
Yu Liang slowly opened his eyes

Feeling the hunger in your belly, you get up and leave the house to find food.

Uncle Wu's family only had two meals a day, and they didn't eat in the morning, so Yu Liang didn't go to his house.

In the woods outside the village, Yu Liang lowered his head to look for any edible wild vegetables.

Until he was approaching the lake, he suddenly found a small patch of physalis.

He often ate this thing when he was a child in the countryside. It has three leaves and the root is like a crystal radish. It tastes sour.

The green belt of his community is also full of these clovers.

Yu Liang picked a large handful of physalis and went to the lake to clean it.

Before eating again, he cleans his mouth.

Break off a section of a twig, bite the fresh end flat, and use the fibers of the twig to clean the stains on your teeth. Since there is no charcoal at the moment, the effect will be better.

After washing, put two sticks of physalis in your mouth and taste them.


It’s sour and quite high!

I ate another tuberous root, which was crunchy and a little sweet.

Hmm~ Not bad!

Sitting on the ground, Yu Liang quickly finished the handful of physalis in his hand.

It was a bit unsatisfying, so I dug some more, but this time I only got the roots.

On the way back, Yu Liang ate while walking.

On the way, I also met Huzi from the fifth uncle's family.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what did you eat?"

Yu Liang handed one to him to try. Unexpectedly, Huzi didn't recognize this thing.

"What's this?"

After looking at it for a while, he threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

"Mmm, it's delicious!"

"Brother Xiao Yu, where did you do this?"

Yu Liang pointed to the lake.

Huzi immediately pulled him back, wanting to collect more with him.

But before he had walked a few steps, someone shouted from behind: "Huzi, please go home and take a look. Dad Ni fell and was injured, and his arm was broken."

When the two heard the sound, they turned around and saw that the person shouting was the child from Huzi's next door neighbor, named Xiaomi.


Huzi's expression changed drastically and he ran home quickly, with Yu Liang following closely behind him.

As soon as I arrived at the door of my house, I heard the cry of the tiger mother.


When I walked in, I saw Uncle Wu sitting in a chair, seemingly fine, except that his left arm was resting on the table.

There is an old man next to him, checking his injuries.

This man is an elder in the village. Because he is old, he knows some treatment methods. Everyone calls him the fourth uncle.

"My elbow is broken. Use a wooden board to fix it. It will heal in about half a year, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do heavy work in the future."

After hearing what her fourth uncle said, Hu Zi Niang hugged Hu Zi and cried even more sadly.

Because the fifth uncle is the backbone of the family, Hu Zi has not grown up yet. If his arms cannot do heavy work, the family will collapse in half.

Huzi also cried loudly.


When the fourth uncle saw this, he sighed helplessly.

Yu Liang slowly stepped forward and gently touched Uncle Wu's left arm on the table.

"Yu Liang, don't move!"

The fourth uncle hurriedly spoke to stop him.

Yu Liang took his hand back. In his inspection just now, there was no wound on Uncle Wu's arm. It was not broken but just dislocated. He only needed to reconnect it.

Looking back at my fourth uncle, I saw that this old guy was really doing a lot of harm. If the dislocated arm was not reattached and fixed with a splint, then the hand would definitely be useless from now on.

I recall in my mind the "Barefoot Doctor's Manual" about the method of reducing elbow dislocation.

[The patient takes a sitting position, one assistant holds the upper arm, the surgeon holds the wrist with one hand, and the thumb of the other hand touches the humerus. The remaining four fingers outline the olecranon of the ulna. After resisting the traction with the assistant for several minutes, slowly flex the elbow joint and hear " "Gada" sound indicates that the reset has been successful. 】

Yu Liang stretched out his hands to grab Uncle Wu.

The fourth uncle yelled again: "Don't mess around!"

Yu Liang ignored him and started treating Uncle Wu according to the treatment methods in the book.

In just a moment, with a "Gada" sound, Uncle Wu's dislocated arm was reattached.

Yu Liang's face was filled with joy. He also had a try attitude and thought he would have to try a few more times. Unexpectedly, he succeeded all of a sudden.

After feeling that his arm was strong again, Uncle Wu excitedly tried to move it.

After confirming that there was no problem, he excitedly said to Yu Liang: "Yu Liang, thank you so much!"

"I didn't expect you to be able to help people set bones!"

Yu Liang smiled sheepishly. It was his first time to do this, and he didn't expect to succeed immediately.

Uncle Wu's arm was healed, and the couple turned from sadness to joy and kept thanking Yu Liang.

The fourth uncle on the side asked in confusion: "Do you still have such ability?"

Yu Liang didn't answer. The fourth uncle knew that he couldn't speak, so he didn't go into details. Instead, he smiled and said: "It's good to know medical skills. From now on, if anyone is injured in the village, you can help treat it!"

Hearing what he said, Yu Liang quickly waved his hands. He had only read a "Barefoot Doctor's Manual" and knew a little about first aid. How could he have any medical skills?

If this word spreads, people in the village will come to him for treatment. If the treatment cannot be cured, wouldn't it be a great sin?

I don’t know if my fourth uncle understood what Yu Liang meant, but he left with a smile.

With the endless gratitude of Uncle Wu's family, Yu Liang also left here.

Not long after, word spread in the village that Yu Liang would practice bone-setting medicine.


Yu Liang accompanied Hu Zi to fish at the lake

A man from the village came running in a hurry.

"Yu Liang, my fourth uncle asked me to come find you!"

Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand with a questioning expression.

"Uncle Sun was ill yesterday. He took several bowls of medicine. Not only did he not get better, but he got worse, so the fourth uncle wants you to take a look!"

Hearing the other party's explanation, Yu Liang was dumbfounded and complained in his heart: Isn't this because he is sick and seeking medical treatment?

In the morning, he just helped the fifth uncle to reattach the dislocated arm, and in the afternoon he asked him to treat sick people. What did the fourth uncle think?

"Oh, stop nagging and let's go!"

The other party took Yu Liang back to the village.

When he arrived at Uncle Sun's house, his fourth uncle and Uncle Sun's family were waiting for him.

"Yu Liang, you're here. Come and see if Old Sun Tou can be saved?"

Regarding the fourth uncle's words, Yu Liang suddenly understood that the other party was not a random doctor, but a dead horse treated as a living horse doctor!

When I came to the hospital bed, I saw this patient lying on the bed with more air coming out and less air coming in.

This man was the old man who gave Yu Liang a fruit on the first day.

The fourth uncle introduced Yu Liang's condition.

Old man Sun suffered a sudden stroke while working in the fields, resulting in paralysis of his lower limbs and incontinence of urine and feces.

After taking the medicine disclosed by my fourth uncle, not only did he not get better, but he became even weaker and now he is dying.

After listening to the introduction, Yu Liang looked at Uncle Sun and at the same time secretly glanced at his fourth uncle.

Judging from how he treated Uncle Wu’s arm in the morning, this unreliable doctor is not very interested in treating patients!

"Yu Liang, what do you think?"

Hearing his fourth uncle's inquiry, Yu Liang turned back and looked at the leftover medicinal soup in the patient's bowl at the bedside.

"The medicines I use are angelica, red peony root, earthworm, chuanxiong, safflower and peach kernel!"

After listening to the prescription he described, Yu Liang frowned. Isn't this the 'Building Yang and Returning Five Decoctions'?

But is there one missing medicine in this prescription?

Yu Liang knew that one of the five decoctions for nourishing yang contained astragalus.

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