bai Haonan was sent back to Jiangzhou by deportation, but he was required to report to the police station in his jurisdiction regularly within a year.

   Bai Haonan agreed immediately. He used to be most worried that the police would ask the killer who burned to death in the car accident of the small sports car, but no one asked!

When we parted at the police station, I sincerely thanked the two military police who accompanied them from the border unit, because it is their duty to come over and compare the handover with the jurisdiction. Football can make people listen with gusto.

He was wearing a T-shirt and trousers that he had temporarily withdrawn from the border county town. During the Spring Festival, he casually bought a military coat and wrapped it up on the way back here. He didn't even bother to check how much cash was in the bank cards collected along the way. I don't care about money, even if I was going to be a duck, I just decided to take it as my future career, not mainly because of lack of money.

It was a little surprising that he was fortunate to come back with the police system. He didn't even know that Bai Lianjun had moved. The former junior sports school was demolished two years ago. Naturally, Bai Lianjun moved. Although it was not far, it had nothing to do with the original place Relevant, this is what the police station's household registration told Bai Haonan when he applied for a temporary ID card. In fact, he still probably remembers this former professional player, so his attitude is very good, especially when he looks a little down, it's pitiful, and the two policewomen returned it to him. He brought the water, but Bai Haonan didn't make any waves, but Ada went to flatter him, which was quite liked by the policewoman, and carefully pointed out where Bai Lianjun's new house was at the gate of the police station.

   After going through the formalities, I still have empty hands, so I took a few hundred dollars and didn’t want to take a taxi, so let’s walk there.

The main reason is that the site of the former major sports school has now become a part of a giant shopping plaza. It used to be the minor sports school next to the commercial center. Now this area has completely changed. In fact, when I was a professional player, it was rarely so leisurely. Wandering around on the street, at that time, it was either training games or various rounds at night. How could I have the open-minded mood now when I was in a hurry all day long.

It seems that Ada is more like coming to the new world, even if it has experienced the provincial capital of western Guangxi, but for too long, it may think that it is a country dog, and the changes in Jiangzhou are the rapid changes that hang the new town of the special zone, anyway Bai Haonan often asked girls for directions along the way. He got a lot of scorned because of the question of what to wear, and got a warm response. Only then did he find the right house number in a narrow neighborhood at the corner of the shopping plaza, saying that it was narrow because there was basically no greenery downstairs. For Bai Haonan, who has been used to living in the wild forests all over the mountains and plains as his back garden in the past two years, and everyone calls him Mr. Wang, he really feels that it is so cramped and the green belt is the size of a ping-pong table.

Moreover, the building is still huge, and the hat can be dropped when looking up. It would be strange if such a building in the new city of the special zone would attract the people of the whole special zone, but in Jiangzhou, it is the level of demolition and construction. Just as he was about to step into the building, a little boy suddenly rushed out. He suddenly saw Ada, who had long ears and not so delicate body. His face changed with fright. Raw smoke, and then with a piercing howl!

Bai Haonan was just thinking about the shit, this is the rhythm of making trouble when you go home, which child is so annoying, he saw an old man rushing out from behind, hugging the child and scolding the dog first: "Damn Nima, who's from this family? Wild dog, frighten..."

Then he stared dumbfounded, and Bai Haonan was also dumbfounded. Although he was quite old, his hair was half white. This old man with doting on his face was not Bai Lianjun or anyone else. His sportswear or jacket suddenly turned into a shirt and a down jacket over a fleece jacket. He was indescribably kind and amiable, completely different from the loser that Bai Haonan remembered in the first half of his life who was drinking, playing cards, and beating babies all day. Er: "Fuck...Old Bai, didn't you marry a concubine and gave birth to a younger brother for me? Come and be happy!"

   Bai Lianjun's tone was really his father: "Damn, you've been doing such a bad job these past few years! Come on, Douer, your father is finally back!"

   The little boy with tears and horror turned his face on the shoulder of the old man, and saw that Bai Haonan's eyes were obviously not as good as Adado's, but at least he didn't discriminate against military coats.

At this time, take a closer look at the child, with thick black hair like watermelon rind, white and delicate face, even if his face is full of tears, just looking at the face between the eyebrows, it is like a photo of Bai Haonan when he was a child, especially the eyes are thief. Xi, who was afraid and wanted to watch, stayed on Ada casually, and it was just a little white!

Bai Haonan didn't think it was struck by lightning, but he felt that there was a thunderstorm in the sky. He just watched Li Haizhou leave and his ethereal state of mind was completely messed up, so he swallowed hard and walked closer to see: "My son Where did it come from? Lying down..." Then he just pressed down the slot at the back.

He just changed his mood, and his other habits of tone would not change. Even the habit of being a chicken thief was still the same on the way back with the two military policemen, but at this time, seeing that little nose and small eyes, he was able to suppress the swear words. In addition, he is a replica of Bai Lianjun, so the child in front of him has to stumble and stumble until he is in his thirties before he understands the truth of being a human being?

Bai Haonan felt that his state of mind was overturned, and wanted to reach out to hug, but he was afraid that he could not restrain his excited hand strength, such a small one, and that tearful and frightened expression made Bai Haonan feel distressed, he lowered his head and turned his face immediately: "Did you see it! What did you frighten your brother! Apologies!"

He even made a gesture to kick Ada, and the poor dog looked up at the master, and knew that the treasurer dragged his **** and hind legs on the ground and crawled away lazily, the expressions and antics that were hard to see on other dogs suddenly made the child again. Makes giggles.

Bai Haonan also felt that his heart was blossoming, and finally stretched out his fingers and gently touched the tears on his cheeks, there was a kind of softness that could melt into his heart when he touched soft tofu, so his voice was softer than ever before: "How big... of?"

   This question is strange, and Bai Lianjun replied in a general way: "I don't know! Old Chen gave it to me, saying it's your baby, and the household registration is at home."

   Bai Haonan was taken aback, could it be Chen Sufen's birth?

   At this time, thinking about the past, it seems that although the time with Chen Sufen is not many days, but there is no protective measures from the beginning, is it really the result of the fire at that time?

But no matter what, Lao Chen said that there is nothing wrong with it, not to mention that when he saw it, he was very sure: "Then...it should be almost four years old, why don't he bring the couple, I'll give it a try. ."

   Leaving the child in his hand, Bai Lianjun gave him a strange look: "Don't you know that Lao Chen is in jail?"

  Bai Haonan immediately suffered the second shock when he came home: "Jail? Why? Gambling? Or a club thing?" Now he forgot to hug his son. It's unbelievable.

Bai Lianjun sighed and pointed to go home. He gave a brief summary in the elevator on the 20th floor, and the others would understand everything when Bai Haonan saw the specially collected newspapers: "It was Lao Chen who told me that you are fine, don't worry, wait. It's better for you to fight outside for a few years or to retire in the club, so I'm not too anxious, but he always likes to lead the youth team. You know, usually he has to go to the club team to guide, well, this is it photo……"

The photos in the newspaper were not clear at first, and now they are old and yellowish, but Bai Haonan could identify with just a glance that it was the goal of the club's echelon training ground where he had spent most of his youth. Violent coach beats small players! Terrible death! ! ".

The content is full of righteous and indignant attacks. I am afraid everyone will cry just by reading the words, but Bai Lianjun and Bai Haonan have obviously different feelings: "I asked, just kicked and kicked in the past, that lazy and short-cut running circle. The child fell and his head hit the goal, he was twitched and sent to the hospital to become a vegetative state, and he was still in a vegetative state after more than 20 days."

According to the law, even if it is a kick, it is a beating, and it is beating to death. There is no reason for this, but Bai Haonan, who was beaten by Lao Chen from the age of eight to twenty-eight years old, knows better than anyone that young players have What a fight, they are so stupid that they want to fight, they want to fight for stealing and cheating, they want to fight when they are proud, they want to fight when they are proud, they want to fight when they climb over the wall in the middle of the night, and they want to fight when they go to bed. Excellent athletic talent, commonly known as the monkey who can't sit still, those who mess with cats and dogs all day are really not hitting the roof for three days. In fact, those who don't hit are basically giving up and don't bother to care, like Bai Haonan who hits a lot. , often hate iron is not steel.

  How much culture do the sports coaches of Lao Chen and his generation have?

What    always believes in is not to increase the quantity and practice, that is, to bring out good people with the yellow jing stick, and only by hitting can these monkeys be disciplined well.

   What's more, there are still many children who are sent to the sports school to toss and waste their energy because the family can't control it. Didn't parents like to throw their children to the school to save trouble.

Therefore, from the point of view of the industry insiders like Bai's father and son, Lao Chen is a bit of a backseat, and this is also proved behind the case. The parents of the deceased have clearly stated that as long as the child can be rescued, it has never happened. , but in the end it was true that he tried his best and failed. Other parents jointly pleaded for mercy, and even the parents of the deceased pleaded for mercy. Lao Chen sentenced him to five years, and it is now the third year.

   Putting down the newspaper, in addition to immediately deciding to visit Xia Lao Chen, he suddenly saw sitting on the small stool next to him hugging his knees and carefully reaching out to touch Ada's son.

   At this time, think about who kicked your son to death...

   Bai Haonan suddenly had a chilling heart palpitation!

   Even if he only knew Baidou for only half an hour, Bai Haonan has confirmed that this feeling of blood connection makes him willing to use everything, including his life, to protect this child.

   This is the feeling that Bai Haonan has never felt towards others in the past thirty-two or three years. No one has made him worth his life in exchange.

   He knew he had to re-plan his life.

   At least he can't let Baidou live such a big detour like himself.

He unbuttoned his military coat a little, and removed the cloth bag divided into the size of a credit card from his waist. Bai Haonan took out all the bank cards, recalled where they came from, and how much money they had, and finally came to a conclusion. , the two in Rongdu should be empty, mainly from the cash left over when Guixi went abroad, oh, and the international card that Awei gave him, the others seem to be bigger and stronger in Myanmar I didn't get any money, although I felt that I got the most important thing.

It doesn't matter if Lao Qiu is alone, Li Haizhou's family is responsible for himself. With this plus the two grandfathers and grandchildren around him, Bai Haonan also knows that he has a future, so let's call the boss first. At this time He also had something special he wanted to ask, and he had to borrow his cell phone from Lao Bai.

It can be seen that Lao Bai is not doing well. The empty room is basically undecorated. Looking at the area of ​​two bedrooms and one living room, the only pieces of furniture are old things that Bai Haonan remembers since he was a child, the bench for the child to sit on. It was the one he sat before, and Bai Haonan was surprised that he didn't give Lao Bai money in the years when he was so beautiful?

Bai Lianjun was not angry: "You son of a turtle is out there all day long, when did you take care of my life and death... But now I think about it, I deserve it, didn't I wander outside when you were a child, and now it's a debt repayment, you and me Even if you work hard as Bang Bang, you must raise Douer well!"

Bai Haonan was a little jealous: "Lying..., don't swear in front of the child, why didn't you have such enthusiasm when I was? Be a bang? You're thinking too much... Hello? Boss Yu, I have A big question for you."

   This sudden son really reminded Bai Haonan of countless possibilities!

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