After diagnosing and treating Ma Wu, Taoist Priest Qingjing took the two of them to the side hall.

There is a huge medicine cauldron placed in the center of the side hall. There are many medicine cabinets with the names of medicinal materials on the walls on both sides. There is a table with many tools and a wooden bed inside.

Taoist Priest Qingjing took out a porcelain bottle from a medicine cabinet with the words "Golden Liquid Pill" written on it.

Take one out of it and give it to Ma Wu for consumption.

"Wait, Master, show me first!"

Ma Wu showed a puzzled expression, and then handed the Golden Liquid Pill to Yu Liang.

Yu Liang held the 'Golden Liquid Pill' with two fingers and looked at it carefully.

"Is this the Golden Liquid Pill in "Bian Que's Heart Sutra"?"

Golden Liquid Pill is a yang-tonifying magic medicine made from sulfur.

It has the effect of solidifying the true energy, warming the Dantian, strengthening the muscles and bones, aphrodisiac, removing chronic cold, and replenishing fatigue and fatigue.

After Yu Liang observed the 'Golden Liquid Pill' for a while, he returned it to the master for him to take.

"Does Master Yu know the art of medicine?"

Upon hearing Taoist Priest Qingjing's inquiry, Yu Liang replied modestly: "I only know a little about it and have some research on medicine."

After hearing his answer, Taoist Priest Qingjing did not ask any more questions.

Ask Ma Wu to take off his clothes and lie down on the wooden bed.

Taoist priest Qingjing took out an oil lamp and a pack of silver needles.

Take out a thin needle from it, roast it on the fire until it turns red, and then pierce it into Ma Wu's leg.

Yu Liang stood aside, staring intently.

Seeing this, Taoist Priest Qingjing didn't say anything. Instead, he explained it.

"'Vulcan Needle' has two acupuncture methods: one is to use long needles to penetrate deeply to treat scrofula and carbuncle to drain pus.

The second is to use short needles to prick shallowly to warm the meridians, dispel cold, unblock the meridians and activate the meridians, and treat cold, numbness and pain caused by cold, carbuncle, and paralysis..."

While listening to Taoist Master Qingjing's explanation, Yu Liang watched him insert the red silver needle into the master's body.

half an hour later

Taoist Master Qingjing stopped acupuncture and blew out the oil lamp.

Then, he took out a porcelain bottle from the medicine cabinet.

He picked up a silver needle and inserted it into the porcelain bottle. When he pulled it out, Yu Liang saw some light yellow liquid on the silver needle.

Taoist priest Qingjing will insert the silver needle soaked in liquid into Ma Wu's body.

He continued to explain: "The world only knows about the Fire God Needle, but they don't know that there is a corresponding Water God Needle.

Only when the two are used together can the effect of water and fire complementing each other and dragon and tiger meeting! "

"This needle contains a powerful medicine to dispel cold. Through acupuncture, it can directly reach the location of the disease..."

After another quarter of an hour

Taoist Priest Qingjing stopped acupuncture and put everything away.

"Lie down and rest here for an hour for the time being. After that, you only need to take good care of yourself when you go back, and the cold poisoning disease will be cured."

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!" Yu Liang bowed his hands and thanked him.

Taoist priest Qingjing left the side hall and gave Yu Liang a special look when he went out.

"Master, you take a rest here, I'll go talk to the Taoist Priest."

"Disciple, the Taoist priest explaining the treatment method to you just now was obviously intentional. I'm afraid he has some agenda." The master said calmly.

Yu Liang smiled and replied: "Disciple has also seen it. Since the Taoist Master has cured your illness, as long as it is not excessive, so what if I promise him a reward!"

Turn around and come to the palace.

At this time, Taoist Master Qingxu sat on the futon again.

Yu Liang once again raised his hands and thanked him: "Thank you so much, Taoist Priest, for saving me. If you have any requests, Taoist Priest, please feel free to ask."

Taoist priest Qingjing didn't say anything. Instead, he took out a book and handed it to Yu Liang.

Yu Liang took it and saw that it was indeed the "Water and Fire God Acupuncture" he had just performed.

This thing was very important to him. After accepting it, he handed it over and said, "What does the Taoist Master want?"

Taoist Master Qingjing said with a smile: "We as Taoists are pursuing nothing more than the Tao."

"I want to have a look at the way of spiritual practice of lay people."

What is Tao?

Tao is the order by which everything in heaven and earth operates.

The resonance frequency of the aura in Yu Liang's body is a kind of Tao!

Taoist Priest Qingjing wants his 'Snake King Magic'.

Yu Liang lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Do you have paper and pen?"

Hearing this, Taoist Master Qingjing showed a smile on his face and called to the door, and his Taoist boy came in with pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Yu Liang picked up a pen and wrote down the "Snake King's Magic" on the eight stone walls in the Snake Valley.

Taoist Priest Qingjing took over the "Snake King's Magic" and watched it attentively, nodding continuously during the process.

After reading it, he said with a slightly excited expression: "What a masterpiece!"

"Is the layman willing to have a discussion with me?"

"I wish I could have it!"

Yu Liang came to sit on the ground in front of Taoist Master Qingjing.

Discussing the Tao means sharing cultivation experiences and understanding of cultivation with each other.

Life is between heaven and earth.

Man and heaven and earth are inseparable.

Heaven and earth are essentially yin and yang, and the human body is also yin and yang.

Humans have twelve meridians and three hundred and sixty-five collaterals.

There are twelve months and three hundred and sixty-five days.

"The correspondence between heaven and man" is the innate ability of human beings.

The reason why people cannot feel the world is because many channels in the body are closed.

When the channel connecting the human body to heaven and earth is opened, people can feel the existence of heaven and earth.

And opening up the channel between the human body and heaven and earth is the process of spiritual practice.

How to open the channel between the human body and heaven and earth?

Use gas.

What is Qi?

Qi is vitality and energy!

Qi is spread throughout the body, flowing through the inner veins, central channels, networks, cells, organs and tissues of life, and running through all dimensions and levels of the body.

When Qi circulates, it can unblock energy channels through various links in the body, infuse energy into all parts of the body, strengthen the overall circulation, and infinitely break and clear obstacles to the body's internal energy circulation.

When all the channels in the human body are opened.

You can open up the connection channel between the human body and heaven and earth!

Where is the passage between the human body and heaven and earth?

According to what Taoist Master Qingjing said: This is the first orifice of the mysterious entrance!

There is only one hole in the entrance, and it is mysterious and mysterious.

The gate of Xuanfei, the gate of all wonders.

When Taoist Priest Qingjing mentioned the Xuan Guan Aperture, his expression was full of sighs and emotions. This was something he had been pursuing for decades.

And Yu Liang now has a guess about the entrance.

It's not a specific thing, it's frequency!

The human body is an energy field, and the heaven and earth are also an energy field.

When Yu Liang obtained the 'Qi Refining Technique', he knew that if the human body wants to receive the energy of heaven and earth, it must adjust the frequency of the human body to the frequency of heaven and earth.

When the frequencies of two energy fields are the same, energy between the two can be transferred to each other.

According to the law of entropy increase, energy will transfer from higher places to lower places.

Therefore, the energy between heaven and earth will be transmitted to the human body.

This is the principle of the 'qi training technique' to breathe out the energy of heaven and earth.

It's just that this process of infusing the energy of heaven and earth into the human body is very dangerous, and it requires strong control over the human body's energy field.

Otherwise, the river will flow backwards and the small pool will collapse in an instant.

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