Yu Liang took the wooden box and opened it. There was a thumb-sized polyhedral crystal with metallic luster in the middle.

Is this Gu Jade?

No matter how you look at it, this thing looks like a modern handicraft.

"How to use this Gu Jade?"

"Just let the strange snake swallow it."

Just as Yu Liang was about to pick it up with his fingers and take a closer look, he heard the village leader say: "Gu jade is an unknown object, you'd better not touch it."

"What does unknown thing mean?" Yu Liang asked curiously.

The leader of the village explained: "According to records, many people of our Miao tribe tried to explore the power of Gu Jade, but in the end they became seriously ill and died painfully without knowing how."

"Therefore, it is also called an unknown object and has been enshrined here. Only when the Gu King appears can it be taken away and used to cultivate Gu."

Miraculous powers, unknown, evil diseases...

After listening to the village leader's story, Yu Liang was so frightened that he almost threw away the wooden box containing the Gu jade in his hand.

He quickly closed the wooden box and kept complaining in his heart: What kind of Gu Jade is this? It is clearly a stone with strong radioactive material!

Why are there strange snakes in the Hulu Valley?

He had previously speculated that the mutation should be caused by the influence of its special environment.

Now think about what kind of environment is most likely to cause biological mutation? The answer is definitely radiation!

The strange snake appears due to radiation mutation, so it can withstand the Gu Jade that normal creatures cannot stand.

This thing is so dangerous that Yu Liang doesn't feel safe even if it's in the box, so it's better to be eaten by the giant python as soon as possible.

Also, I will have to go less often to Calabash Valley in the future, and it is best not to go there, because the radiation-laden environment sounds very permeable.

The leader of the village continued: "When your Snake King achievement is complete, I will gather all the Miao people to hold a succession ceremony for you. At that time, you will be the new Snake King of our Miao tribe!"

Yu Liang nodded, expressed his understanding and quickly left the Miao Village for Hulu Valley.

Find the giant python and take it out of the inner valley.

"Da Zhuang, open your mouth!"

Asking the giant python to open its mouth, Yu Liang threw the entire wooden box containing the ancient jade into its mouth and let it swallow it.

Watching the giant python swallow the Gu Jade, Yu Liang thought about it having been living in the environment of the inner valley. If it left, would it affect the speed of its molting?

Therefore, when Yu Liang left, he brought the giant python back to the inner valley and let it stay not far from the entrance.

In this way, when looking for it in the future, you can call it out directly, and Yu Liang does not have to enter the inner valley.

Time passes little by little.

Unknowingly, half a year has passed.

Yu Liang's life in the Miao village was fulfilling every day.

The cultural inheritance of the Miao people for thousands of years is extensive and profound, and its deeper content can be discovered through in-depth study.

In addition to continuous learning every day, Yu Liang also digests what he has learned before.

The swordsmanship of the Japanese Yagyu family suddenly became his strongest weapon.

Slashing against the wind, slashing five times with one sword, Yu Liang believed that no one in this world could take his sword!

It's a pity that the strength of his body limits the improvement of Windward Slash, otherwise he would not only be able to slash with one sword five times.

To strengthen his body, Yu Liang has been practicing hard qigong, but the further he progresses, the slower the improvement and the lower the effect.

If you want to improve significantly, you have to change to a more profound method of cultivation.

As for the giant python, it only shed its skin once in half a year, and Yu Liang developed the Snake King Magic Skill to the third level.

The aura fields of the three frequencies are not only more powerful, but also have a wider range of influence on the whole body, with a radius of four meters.

Under the influence of the aura, Yu Liang could even fly through the sky for a short period of time, floating in the mountains and forests like a god.

At the same time, Yu Liang also determined what the secret of Snake King's longevity is.

Say it concisely and clearly

Regulate various functions in the body through the aura.

Although the body is active, the internal state remains the same as when the snake is hibernating. The heart rate is reduced, energy loss is reduced, etc.

In this case, life span will naturally increase.

Master Ma Wu was disappointed after listening to Yu Liang's story.

He thought it was some magical secret technique, or some secret medicine or other life-extending method.

Unexpectedly, I still practice to improve my realm and then my lifespan.

Yu Liang passed on the Snake King Magic Skill to his master Ma Wu, but he couldn't learn it at first.

It was Yu Liang who used his aura to assist him in operating his magic skills, and he was able to practice gradually bit by bit.

You can learn how to do it, but if you want to use it to extend your life, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Without the expectation of extending his life, Ma Wu thought of leaving the Miao village and returning to his lakeside hut.

Yu Liang asked him to wait until Taoist Priest Qingjing of Qingyang Palace came back and cured his illness before going back.

Unexpectedly, the very next day, Taoist Priest Qingjing returned to Qingyang Palace.

Yu Liang took his master Ma Wu to seek medical treatment.

There are many people who come to Taoist Priest Qingjing for medical treatment. Although Taoist Priest Qingjing is open to treatment, it is his Taoist boy who really sees the doctor.

Only for truly difficult and complicated diseases that this Taoist boy cannot solve will he ask Taoist Master Qingjing for diagnosis and treatment.

After seeing Ma Wu's condition, Tao Tong introduced the two of them to the palace nearby.

The space in the palace is large, but it is empty without even a statue of the god. There is only a futon in the center, on which sits a Taoist priest with childlike face and crane hair.

"Master, this layman is suffering from cold poison and needs your Vulcan Needle to treat him."

"I understand, go down!"

The Taoist boy bowed and exited the hall, leaving Yu Liang and his master Ma Wu behind.

Taoist priest Qingjing raised his head and stared directly at Yu Liang.

Yu Liang stepped forward and saluted: "I have met Taoist Priest Qingjing, and I will leave it to you to treat my master's cold disease."

"No hurry, no rush!"

Taoist Priest Qingjing smiled, flicked the fly whisk in his hand, and his body that had been sitting cross-legged stood upright, and slowly walked to Yu Liang.


This Taoist Priest Qingjing is also a top master.

Feeling the aura emitted by the other party covering his body, Yu Liang's body also erupted with aura to compete with it.

The two auras collided with each other, directly forming a strong wave of air that impacted all around.

Ma Wu on the side felt the impact and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

“It’s really commendable to have such a state of mind at such a young age!”

Taoist Master Qingjing flicked the fly whisk in his hand again, and the aura on his body dissipated, and Yu Liang immediately put away his aura.

"I heard that there was an envoy from the Sun Moon God Sect who defeated an Japanese swordsman in Fuzhou. I guess it must be you!"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Yu Liang replied: "That's right!"

"Taoist Priest Qingjing won't stop treating my master just because I am a member of the Sun Moon God Sect, right?"

Hearing this, Taoist Priest Qingjing smiled and shook his head: "I and other Taoists never care about the affairs of the world."

"I just tried to test you. I was just curious about you."

After saying that, he came to Ma Wu and began to diagnose and treat him.

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