All the furniture is made of wood, there are blue and white porcelain vases, and ancient landscape paintings are hung on the walls...

There is a small pool in the center, with several koi carps swimming in the water and a few lotus leaves floating in the water.

There is a tea table with four chairs on the right side. The table is filled with tea sets and a Yao Qin is placed next to it.

On the left side is a screen with a picture of cranes and pine trees.

Yu Liang followed Sister Xia across the screen and found a study room behind it.

Standing in front of the desk was a middle-aged man wearing casual clothes and a slicked back hair, holding a brush and writing on the paper.

Beside him stood a young man in a suit and leather collar.

"Sister Xia is here, come and see how I write this word?"

When the middle-aged man saw Sister Xia arriving, he smiled and asked her to come over and take a look at what he had written.

"Let me take a look, 'Feeling at Home', eh~ well written!"

"I think it's a good write-up, so I'll give it to you."

"Thank you so much!"

The two chatted happily for a few words, and Sister Xia introduced Yu Liang to the middle-aged man.

"This is the Master Xiao Yu I mentioned to you. His sound therapy is very good. You must try it!"

"Yeah, then I have to try!"

"It just so happens that I've been a little upset lately and I need to relax."

The middle-aged man left the desk, crossed the screen and sat down at the tea table by the pool.

Sister Xia took Yu Liang to the wall and pushed it gently. Unexpectedly, it was a secret door.

After walking in, I found that there were various musical instruments and some instruments in this small room.

In such a classical place, it is a bit awkward to have these modern instruments.

Yu Liang asked curiously: "Sister Xia, what are these instruments used for?"

"Oh, these are sound wave and electromagnetic wave physical therapy devices."

Physiotherapy device! Yu Liang stepped forward to observe.

Sister Xia opened a box containing large and small copper bowls and asked Yu Liang:

"Let's see, which one do you need?"

Yu Liang took a look, picked out a palm-sized copper bowl and threw it in his hand.

"This will do!"

The two returned to the pool

At this time, the middle-aged man was drinking tea with the young man.

He saw Yu Liang holding a copper bowl in his hand and said softly: "Singing bowl sound therapy!"

He drank the tea in his hand and then lay down on the chair with his eyes closed.

"Master Xiao Yu, please start!"

Yu Liang came to him holding a copper bowl and knocked it gently with a wooden stick.



The sound therapy ended after fifteen minutes.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and praised Yu Liang: "Your sound therapy skills are very good. I wonder which medical school you graduated from?"

Yu Liang replied: "I did not graduate from medical school, but passed down from my ancestors."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man nodded slightly: "Well, no wonder it's so powerful. It turns out to be passed down from ancestors."

"Which hospital do you work in now?"

"I opened a small shop of my own."

"This is great. If you have the ability, you can open your own store."

"There are still customers in my store, so I'll leave first."

"You should go back first if you are busy!"

After a few brief conversations, Yu Liang said goodbye and left.

Take the elevator downstairs.

Yu Liang asked Sister Xia beside him: "Sister Xia, where did you buy those physical therapy devices and how much do they cost?"

"What, Boss Yu wants to buy it?"

"Yeah!" Yu Liang nodded.

"These things are not expensive. They only cost about thirty to forty thousand each. I will give you the contact information of the manufacturer. You can contact them."

"Thank you, Sister Xia!"

"Hey, this is all a trivial matter, you're welcome."

Arriving at the entrance of the beauty salon, Sister Xia asked the driver to take Yu Liang back, while she went back to continue receiving the distinguished guests.

Back to the store

Yu Liang called the physical therapy device manufacturer that Sister Xia gave him and ordered an acoustic wave physical therapy device and an electromagnetic physical therapy device. They would be delivered to his door in about four days.

It can adjust the sound waves and electromagnetic waves emitted at different frequencies at will.

When I saw these two instruments in the beauty salon, Yu Liang’s first reaction was to use them in cultivation.

Now that he understands the principles of cultivation, he naturally wants to use the power of modern science to assist cultivation.

Four days later, the instrument arrived home.

Yu Liang couldn't wait to read the instructions, and then tried to practice.

The effect was astonishingly good as he expected, and the cultivation speed was directly increased several times.

A few days later, it was time to travel again.

Yu Liang looked at the aperture in front of him. It changed from three to four, and then one more appeared.

Reach out and touch Heaven.

Before I practiced Qi Refining, I only had a rough idea of ​​how powerful this Master Zhang was.

Only after practicing Qi Refining did I truly understand how terrifying this Master Zhang was.

Pushed open the door and walked outside.

Along the way, I found that the entire Wu-Tang Clan was decorated with joy.

After asking a Taoist boy, I found out that today is Zhang Sanfeng’s 100th birthday!

What a coincidence. If I had come a day later, I would have missed it!

Yu Liang immediately walked towards the main hall.

"Junior Brother Yu!"

When Mo Shenggu saw Yu Liang, he came over with a surprised look on his face and asked him: "Junior brother Yu, where have you been for such a long time?"

Regarding this issue, Yu Liang had thought of an excuse before coming.

"I had a sudden enlightenment on Wudang Mountain that day, so I went directly to travel around the mountains and rivers. Then I found a place to retreat and practice. I broke through to a new level before returning to Wudang."

Break through new realms!

Mo Shenggu was shocked when he heard Yu Liang's story.

Yu Liang's realm before was already at the top of the world, and now that he has made a new breakthrough, isn't he at the same level as his master?

"Come on, come with me to see the master!"

With that said, Mo Shenggu was about to drag Yu Liang to see Zhang Sanfeng.

"Junior Brother Yu!"

On the way, he met the leader Song Yuanqiao, and he also asked where Yu Liang was going.

After learning that he had broken through to a new level, he hurriedly went with the two of them to see his master Zhang Sanfeng.

"Junior Brother Yu!"

I met Yu Lianzhou again on the road, and he was accompanied by a man Yu Liang had never seen before.

"Junior Brother Yu? Second brother, why did you call him Junior Brother Yu?"

The man asked Yu Lianzhou curiously.

Yu Lianzhou smiled and explained to him: "Hey, I forgot to tell you, the master accepted a named disciple named Yu Liang two years ago, that is him. He cured the third brother's injury."

"But he disappeared suddenly a year ago, so I didn't tell you about it for a while."

With that said, Yu Lianzhou introduced the man next to him to Yu Liang: "Junior Brother Yu, this is my fifth brother, Master's fifth disciple Zhang Cuishan."

"I've met Senior Brother Zhang!" Yu Liang saluted him, and then looked at him carefully.

‘Silver hook and iron paddle’ Zhang Cuishan, Zhang Wuji’s father and Zhang Sanfeng’s most proud disciple.

Today is Zhang Sanfeng’s 100th birthday. If nothing else happens, he will die today!

"Junior Brother Yu!" Zhang Cuishan was also sizing up this new Junior Brother.

He secretly thought in his heart that if he could be accepted as a registered disciple by his master, Junior Brother Yu must have something special about him.

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