Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 205 Consciousness and Physical Immortality


In fact, associate professor Zhou Bingyi invited Yu Liang to Nanzhou University of Science and Technology, and it was a temporary decision he made after meeting Yu Liang and communicating with him.

The specific situation will have to wait until he returns to the university to report to his superiors.

Hearing the other party's answer, Yu Liang couldn't help curling his lips.

Seeing this, Zhou Bingyi smiled, and then swore to Yu Liang that there would be no problem. A high-end talent like him would be a hot commodity wherever he was placed.

Later, Zhou Bingyi took out a document and handed it to Yu Liang: "Sign it!"

Yu Liang took the document and began to read it carefully.

First, there is Yu Liang’s detailed identity information, followed by some confidentiality agreements and the obligations he needs to fulfill.

The last is the benefits and welfare terms he can get, such as financial support, research projects, academic exchanges, training opportunities, reward mechanisms, consulting services and other all-round support and help.

Yu Liang looked at them one by one. Among all the benefits, 'training opportunities' was the one he was most satisfied with.

After filing, he can log in to the National Academic Network with a special identity and read and learn some important academic knowledge.

After signing, Zhou Bingyi gave the document to his student after a casual glance, and then couldn't wait to discuss academic issues with Yu Liang.

During this period, Zhou Bingyi also discussed with Yu Liang some of the major achievements of their University of Science and Technology in recent years, which made Yu Liang feel filled with emotion.

Grenade sniper rifle, a weapon that increases the caliber of a sniper rifle to the standard of a grenade launcher. It has a caliber of 40 millimeters and weighs 15 kilograms. Its scope also has the ability to analyze curved surface ballistics. It is equipped with a tripod and a thirty-round ammunition box. It can also be modified accordingly to adapt to the mountain combat environment. The fire range, rate of fire and accuracy indicators remain unchanged. The weight is reduced by 35%, allowing a single soldier to carry it on his back, making him an expert in mountain warfare.

Sniper rifles rely on the attack wave and shrapnel formed by the explosion of ammunition to kill. They can demolish fortifications within two thousand meters and can achieve the accuracy of a sniper rifle within eight hundred meters.

When Yu Liang heard the data, he couldn't help but complained: Is this a sniper rifle? You can change its name to sniper cannon!

It lasted for more than three hours. Because there were other things, Zhou Bingyi said goodbye and left without saying goodbye. Before leaving, he told Yu Liang to wait for news and someone from the University of Science and Technology would contact him in a few days.

After they separated, Yu Liang sat in the car he came in and was sent back to his club.

As soon as he entered the door, his parents pulled him and kept questioning him.

"Er smash, nothing happened?"

"What can happen?"

Yu Liang smiled and took out a document for the two of them to read. While they took it to watch, he also explained: "It's the few things I bought before. I put them together, and now they are People have taken a liking to him, and now your son is also a member of the country’s strategic talent pool!”

After reading the document, the two of them laughed from ear to ear.

"I didn't expect that you didn't learn anything when you went to school, but now you are self-taught!"

Listening to his father's joking words, Yu Liang smiled and secretly thought that if he had had the ability he has now when he was in school, he would have been in the Academy of Sciences by now.

At such a happy moment, my mother immediately said that she was going to buy some food and cook something good tonight to celebrate.

After chatting with his father for a while, Yu Liang returned to his room, turned on his computer, logged in his identity information, and entered the national academic website.

After a brief glance, the knowledge content here is more professional and richer than on this book website. It contains more than 8,000 journals, updated every day, covering various disciplines such as natural sciences, engineering technology, medicine and health, agricultural sciences, philosophy, politics and law.

Search academic content about genetic engineering and find gene storage technologies.

Gene storage technology uses the base pairing rules of genes to encode information into specific gene sequences, thereby storing information in the form of genes.

There are four chemical groups, nucleobases, on the double helix structure of genes. They are arranged in a specific order to form genetic information and guide the growth and development of organisms.

Such a system could be used not only to store genetic information, but also to encode any form of data, including text, images, audio, and video.

Gene molecules are dense storage media, with one gram of gene capable of storing approximately two petabytes, equivalent to approximately three million compact discs.

Because genes are very stable molecules and can be preserved for hundreds or even thousands of years even under low temperature, dry, light-free, and oxygen-free conditions, the stored data can also last for hundreds or even thousands of years. .

When looking at gene storage technology, Yu Liang couldn't help but turn his attention to genetic coding.

Genes are like a program!

Each gene contains instructions for a specific function, which are encoded by the arrangement of bases in the gene sequence.

They guide the construction and operation of organisms and determine their morphology, physiological functions and behavior.

Humans have only one genome, which contains about 20,000 to 30,000 genes. It is composed of 22 pairs of chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The human genome contains about 316 million gene base pairs.

The human body is an information body!

Interpreting the genetic code is understanding the nature and laws of life!

"Why didn't you notice it before?"

Although Yu Liang's cultivation level has improved, it can only alleviate the aging of his physical body.

The secret techniques of "soul transfer" and "reincarnation" are the immortality of consciousness.

Genetic coding means physical immortality!

As if he had discovered a new continent, Yu Liang plunged into the field of genetic engineering, frantically absorbing all kinds of knowledge.

In the human body, in addition to useful genes, there are also some "waste" genes.

These genes once had biological functions but became useless or redundant during evolution.

In addition, there are also some genes with no expression function in the human body. These genes are called "silent genes" and "non-expressed genes".

These genes do not currently express any protein, but they may be activated and expressed under certain conditions.

For example, synthesize vitamin C!

Vitamin C is very important to the human body and is involved in many important physiological processes, including immune function, collagen synthesis, and neurotransmitter synthesis.

In the past, humans could synthesize vitamin C in their bodies. However, during the evolution process, human genes have changed, resulting in the inability to synthesize vitamin C. Therefore, humans need to consume enough vitamin C from food or supplements to meet the body's needs.

In current academic research, gene editing technology is exploring how to reactivate "silent genes."

Thanks to reader ‘20190604235719345’ for the tip, thank you!

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