after eating

Yu Liang planned to walk around and get familiar with the environment here.

Jingle bell~

Walking on the dirt road in the village, a clear ringing sound suddenly came to my ears.

Hearing the sound and looking over, he saw a middle-aged man pulling a small car, walking slowly towards the center of the village. The sound came from the two copper bells hanging on his small car.

Jingle bell~

Jingle bell~

Hearing this sound, many villagers came out of the house, holding various things in their hands, and surrounded the middle-aged man's car.

Yu Liang stepped forward to take a look curiously, and saw all kinds of daily necessities placed on the car. He instantly understood that the other party was a salesman traveling from village to village.

"Can I trade these straw sandals for your piece of cloth?"

"I have five eggs and want to exchange them for this red rope!"


The transactions between the villagers and the sellers were all barter, and no one used money to buy.

While Yu Liang was standing aside watching the fun, Uncle Wu and Huzi also came to the seller, carrying the big herring they caught in the morning.

"Brother Xiao Yu, you are here too!"

When Huzi saw Yu Liang, he immediately came over.

Uncle Wu lifted the big herring on his hand and said to Yu Liang: "It's such a waste to eat such a big fish, why not replace it with some salt!"

With that said, Uncle Wu raised the fish to the seller and said to him: "This is the fish I just caught in the morning. It's still fresh. I want to change it for some salt!"

The salesman took the big herring, weighed it, and then put it into a bamboo basket.

A delicate little altar was taken out of the car.

When many villagers saw this small jar, they all stared at it closely, with longing in their eyes.

When Uncle Wu saw this, he quickly took out a piece of gray cloth and spread it in his palm.

The salesman opened the small jar and took out two yellow-brown crystals, one large and one small.

Yu Liang looked carefully and saw that these two things did not look like the salt in his impression.

The salesman shook his hand, and the big piece fell back into the jar, and he put the small piece into Uncle Wu's palm.

Uncle Wu hurriedly wrapped the small piece of yellow-brown crystal carefully and said with a smile on his face: "Yu Liang, I'm going back first!"

Yu Liang reached out and touched his chin, thinking that salt was a very precious thing in any time period except in modern times.

Official monopoly, complex processes, low output, high demand and many other conditions have destined the price of salt to remain high.

If there is another disaster year, war or something, ordinary people will be even less able to afford it.

In fact, there is quite a lot of salt contained in nature.

For example, yesterday at the lakeside, the shepherd boy's two big buffaloes kept licking a stone because the stone contained salt.

It's just that it's okay for animals to eat this kind of mineral salt. If people eat it, they will be poisoned by heavy metals, so people can't eat this kind of mineral salt.

Salt refining technology is out of date in modern society!

Yu Liang turned around and went straight to the lake. When Huzi saw him leaving, he thought he was going to the lake to catch fish again, so he followed him in a hurry.

Come to the place where the big buffalo licks the rocks.

There are seven pieces of salty ore in total, and they vary in size. The smallest one only weighs twenty or thirty kilograms; the largest one is half a person tall, and they all weigh at least a hundred kilograms.

Yu Liang picked up the smallest salt stone and smashed it against the other stones.


After colliding with each other, many fragments flew out.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

Huzi asked suspiciously when he saw him throwing rocks for no reason.

Yu Liang picked up a piece of gravel and examined it, and found that there were many crystal substances on the broken cross section. These were the mineral salts contained in the stone.

He made a gesture and asked Huzi to collect the flying rubble.

Then Yu Liang continued to hit the salt stone with the salt stone.

Until he was out of breath from exhaustion, Huzi had collected about twenty kilograms of gravel.

Use some broad leaves to wrap these gravels and return them to your home in the village.

Looking at the poverty-stricken home, Yu Liang asked Huzi to go home again and use the hammer, stone mortar and other things that could be used to extract salt.

In order for Huzi to understand what he meant, Yu Liang made gestures for a long time, and almost spoke directly, but he finally understood.

When Huzi returned home, Uncle Wu saw that he had taken so many things and asked where he had taken them. What to do?

"Brother Xiao Yu wants to use it. I don't know what it is for, but I will take it back when it is used up."

"Oh, okay, let me send you there!"

Hearing that it was Yu Liang who wanted to use it, Uncle Wu didn't stop him.

When Huzi came back with something,

Yu Liang asked him to light a fire and boil water again. Huzi nodded and ran to work.

Seeing his busy figure, instructing a child to work, Yu Liang felt a little embarrassed.



There was nothing he could do about it, because now he had no other helper except Hu Zi. He secretly said that he must take good care of him when his life is better in the future.

Huzi made a fire and boiled water, and Yu Liang also started to get busy.

First, use a hammer to break the salt stone you brought back into smaller pieces, and then grind it in a stone mortar.

Take the ground powder and add it to the Huzi boiled water into the earthen pot.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Yu Liang adding gravel into the clean water, Huzi asked in surprise.

Yu Liang stretched out his hand to signal him to be quiet, then boiled water and kept stirring the gravel in the water.

Looking back at Huzi, I saw that he was watching his every move curiously.

Salt is too dangerous, and the tiger cub is still too young. It would be bad if it were publicized.

Yu Liang waved him away. At this time, Huzi also felt that there was no point in looking at the stones, so he left directly.

After he left, Yu Liang continued to make salt.

After half of the water in the pot was boiled away, he poured out the remaining water, which contained a large amount of salt.

Next, various operations such as filtration, evaporation, and dissolution are repeated to obtain clean and edible salt.

Yu Liang held the final harvest in the palm of his hand, which was really pitiful.

In one afternoon, twenty kilograms of salt-containing ore was used, and in the end, only a small amount of salt was obtained. Yu Liang lamented that it was too difficult to extract salt from the salt mine, and it would be better if there was sea water.

Keep this salt carefully, not only because it is precious, but also because if someone sees it, the consequences will be very dangerous.

Take the borrowed things and go to Uncle Wu's house.

As soon as they met, Uncle Wu asked: "I heard from Huzi that you are boiling stones at home. What are you doing?"

Yu Liang just smiled when he heard this. This is the advantage of pretending to be mute. Some questions don't need to be answered.

He reached out and handed the thing back.

In the evening, we still had fish soup and rice with mixed vegetables. The food that Uncle Wu and his family ate was delicious, but it was a bitter experience for Yu Liang.

Those messy wild vegetables really ruined such a good fish soup. He just drank some soup to fill his stomach.

After leaving and returning home, he secretly decided that he would not eat at Uncle Wu's house tomorrow, but would start cooking by himself.

It was getting dark, and Yu Liang, who had worked hard all day, lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

In the dream, he came to this dark space again.

Looking at the aperture in front of him, Yu Liang thought for a moment before reaching out to touch it.

Because he wanted to try whether he would be forcibly transported back to modern times after traveling for ten days.

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