Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 23 Chest breathing and abdominal breathing.

Inhale and exhale, open the inhale and exhale, store the inhale and exhale, stroke the inhale and squeeze the exhale; deep, long and even, the energy sinks into the Dantian.

Ma Wu taught Yu Liang how to "sink energy into the Dantian".

Yu Liang summed it up in four words: abdominal breathing!

In the content about traditional Chinese medicine health preservation in the "Barefoot Doctor's Handbook", abdominal breathing is specifically mentioned and its principles are explained in a scientific way.

Abdominal breathing: Regulate the physical and mental state by controlling breathing, and improve body energy and immunity.

The daily breathing of ordinary people is chest breathing.

This is a shallow form of breathing!

Mainly rely on the expansion and contraction of the chest to inhale and exhale.

In chest breathing, the chest rises and falls less, while the abdomen remains relatively still.

The advantage of chest breathing is that it can speed up lung ventilation, reduce the burden on the heart, and help lower blood pressure.

In addition, chest breathing can also enhance the activity of intercostal muscles and thorax, increase lung capacity, and enhance lung function.

However, chest breathing also has some disadvantages.

First of all, it only uses part of the alveoli for gas exchange, and its oxygen exchange efficiency is lower than abdominal breathing.

Secondly, chest breathing can easily cause problems such as dryness, fatigue, and pain in the upper respiratory tract because it does not fully utilize the abdominal muscles and organs for regulation.


Abdominal breathing is a breathing method that increases the movement of the diaphragm and reduces the movement of the chest.

When you inhale, the diaphragm descends, pushing the organs downward and causing the stomach to expand instead of the chest.

When exhaling, the diaphragm will rise higher than usual, allowing for deep breathing and exhaling more carbon dioxide that tends to stagnate at the bottom of the lungs.

Abdominal breathing can be divided into two types: forward breathing and reverse breathing.

Breathe smoothly, that is, when you inhale, gently expand your abdominal muscles. As long as you feel comfortable, try to inhale as deeply as possible; when you exhale, relax your muscles.

Reverse breathing is the opposite of forward breathing, that is, gently contract your abdominal muscles when you inhale, and then relax them when you exhale.

Breathing is a normal physiological phenomenon of human beings, and it is also an important way to maintain good health.

The average human lung is the size of two footballs, but most people only use one-third of their capacity during their lifetime.

Many people's breathing is too short, and the fresh air they inhale is often exhaled before it reaches deep into the lungs.

Abdominal breathing is a deep breathing method that allows breathing to go deep into the lungs and enhance the oxygen exchange capacity of the lungs. It can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help digestion and excretion.

Abdominal breathing can also strengthen abdominal muscles, reduce abdominal obesity and other problems, and is beneficial to physical health.

In daily life, people usually breathe from the chest, but in some situations, such as when performing heavy physical labor or performing high-intensity sports, abdominal breathing may be more appropriate.

In these situations, abdominal breathing can provide more oxygen to the muscles, increasing the body's endurance and recovery capabilities.


Ma Wu then taught Yu Liang how to inject Qi into his chest.

Just as Yu Liang suspected, filling the chest with air is an enhanced version of chest breathing.

Enhance the activity of intercostal muscles and thorax, increase lung capacity, and enhance lung function.

Use chest breathing and body control techniques to move the breath into your chest.

At this time, the chest will become like an air bag.

Not only will the skin become tighter, but the force of the blow will also be dispersed, greatly enhancing the defense.


"Have you learned it?" Ma Wu asked.

"Yeah!" Yu Liang nodded.

Smart students are liked by teachers, and Ma Wu casts admiring glances at Yu Liang.

"There are a lot of things taught today. Although you have learned them all, you still need to practice diligently day after day."

"I will teach you new martial arts content after you have completely mastered it."

“Let’s go into the water and practice ‘fish swimming skills’!”

Yu Liang took off his clothes, stood on the bow of the boat, took a deep breath, and used the technique of sinking the air into his Dantian. The inhalation time was nearly twice as long as before, and a lot more air was stored in his body.


Jump into the water with a graceful posture, swing your body in a wave shape, feel the power of the surrounding water, and swim quickly in the lake.

Ma Wu rowed the boat and followed him closely.

After swimming about two thousand meters, Yu Liang felt a little tired.

Seeing his fatigue, Ma Wu stretched out the pole in his hand and pulled Yu Liang back to the boat.

"Master, actually I can still swim for a while!"

Ma Wu shook his head and said: "Physical exercise should be done in moderation. Although excessive training can quickly strengthen the body in a short period of time, it is not advisable."

"Disciple, remember, the way of martial arts lies in being down-to-earth. It is better to improve slowly than to achieve it overnight!"

When he said this, there was a trace of sadness in Ma Wu's eyes.

I think if he hadn't pursued rapid promotion back then, he wouldn't have ended up childless in his later years!

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, the worst is not having an heir, so the Ma family has no descendants, and how will he face his ancestors after his death!

The more Ma Wu thought about it, the sadder he became. When Yu Liang noticed it, he felt a little at a loss. He couldn't figure out why the master's mood suddenly dropped.


Call softly.

Ma Wu finally recovered and said calmly: "Go to the cabin and lie down, I will give you some medicinal wine."

Medicinal wine?

When he came to the cabin and lay down on the bamboo mat, he saw Ma Wu holding a small jar. Yu Liang asked curiously: "Master, what is this?"

"The secret medicinal wine was prepared by me to practice the 'fish swimming technique'."

As he spoke, Ma Wu poured out a little medicinal wine and spread it evenly on Yu Liang's back, while massaging him with a special technique.

"The dampness under water is relatively heavy. To practice the 'Swimming Fish Technique', you have to stay underwater all year round. A little dampness will inevitably invade the body. You may not see any problems in a short period of time, but over time, once it breaks out, it will The consequences speak for themselves.”

As he talked, Ma Wu began to feel depressed again.

Yu Liang was a little confused, what happened to Master today? Could it be that people tend to be sentimental as they get older?

As Ma Wu applied medicinal wine all over Yu Liang's body, he felt warm inside and out, and his physical fatigue was also eliminated.

"Okay, let's continue in the water!"

“Remember, once you feel tired, get on board immediately!”

"I know, thank you master!"

Yu Liang stood on the bow of the boat, plunged into the water, and then swam quickly.

He took several breaks, and after boarding the boat, Ma Wudu gave him a massage with medicinal wine.

Finally, after the sun had set, Yu Liang finally swam around the lake.

"Your wife has probably prepared the food, let's go back and eat it quickly!"

After rowing ashore, the two of them walked back along the way, only to see the master's wife and the maid waiting at the door.


"I've met the master's wife!"


After saluting and saying hello, several people entered the courtyard together.

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