Had lunch.

Yu Liang picked up the "Barefoot Doctor's Manual", but when he saw the "Basic Martial Arts Training Methods" below, he put down the book and picked it up again.

What boy doesn’t have a martial arts dream?

When I was a child, I would hold a wooden stick in my hand, and no flower would dare to show its head within a hundred meters of my home!

[Practicing martial arts without practicing martial arts will lead to nothing in the end. The training of basic martial arts skills is very important.

Since there are many schools of Chinese martial arts, the practice methods of basic skills of each school are also different, but generally they are divided into shoulder skills, waist skills, leg skills, techniques, footwork, jumping, balance, falling and rolling, etc. wait

Leg Strength: Improve leg flexibility, flexibility and strength.

Leg skills are very important for a person who learns fighting martial arts. It is also called lower body Kung Fu and is the key to success or failure in martial arts training.

Leg exercises are mainly about practicing flexibility, agility and strength.

The main training methods are: leg press, leg pull, split leg, kick and leg control...

Leg presses are divided into four types: forward leg presses, side leg presses, rear leg presses and forward leg presses...]

Yu Liang became more and more confused as he read this "Basic Martial Arts Training Methods"!

No matter how you look at the content, it doesn’t look like it’s about teaching people to practice martial arts, but more like it’s about teaching people to dance!

[Splits are also called splits, and there are two types: vertical splits and horizontal splits. 】

Yu Liang immediately started turning the pages and jumping to read!

[Kicks and controlled kicks: Kicks are divided into forward kicks, side kicks, inside kicks, outward swings and back kicks, that is, kicks in different directions...

And leg control is to park the legs in the air, which can enhance the strength of the legs and strengthen the ability of the legs to support the whole body weight and lift control...]

After turning the pages until the end about the legs, Yu Liang finally saw a hint of martial arts.

Next is the waist part.

[The waist is the hub of strength for the upper and lower limbs of the human body and all parts of the body. Waist skills are mainly used to train the flexibility of the waist, including bending over, twisting the waist, rinsing the waist, lowering the waist and turning the waist...]

Yu Liang closed the book directly!

I secretly complained: What the hell are these?

Splits, lower back, forward roll!

He wants to practice martial arts, not dance!

Feeling a little depressed, Yu Liang turned on his computer and searched for Chinese martial arts.

Tai Chi, Bagua, Xingyi, Baji...

The powerful and domineering fighting video, coupled with the dynamic background music, made Yu Liang's blood boil.

This is the martial arts in his heart!

Xingyiquan is domineering, Bajiquan is fierce, Bagua hands are dark, Tongbei is unpredictable, and Wing Chun is ever-changing!

Wu has eight extremes to determine the universe!

Yu Liang selected a Bajiquan teaching video and started watching it.

Starting position: When standing, make fists with both hands and place them on your sides, stand with your legs straight, and lean forward slightly!

Double bump: step with your left foot, put your hands at your waist, step with your right foot, extend your fists at shoulder height, and lean forward.

Double Sheep Top: Stretch out your hands, exert force upwards and back, slap your back, clamp your ears with your elbows, and be quick when exerting force.

Dust dusting: Put your hands close to the body and spread them downward. Be sure to stretch them out. Stretch downwards and hold them up. The left hand becomes a fist and the right hand is a palm. Put it together in front of the chest. Push it forward to salute. The right hand becomes a fist and wrap the elbow and squat down. Bow...


"So handsome, this is the romance of men!"

Watching the teaching of Bajiquan makes Yu's conscience surge!

Stand up, watch, and imitate.

Yu Liang watched the ten-minute teaching video five or six times and imitated it three or four times, and he quickly learned the entire set of Bajiquan.

Open the door and make a move, the six forces are unified, the mind is used to guide the energy, the energy is used to urge the force, hardness and softness are combined, virtuality and reality are combined, the arms are shaken and the sky is knocked down, and the feet are stomped to shake the nine heavens.

Once you know the moves, you still need to match them with Qigong to be powerful!

It’s a pity that there is no Qigong part in the teaching of Baji Quan!

Therefore, Yu Liang searched for other qigong teachings on the Internet.

""Hunyuan Tai Chi Gong", the name sounds very powerful!"

Open it and take a look!

【Every day of the week is full of luck: push the palm to the right for luck!

Action: Bend the right fist and cross the elbow in front of the right chest, with the elbow and shoulder level, and the center of the fist downward.

Twist your upper body slightly to the left, look at the tip of your elbow, and keep your left fist and feet still.

Keep turning your right fist into a palm, with the palm facing down and the edge of the palm forward. With a deep breath, stretch your shoulders and arms, and slowly push forward.

When pushing to the top, straighten your wrists and turn your palms forward.

The mouth of the palm should be rounded, and at the same time, the breath should be exhausted, and the mind should be on the tip of the palm to look at the tip of the palm; the left fist and two feet should not move.

With the right palm inhaling deeply, slowly make a fist, clasp it on the right side of the waist, with the center of the fist facing upwards. At the same time, the air should be sucked out, and then swallowed (swallowing saliva).

Look straight ahead: Don't exhale, wait until you push your palm to the left for luck!


Since there was no video, Yu Liang could only deduce the actions word for word.

After practicing a set of Qigong, he felt like the slow aerobics that the old man did in the park in the morning.

Maintaining a skeptical attitude, Yu Liang practiced a few more times, but felt nothing except being more proficient.

Yu Liang felt that he was superior. How could there be any true qigong in this world?

If it really existed, with today’s technological network, it would have been publicized everywhere long ago!

Just practice Bajiquan, this is the real martial art, powerful and domineering!

The afternoon passed before I knew it.

After school in the evening, it’s time for business to be at its best.

After the busy work was over, Yu Liang returned home.

He also brought the "Barefoot Doctor's Manual" with him.

Before going to bed, I stopped looking at my phone and read this medical book. When my head was swollen, I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.


In his sleep, Yu Liang came to this dark ghost place again.

Looking at the aperture that allowed him to pass through

Yu Liang chose to stay far away from it and find a place to lie down.

Close your eyes and open them, it's dawn!

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The secret passage was indeed what he thought. As long as he didn't enter the circle of light, lay down to sleep, and wake up naturally at dawn, there would be no such thing as time travel.

"Oh, it's another day full of energy!"

Yu Liang happily got up, washed up, packed his clothes and went out. He met three elders downstairs and said hello as usual.

After breakfast, go to the store to open for business.

There is no one in the morning, so I study for a while first, then play games for a while, then practice Bajiquan for a while to stretch my muscles, and then continue studying...

If you have a business, making money is also important.

If there is no business, the cycle goes back and forth, combining work and rest, and Yu Liang feels very fulfilled.

The day has passed like this!

Go to bed honestly at night and get up normally the next day!

Just like that, nine days passed without realizing it.

Yu Liang almost forgot about time travel. After all, life is so good now. Who would want to suffer in that poor place?

But things always make him reluctant

At night, Yu Liang was sleeping soundly when he suddenly felt someone shaking his body.

Slowly open your eyes, who disturbed your sleep?

When he saw the face in front of him, Yu Liang was startled and he immediately sat up.

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