"Brother Xiao Yu, it's already dawn, let's collect the fishing traps quickly!"

Looking at the excited tiger in front of him, Yu Liang breathed a long sigh of relief. He had to slow down.

MD, why did you suddenly travel through time again?

He clearly didn't enter that aperture!

Seeing that Yu Liang's expression was dull and deep in thought, Huzi stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Brother Xiao Yu? It's time to get up!"


Yu Liang sighed and got off the bed.

Following Huzi, he moved towards the lake step by step.

How did that happen?

Yu Liang was thinking along the way, how could he get through?

Combining all kinds of information, he calculated a result.

Exactly ten days have passed since the day he traveled back to modern times.

And after he traveled back through time, the time here happened to be dawn the next day.

In other words, ten modern days are equivalent to one night here.

At daybreak, he will be forced through!

But he stayed here for a day last time, and when he returned to modern times, only one night had passed.

From this point of view, the only explanation is that the time flow rate in the two worlds is different!

He would have to travel several times and collect more information before he could summarize the specific situation.

Soon, the two people arrived at the place where they had fished the trap under the lake yesterday.

"Brother Xiao Yu, we're here!"

When Huzi saw the lake ahead, he immediately shouted and rushed over.

He quickly lifted up a fishing cage, looked in through the fish inlet, and shouted excitedly: "There are fish, there are so many fish!"

Yu Liang walked over and took over the fishing cage and poured out all the fish inside.

Two palm-sized crucian carps and seven small white stripes!

He waved to him and said, "Go get those three too!"


Huzi ran excitedly to pick up the fishing cage.

Unfortunately, one of them had a big hole, and all the fish inside were gone.

Yu Liang poured out all the fish from the other two fishing cages, and the number surprised him.

Go ahead, this fish is quite irritable!

Seventeen small white fish, five crucian carp, two carp, and a big herring weighing at least three kilograms!

Fortunately, this was not the county town where he was located in the modern era, otherwise it would be like this fish situation, fishing in line on the first day, setting off the net on the second day, and directly putting on the battery on the third day!

Huzi was excited to see so many fish, but he also held the broken fishing cage and said regretfully: "It's a pity that this one is broken, otherwise we could still catch a lot of fish!"

Yu Liang took it and checked it. The damaged area seemed to have been bitten by something.

This situation is inevitable. After all, it is made of grass and vines. If nothing else, the big herring just caught can bite off the grass and vines.

It also proved how lucky I was to be able to catch this big herring.

Yu Liang grabbed a few blades of grass at his feet and gestured to Huzi to pull some grass and braid a few straw ropes. It would be difficult to take away so many fish without hanging them up!


Huzi understood, and Saya ran to the grass nearby to weave a straw rope.

Yu Liang planned to kill the fish by the lake and then take them away.

Find two rocks that collide with each other to break out a small fragment with a sharp edge, and use it as a killing tool.

While Yu Liang was slowly killing fish, a small boat in the middle of the lake slowly sailed towards him.

"Young man, you are very good. There are so many fish, and sometimes I cast the net for a long time without even catching them!"

Yu Liang looked up at the fisherman on the bow of the boat. He was a man in his fifties or sixties, with gray hair, but his naked body still had obvious muscle lines. His bronze complexion showed how strong his body was.

The other party continued: "My name is Ma Wu, known as Lao Wu. I have been fishing here for so many years, and I have never seen you catching fish like this. Can you tell me something?"

Yesterday, Ma Wu noticed Yu Liang's fishing, but he didn't pay much attention at that time. Today he saw Yu Liang catching so many easily, so he came over to take a look out of curiosity.

After Yu Liang heard this, he slowly stood up and looked at the opponent's strong and oppressive body. He only opened his mouth without making a sound, and kept gesticulating with his hands in front of him.

When Ma Wu saw this, he frowned slightly, secretly thinking that the other party was actually a mute.

Just then Huzi ran over grabbing a handful of straw rope.

Fisherman Ma Wu immediately asked Hu Zi again.

Yu Liang was afraid that he would say the wrong thing, so he quickly waved his hand to let him say whatever he wanted.

Huzi also understood what Yu Liang meant, and immediately said: "It's actually very simple. We put cow dung in the fishing cage, and then we caught so many fish!"

Fisherman Ma Wu held the paddling pole in his hand, and with a slight lift, a fishing cage next to Yu Liang flew away, and then fell into his hand.

After looking around and studying it, he said with a smile: "I see, this method is good!"

He threw the fishing cage back to Yu Liang, and at the same time used a pole to fly a big carp from the cabin and landed at his feet.

"Let's go!"

Fisherman Ma Wu slowly left the shore with his fishing boat.

Yu Liang breathed a long sigh of relief. Just from the figure of the other party, he could tell that he was no ordinary person.

The hand holding the pole to fly the fishing cage and carp really shocked Yu Liang.

With this strength and precision, if it was him who was picked on by this pole, wouldn't he die?

If you don’t want to kill the fish, leave as soon as possible!

Yu Liang and Hu Zi returned to the village carrying a pile of fish.

The villagers I met along the way showed surprised expressions and asked where these fish came from.

Huzi answered them with a showy face, saying that Yu Liang led him to capture them.

When they arrived at Huzi's house, Uncle Wu and Huzi Niang were surprised to see the two carrying so many fish.

They both knew that their son went out early in the morning to catch fish with Yu Liang.

But they didn't expect that they had caught so many fish in just half a day.

"Mom, I want to drink fish soup today!"

"Okay, okay!"

Huzi Niang took the fish from Huzi's hand with a smile on her face.

Uncle Wu was about to say something, but Yu Liang reached out to interrupt him, and then handed the fish in his hand to Hu Ziniang.

He kept waving his hands towards Uncle Wu, meaning that this was his meal, and he, Yu Liang, would eat it at his house from now on!

Unexpectedly, Uncle Wu actually understood what Yu Liang meant.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at the eager eyes of Hu Zi Niang and his son, nodded and sighed: "Okay, as long as you are willing!"

"As an elder, I didn't do anything to help you when you were in trouble, and now I want to take advantage of you. It's really~sigh~"

Yu Liang smiled when he heard this. Not only was he impoverished, his family was destitute, but he was also alone.

If there is no one to help me, when will I be able to live a good life?

And if you are bullied, how pitiful would it be if you don’t even have anyone around you to help?

Pushing her hand to Hu Zi Niang to cook, the latter immediately carried all the fish to the kitchen with a smile on her face.

Before long, the smell of fish was everywhere in the house.

"It's time to eat!"

"Come and try the fresh fish and vegetable rice I made!"

When Yu Liang heard this, a bad thought came to his mind.

Looking down at the basin, the fish soup was mixed with many unknown plant stems and leaves.

"Come, I'll serve it for you!"

Hu Zi Niang filled a bowl for everyone!

Seeing that they were eating deliciously, Yu Liang took a small bite first. Although the bitter taste was slightly covered by the taste of fresh fish, it was still very unpalatable.

Forget it, let’s make do with it!

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