more than half a year

In addition to resting and practicing normally, Yu Liang has been observing the giant python in the cage at other times.

It is also at ease, does not struggle or resist, and lives here as if it were a nest.

In the interior scene, Yu Liang has completely mastered the giant python's Qi refining technique.

After practicing for such a long time, his Snake King Magic Skill finally reached the eighth level.

The python's electromagnetic induction ability arrived as promised.

When the aura of the magical power of movement unfolded, Yu Liangneng faintly felt the existence of some electromagnetic fields around him.

And the most obvious feeling is the magnetic field coming from the body.

The human body's biomagnetic field is generated by bioelectric currents.

The oxidation-reduction reaction of human life activities is ongoing. During these biochemical reactions, electron transfer occurs, and the transfer of electrons or the movement of ions can form an electric current, which is called biocurrent.

Human organs such as the heart, brain, muscles, etc. have regular bioelectric current flows.

Any part of the human body that can produce bioelectrical signals can produce biomagnetism. Such as heart magnetic field, brain magnetic field, neural magnetic field, muscle magnetic field, etc.

The combination of these magnetic fields is the human body’s life magnetic field!

The condition of the human body's life magnetic field can directly reflect a person's life status.

Another full moon night

Yu Liang sat cross-legged on the moon-watching platform he specially built.

Tonight he will try to practice Qi refining.

"I have been practicing for several years, and I have finally reached this point today!"

Looking up at the sky, I saw the moon slowly rising into the sky.

The reason why the giant python always practices Qi refining on a full moon night is because the fluctuations in the magnetic field of heaven and earth on this night are particularly strong and easy to sense.

The reason why this happens is that the earth is affected by the moon.

There is a saying in Taoism: "The tide rises on the 15th day of the lunar month, and there are beaches everywhere on the 8th and 23rd day of the lunar month."

It is talking about the changing pattern of the magnetic field of heaven and earth when it is affected by the moon.

When the moon is high in the sky.

Yu Liang used the Snake King Divine Art to maximize his aura and sense the magnetic field of heaven and earth.

During the period of observing the giant python, he had completely mastered the giant python's Qi refining technique in the interior scene.

Yu Liang twisted his body and assumed various strange shapes. By changing his body condition, he adjusted the frequency of the life magnetic field.

When its frequency was the same as that of the magnetic field of heaven and earth, Yu Liang's body suddenly entered an extremely excited state.

The beating of the heart, the flow of blood, the contraction of fascia...all the functions in the body have entered a state of full power operation.

Yu Liang knew that this situation was caused by the huge energy in the body.

He must now try his best to control his body and prevent it from entering an overloaded state.

But just when he concentrated on controlling his body, a vision suddenly appeared in his mind.

A huge ball of light appeared, and the dazzling white light it emitted filled Yu Liang's mind, making him unable to have any distracting thoughts, as if it wanted to purify his thoughts spotlessly.

Yu Liang quickly exited the cultivation state.

Huh~ It's so scary, the huge information transmitted through energy almost "purified" him!

After relaxing for a while, feel your body, feeling an unprecedented sense of sufficiency.

Stand up and move around. Even a simple and small movement is full of power.

A heavy punch was thrown out, and the powerful explosive power significantly improved its speed and strength compared to before.

Yu Liang looked at his body with a smile.

It has plenty of energy. It's like a car that was always filled with 92-octane gasoline. Now it's filled with 97-octane gasoline, and it feels full of power!

Look up at the moon, which is still at its zenith.

Yu Liang decided to end his practice today.

Tonight's harvest was already very rich, and he had to let him digest it and wait until the next fifteenth full moon to practice again.

He jumped down from the moon platform.

Look at the giant python Dazhuang in an iron cage not far ahead. Don't look at it. It has its body curled up and its eyes closed, motionless.

When Yu Liang finished refining his energy, he discovered that it was secretly observing him. When he stood up, the giant python closed its eyes again.

This shows that the giant python has been secretly watching him since he started practicing Qi.

He took a few steps forward and patted the iron cage.

Feeling the vibration, the giant python opened its eyes slightly.

Looking at each other, Yu Liang felt that it was becoming more and more spiritual.

He smiled and said, "I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying. In fact, I don't want to lock you in a cage. We can continue to be friends."

"Just like we did before, we swam in the mountains and forests together, caught wild boars, pheasants and so on, and I even grilled meat for you to eat!"

Seeing the giant python slowly closing its eyes again, Yu Liang sighed, then turned and left.

Early the next morning.

Yu Liang found the village owner and asked him to build a larger iron cage.

"Snake King, isn't this Snake King Gu well kept here?"

“I wanted to give it a little more room to move.”

After hearing what Yu Liang said, the village leader smiled and said: "This Snake King Gu has been sitting there motionless since it was locked in the iron cage. The size of the cage actually means nothing to it."

Yu Liang shook his head slightly: "Give it a bigger one, what if it wants to stretch out on a whim?"

"Also, the iron cage's iron bars should be made thicker and spikes added on them!"

Upon hearing Yu Liang's request, the village leader asked puzzledly: "Why?"

"I understand changing the cage to a larger one, but why do we need to make the iron rod thicker and add spikes?"

Yu Liang replied calmly: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. For safety reasons, I added an extra layer of protection to make it foolproof!"

Hearing this, the village leader nodded slightly: "Okay, I will do it as you ask."

half a month later

A larger iron cage is completed.

Each of the six-sided iron rods is as thick as an arm, and densely packed iron spikes are tied with ropes to the top and the four-sided iron rods.

Yu Liang, holding an iron rod in his hand, was unusually cooperative when he changed the python's home.

Yu Liang just knocked on the iron rod, and the giant python entered the new cage along the connecting entrance.

Seal the entrance to the cage directly so that no one can let it out unless it is broken.

The reason why Yu Liang did this was because the giant python was so calm.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster.

He wanted to nip all possible threats in the bud.


Yu Liang said to Shuixiang: "I have to do something. You stay in Miao Village well. I will come back after the matter is done."

Hearing this, Shuixiang asked: "Is it the thing you suddenly left to do last time?"

"Yeah!" Yu Liang nodded.

Shuixiang answered obediently: "Well, husband, go ahead and do it. I will wait for you at home."

Yu Liang touched her forehead with his hand, then left the room and went to the house next door where his master Ma Wu lived before.

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