It was already dark when Yu Liang returned home

Lying in bed, I think about myself three times a day and think about everything that happened today!

The original plan was to do some small business to earn some money and live a good life.

Now that I have Ma Wu as my teacher, these plans are no longer needed.

One person's efforts are indeed not as sweet as inheritance!

The starting point is much higher, and you don’t have to worry about food anymore.

Sleep until dawn.

After getting up and washing up, we went to the lake.

As soon as I left the village, I met my fifth uncle who was about to go to work in the fields.

"Yu Liang, I haven't seen you much these days. What are you busy with?"

"Uncle Wu, when I'm not at home, I catch fish by the lake!"


Hearing Yu Liang's answer, Uncle Wu nodded. Suddenly, he realized that Yu Liang actually spoke.

He was so excited that he stammered: "Yu Liang, you, you can speak!"

Yu Liang smiled and said: "Yes, Uncle Wu, I'm fine now!"

"Hahaha, God is really eye-opening!"

Uncle Wu was excited to take Yu Liang home: "Let's go home. I'll ask Aunt You to cook something delicious for you, and we can have a good chat!"

Yu Liang waved his hand and said: "No need, Uncle Wu, I have something to do and I have to leave first. I will chat with you slowly when I come back!"

Looking at his retreating back, Uncle Wu showed a happy smile on his face.

By the lake, when Yu Liang arrived, Master Ma Wu was already rowing a boat and waiting for him.

He jogged forward and said, "Master!"

"Well, come on board!"


When Yu Liang came to the boat, he immediately smelled the smell of chicken soup simmering on the small stove in the cabin.

Ma Wu rowed the boat away from the shore and entered the cabin.

"Eat it!"

"Thank you, master!"

After eating a whole chicken, Yu Liang was about to take off his clothes and get into the water, but Ma Wu reached out to stop him.

"Wait, don't worry, I'll teach you something first."

"Master, what do you want to teach me?"

"Tuna Technique!"

Ma Wu said: "The true part of any martial arts is its corresponding breathing and breathing technique."

"You have finished learning the other things in the 'Fish Swimming Technique'. Next, I will teach you the true technique!"

Hearing that it was a true message, Yu Liang pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"Our body contains a qi, and this qi is the vitality of the body. If the qi is full, it will be full, if the qi is deficient, it will be stagnant, if the shortness of breath is short, it will be weak, and if the qi is lost, it will die!"

"And our bodies are consuming this energy all the time. In order to stay alive, the body will draw new energy from the heaven and the earth!"

"The art of breathing in and out is a method of cultivating Qi!"

Listening to Master Ma Wu's introduction, Yu Liang understood it based on what he knew.

People need to breathe air, and the human body consumes oxygen to provide energy and stay alive.

If the oxygen is used up, the body will stop functioning due to lack of energy.

In order to maintain sufficient oxygen in the body, people must breathe to absorb new oxygen.

Breathing technique is also a breathing method!

Ma Wu continued: "The root function of breathing is the same in all martial arts."

"The reason why each martial arts has a unique breathing technique is because each martial arts uses Qi differently, so the breathing techniques are different."

"The secret of the 'Swimming Fish Breathing Technique' is to store more Qi in the body and reduce the body's consumption of Qi."

"This is why I can stay underwater for so long!"

When Yu Liang heard this, he thought thoughtfully. What the master meant was that the 'Fish Breathing Technique' can store more air in the body in a special way and reduce the consumption of various body functions, thereby reducing the need for oxygen. needs.

"If you want to get started with the breathing technique of swimming fish, you must first change the way you usually breathe in and out!"

Ma Wu took off his shirt and demonstrated with himself while teaching!

"In the breathing technique, if breathing is done through the nostrils, it is called Wen style; if breathing is done through the mouth, it is called Wu style!"

"Those who have never practiced martial arts usually only use Wen style or Wu style to breathe in and out.

As for the 'Swimming Fish Breathing and Breathing Technique', you need to breathe in and out breath alternately in Wen style and Wu style! "

"Next, I'm going to teach you the chanting formula. You have to listen carefully!"

Ma Wu's expression suddenly became serious, reflecting the importance of the chanting formula, and Yu Liang listened more carefully.

"Tun Wen three, Tu Wu two, Tu Wu one, Tu Wen two, Tu Wen four, Tu Wu four..."

Yu Liang memorized the breathing formulas mentioned by Ma Wu while translating the contents of the formulas in his mind.

"Inhale three times through the nose, exhale twice through the mouth, inhale once through the mouth, exhale through the nose twice, inhale through the nose four times, exhale four times through the mouth..."

After Ma Wu finished teaching, he asked Yu Liang, "Have you written everything down?"

Yu Liang nodded!

"Okay, just listen to it once and take note of it. You are indeed very talented and a martial arts prodigy!"

Ma Wu continued with satisfaction: "You have memorized the formula of breathing and breathing for swimming fish. Next, you have to master this breathing method and integrate it into your daily life."

"Until you are sleeping, your breathing will be in and out in this way, even if you have completely mastered it."

For ordinary people, it is difficult to change the breathing method that has been used since birth. It requires a lot of time and repeated practice to form muscle memory.

But for Yu Liang, this is not a problem. You can learn this breathing method after practicing it once. If you practice it a few more times, you will be able to replace the previous breathing method.

"Master, what about after you get started?" Yu Liang asked.

Seeing how eager he was, Ma Wu smiled and said: "Once you master the way of swallowing and exhaling, the next practice will be easy!"

"Just use various methods to slow down the speed of your breathing!"

Slow down your breathing?

Yu Liang thought, isn't that just to reduce the breathing frequency and take deep breaths?

Ma Wu continued: "If you meet more martial arts masters, you will find that their breath is particularly long."

"Even when running at extremely high speeds, they can keep their breath intact!"

Ma Wu's statement reminded Yu Liang of long-distance runners.

During long-distance running, ordinary people will experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and physical fatigue.

During the running process, long-distance runners take deep breaths and control their breathing rate so that their breathing rhythm is consistent with their pace!

"Yu Liang, watch it!"

Ma Wu's voice interrupted Yu Liang's thoughts, and he stared at him intently.

I saw him take a deep breath, which lasted for a long time, and his flat belly gradually became rounder.

But it wasn't over yet, he continued to inhale and his chest began to expand.

After he stopped inhaling, his entire upper body had grown a full circle.


He made fists with both hands and beat his chest and abdomen, and a hard 'bang' sound was heard.


After the demonstration, he exhaled the breath in his body little by little.

"This is called Qi sinking into the Dantian and Qi penetrating the chest!"

"Not only can it increase one's own Qi capacity, but it can also enhance the body's ability to resist blows!"

Listening to Ma Wu's explanation, Yu Liang finally understood why Master, the old man, was so old and still so strong. It turned out that his body was full of Qi!

This made Yu Liang think about a piece of information that had been circulated on the Internet, saying that after the death of some martial arts masters, their entire bodies would shrink, presumably because the qi in their bodies was released!

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