Researching genes is a huge project. The more Yu Liang studies, the more he realizes that it cannot be completed by one person.

He needs help!

Time travel to Xiaoao.

Although the Python clone has not yet achieved any results in nuclear energy research, it has made considerable progress.

Continuing to study it, Yu Liang went to check out the other strange snakes he had cultivated.

"It depends on the situation, we have to wait a few years!"

For a moment, the clone was of no use, and Yu Liang thought of the world where the Laoshan sect had just traveled!

Fungi, underground Black Rock City, the spiritual world... these can all help Yu Liang research genetic engineering.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Compared to the Lord of the Spiritual World who still didn't know what was going on, he felt it was better to go to the new world.

The higher the level of the world, the wider the things you come into contact with, and you might be able to come up with a better solution, so why stick to the same spot!

Come into a dark dream

Go to a new world.

Yu Liang appeared on a forest path.

He looked back and forth and walked in a random direction.

After ten miles down the road, Yu Liang sped up his pace slightly when he saw someone in front of him.

Soon we arrived in front of a small town.

Looking at the archway in front of me, there are three words "Cai Xiang Town" written on it.

Enter the town.

A straight avenue runs through the entire town, with sparse pedestrians walking slowly along it and scattered shops on both sides.

After Yu Liang observed around, he came to a tea shed and sat down.

The owner of the tea shed is a woman, wearing shabby men's clothes, slightly stooped, with a few stray strands of hair blocking her face so that her appearance cannot be seen clearly.

"Boss, can I sit here for a while?"

Hearing Yu Liang's inquiry, the landlady said with a smile: "Of course it is possible."

As he spoke, he picked up a bowl, poured him a bowl of tea, and said:

"As long as passers-by can enter my tea shed to sit down and rest, I am considered lucky!"

"Sir, let me treat you to a cup of tea!"


Yu Liang smiled and took the tea bowl, and then said: "If you treat every guest who comes to your place to have a cup of tea, won't your tea shed not make much money?"

Hearing this, the landlady replied softly: "You can't make much money selling tea. I do this just to gather more customers and sell more tofu."

"Sir, would you like some tofu? The tofu I grind is tender, smooth and especially delicious!"

Hearing what she said, Yu Liang turned his head and looked at a stone grinding plate placed in the corner of the tea shed. There was a water tank next to it, and what was pressed in a basin on top should be tofu.

To gain popularity by giving away a bowl of tea, the proprietress still has some business acumen.

Yu Liang smiled slightly, waved his hand gently and said, "No, thank you!"

To this, the landlady didn't react at all, as if she was used to it, she slowly turned around and left.

Yu Liang sat at the tea table, admiring the street view while listening to the conversations of other tea table guests and passers-by, collecting useful information from them.

Unknowingly, the sun was already high in the sky, and there was no one else in the tea shed. Yu Liang was still sitting alone at the tea table, sipping the ever-increasing amount of tea.

At this time, a little girl about four or five years old came to Yu Liang's table with half a bowl of tofu and said in a sweet voice:

"Uncle, this is for you to eat!"

Seeing this, Yu Liang took the bowl with half a bowl of tofu in her hand and looked up at the proprietress next to the stone mill.

"Sir, I see that you have been sitting here all morning, so I would like to give you this tofu to try!"

"Thank you!"

After thanking him, Yu Liang took a bite of the tofu, nodded with a smile and commented: "It's tender and smooth, and it's really delicious!"

Hearing his compliment, the little girl next to him ran away with a smile.

Yu Liang continued to taste it. Since there was only half a bowl, he finished it quickly.

He stood up, went to the stove where the water was boiling, and picked up a piece of firewood and a hatchet for chopping wood.

"Boss, can I borrow your wood and hatchet?"

Although he didn't know what he wanted to do, the other party still nodded.

Sitting back at the tea table, Yu Liang held firewood in one hand and a hatchet in the other and began chopping quickly.

After a while, an exquisite, silly and very cute wooden snake was carved out.

"Come on, little girl, this is for you!"

He shook the wooden snake in his hand and waved to the little girl who brought him tofu.

"What's this?"

She trotted up to him and took the silly wooden snake. She found it very cute and liked it. However, since she had never seen a snake before, she asked what it was.

Yu Liang pointed at the wooden snake, smiled and said to him: "This is a snake!"

"Snake? Why is it different from what mother said?"

After hearing his explanation, the little girl looked at the cute wooden snake in her hand, but she couldn't match the terrifying snake image her mother had described to her.

Hearing this, Yu Liang smiled again and said: "Don't think it looks like this, but it is actually very powerful. It can bite people and it's very painful!"

"Really?" The little girl looked at the cute wooden snake in her hand, with a trace of doubt on her face.

Yu Liang continued to smile and said: "Of course it is true, you can't be deceived by its appearance, it is very powerful!"

Hearing this, the little girl looked at the wooden snake in her hand again, and after staring at it for a long time, she said, "But I still think it's quite cute, and it sings very nicely."

Sing? After hearing her description, Yu Liang's smile faded slightly and he asked in surprise: "You said you can hear it singing?"


The little girl nodded and said, "That sounds great!"

After answering, she ran to her mother with the wooden snake and happily showed it off.

Yu Liang raised his head and looked at the little girl, thoughtfully. He didn't expect that he would meet someone who really had the talent of 'Snake King'!

After a while, the landlady came with the little girl and expressed her gratitude to Yu Liang.

"Boss, you are very polite. You treat me to tea and tofu. This is my reward!"

"Such a good carving, I'll treat you to another bowl of tofu!"

Feeling that she had taken advantage, the proprietress immediately went to serve another large bowl of tofu to Yu Liang.

"Then you're welcome, this tofu tastes really good!"

Watching Yu Liang taste it, the proprietress smiled confidently, then turned and left to go about her business.

While Yu Liang was savoring the tofu, several fast horses suddenly stopped in front of the tea shed and spread a layer of dust on the tofu in his bowl.

Put down the bowl and turned to look at the person.

A rich man and four followers walked into the tea shed and sat down.

"Where are you? Why haven't you given me tea yet?"

The rich man started shouting loudly as soon as he sat down.

Seeing this, the proprietress of the tea shed immediately ran forward with a tea bowl in hand to serve him carefully.

"Sir, this time the Holy Flame Sect is recruiting disciples in Black Flame City, you will definitely pass the test and be selected!"

"Then, who is this young master?"

"After drinking tea and taking a short rest, we will continue on our way to Black Flame City immediately."

Holy Flame Sect, Black Flame City!

Seeing that they drank tea and stopped talking, Yu Liang tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, making them talk more involuntarily.

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