Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 225 Enlightenment of Superstring Theory

At the beginning of the 20th century, physicists used purely mathematical methods to derive a new particle: the positron and proposed the concept of antimatter.

Later, through various experiments, antimatter was verified to actually exist.

Antimatter is made up of positrons and negative protons, which have opposite charges to the usual electrons and protons. When positrons and negative protons meet, they annihilate each other, releasing a large amount of energy. When one gram of antimatter annihilates normal matter, the energy released is equivalent to the explosion of an atomic bomb.

According to the Big Bang theory, the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of antimatter and positive matter, but the amounts of matter left behind after their annihilation are not equal, resulting in the amount of positive matter in the universe far exceeding antimatter. So where antimatter goes is an unsolved mystery in physics.

In addition to antimatter, another unsolved mystery in the scientific community is dark matter.

Dark matter is a substance that cannot be directly observed. It does not emit light, generate heat, or interact with electromagnetic waves. It cannot be directly observed through existing technology. The existence of dark matter can only be inferred through its influence on the gravity of the universe and galaxies. .

Dark matter exists in large amounts in galaxies, star clusters and the universe, and its mass is much greater than the sum of the masses of all visible celestial objects in the universe. It is estimated that about 85% of the matter in the universe is dark matter, while only 15% is "normal matter".

In addition to dark matter, there is also dark energy in the universe, a kind of energy that fills space and has strong negative pressure. It does not absorb, reflect or radiate light. Therefore, humans cannot directly use existing technologies to observe and can only make predictions. its existence.


When Yu Liang saw antimatter, dark matter, and dark energy, the words "the great road is invisible" suddenly came to mind.

Invisible, invisible!

Some things don't exist, you just can't feel them.

If you want to discover them, you have to give up your inherent thinking and methods and use another way of thinking and methods to find them.

Yu Liang suddenly had an epiphany and understood what his master Zhang Sanfeng meant by 'lack of enlightenment'.

What Master Zhang Sanfeng wanted to teach Yu Liang was not a thing, but a way of thinking, teaching him to open his eyes and see the world!

Dark matter and dark energy cannot be observed with current capabilities.

If you want to see them, you need to use new ways of seeing.

He was limited to the 'material world' and ignored the deeper existence in the universe. And "the great road is invisible" reminds him to transcend the limitations of the 'material world' and understand the world from a higher level.

Yu Liang recalled his path of spiritual practice.

Step by step, the most critical thing is the initial perception ability.

Human perception is limited. Human eyes cannot see light other than visible light and cannot hear sounds beyond frequencies.

Since Yu Liang obtained the ability of the alien snake to sense infrasonic waves and induce electromagnetic fields, he gradually mastered the abilities of sound waves and electromagnetic fields.

This was a kind of enlightenment that allowed Yu Liang to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

But if Yu Liang no longer attains enlightenment and acquires a new way of seeing the world, then his path of spiritual practice will end here.

Yu Liang thought that just now he wanted to see the moon.

Compared to the earth going to the moon, the universe is really too big. The diameter of the solar system is about 12 billion kilometers, while the diameter of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years!

"The road is long and long, and I will search up and down!"

Yu Liang put away his complacency and returned to the simplest practice again.

Since he came back from the new world, he hasn't practiced very hard because he has seen the end of the road of cultivation and just needs to practice step by step.

Unexpectedly, this kind of cultivation that can be seen at a glance is the biggest test on the road of cultivation.

The enhancement every moment is an illusion. The world is really too big, so big that even endless years will never come to an end. If you don't break out, you will sink here forever.

After master Zhang Sanfeng received the cultivation methods passed down to him by Yu Liang, he reminded Yu Liang to realize the Tao because he saw from them a path of cultivation that could be seen at a glance.

Yu Liang was lying in front of the computer, reading various academic papers, and thinking about how to achieve enlightenment in his mind!

Opening his eyes to see the world, he now sees the world through electromagnetic force, so he cannot see things that do not emit light, heat, or interact with electromagnetic waves.

Dark matter is observed through gravity, so if you want to see dark matter, you must master gravity and use gravity to observe.

Electromagnetic force, gravity, strong force, and weak force are the four basic forces in the universe, also known as the basic interaction forces.

Electromagnetic force and gravity are two different fundamental forces with different properties and manifestations.

Electromagnetic force is the force exerted by charges and currents in the electromagnetic field. It is the basic property of electromagnetic fields and widely exists between charges and currents.

Gravity is the force generated by the mass between objects. It is the basic interaction between celestial bodies and widely exists among celestial bodies.

Although these two forces are similar in some aspects, for example, both are interactive forces, both can change the motion state of objects, both can transfer energy and momentum, and both can produce gravity, etc.

But they cannot be directly transformed into each other and have different properties and manifestations.

For example, the transmission speed of electromagnetic force is the speed of light, while the transmission speed of gravity is much less than the speed of light; electromagnetic force has obvious directionality, while gravity has no obvious directionality...

At present, some physicists have proposed some theoretical models in an attempt to unify the electromagnetic field and the gravitational field, such as superstring theory and quantization of gravity, general relativity and quantum mechanics, etc.

However, these theories have not been fully verified and confirmed and are still in the research stage.

Among them, superstring theory is currently the most promising unified theory.

Superstring theory is a theory of quantum gravity that attempts to unify all fundamental interactions, including gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak interactions.

It believes that all elementary particles are composed of strings, and that different vibrations and modes of motion of strings produce different particles and forces.

The goal of superstring theory is to establish a unified mathematical framework that integrates the concepts and principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics into the same theoretical system.

Quantization of gravity is an important application of superstring theory in physics.

In superstring theory, gravity is generated by one-dimensional strings that vibrate in space and create gravitational waves. By quantizing gravity, superstring theory provides a new way to describe and predict the behavior of gravity, including black holes and cosmic-scale phenomena.

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