According to superstring theory, everything in the universe can be viewed as vibrations and energy, that is, the basic building blocks of the universe are strings, which vibrate and interact in space.

Different vibrational frequencies lead to different manifestations. High-frequency vibrations manifest themselves as invisible, invisible substances, such as light, electromagnetic waves, and gravitational waves. Low-frequency vibrations appear as tangible materials, such as common tables, chairs, human bodies, etc.

When two objects vibrate at the same or similar frequency, they will resonate, attract and resonate with each other. For example, the resonance of sound waves can produce loud sounds, and the resonance of electromagnetic waves can form specific spectral lines, etc.

Human consciousness is also a vibration and energy. Human thoughts, emotions and consciousness all exist in the form of brain waves, and these brain waves have specific vibration frequencies.

In the quantum realm, when two particles are entangled, their states change simultaneously, no matter how far apart they are. This entanglement phenomenon is also a special resonance effect, in which the state change of the quantum system is coupled with the input excitation frequency, producing a "quantum resonance".

“If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency.”

When Yu Liang was studying superstring theory, this sentence came to mind again.

“Going round and round, we’re back to where we started!”


A few days later, the medical intelligent robot "Xiaobai" continued to attract widespread attention.

Yu Liang's parents are naturally very happy about this. After all, the store's business has become better as its popularity has increased.

On this day, someone came to Yu Liang again, for the medical intelligent robot.

Yu Liang would not pay attention to anyone else, but this person was his acquaintance Sister Xia from the beauty salon. Sister Xia had attracted many customers for him at first, so Yu Liang came forward to receive her.

"Boss Yu, business is booming now!" Sister Xia greeted Yu Liang warmly in the living room.

"Generally, it's all a small business." Yu Liang said modestly.

Then, he asked: "Why is Sister Xia free to come to me today?"

"Of course it's because I've fallen in love with Boss Yu's medical intelligent robot!" Sister Xia said with a smile without hiding it:

"Sister Xia, I am an outspoken person and speak my mind directly. I hope you don't mind, Boss Yu."

"No way!" Yu Liang also replied with a smile: "I really like Sister Xia's directness, unlike some people who say one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes."

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Sister Xia continued: "Boss Yu, you don't have to hide it. According to my investigation, this medical intelligent robot was made by You."

Hearing this, Yu Liang looked at her with a smile, wanting to hear what she would say next.

"Actually, today I am here to discuss cooperation with Boss Yu on behalf of 'Xiaofan Technology'."

"Xiaofan Technology?" Yu Liang asked doubtfully, "Is it that technology company that has suddenly emerged in recent years?"

Sister Xia nodded: "Yes, that's it!"

"Representing Xiaofan Technology! I wonder what the relationship between Sister Xia and this technology company is?" Yu Liang asked curiously.

Sister Xia replied with a smile: "Zhang Xiaofan, the founder of Xiaofan Technology, is my ex-husband!"


After hearing about the relationship between the two, Yu Liang understood it instantly after thinking for a moment.

Some of today's big entrepreneurial bosses will divorce their first wives, who have shared the joys and sorrows with them, after they become successful. This is not because they gave up in the end, but because they played a clever move.

After divorcing their original spouse, they will distribute a large sum of money to their wife and children so that they can live a comfortable life. At the same time, they will continue to provide financial 'support' to their wives and children through various legal channels.

After the divorce, while enjoying a happy life, they will also marry another wife who will be of great help to their careers and help them take their careers to the next level.

If one day they encounter an accident in the business world, their long-divorced first wife will be the only way out for them.

This should be the case between Sister Xia and her ex-husband Zhang Xiaofan, so she said that she came to discuss cooperation with Yu Liang on behalf of "Xiaofan Technology".

"I wonder how Sister Xia, on behalf of Xiaofan Technology, can cooperate with me?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Sister Xia took out a document and spread it in front of Yu Liang.

"Please take a look!"

Yu Liang flipped through it casually.

Two documents, one is to directly give him a large amount of money to buy the technology of medical intelligent robots, and the other is to jointly develop it in a cooperative manner.

"Presumably many people have come to see Boss Yu during this period. I won't say more about those repeated words. In these two documents, 'Xiaofan Technology' has shown the greatest sincerity it can show."

After Yu Liang read the document, he found that Xiaofan Technology was indeed sincere and there were not so many twists and turns.

It happened that he was a little annoyed by the people who kept coming to his door these past few days, so he thought about it and took this opportunity to solve the matter.

He closed one document, pushed the other document in front of Sister Xia and said with a smile: "I don't like trouble and I like to be straightforward!"

Looking at the documents for selling the technology in front of her, Sister Xia also smiled and said: "I think so too. Although you can make a lot of money in the end through cooperative development, there are also a lot of troubles in the process. It would be faster and more comfortable to just get a sum of money. "

"Feel the same!"

“Happy to work with!”

Yu Liang stood up and shook hands with Sister Xia.

"When I go back later, I will tell my ex-husband the good news. Tomorrow, people from Xiaofan Technology will come to sign a contract with Boss Yu!"

"Okay, I'll wait tomorrow!"

After seeing Sister Xia off, my mother suddenly appeared next to Yu Liang and asked curiously: "What's wrong? You look very happy!"

Yu Liang replied with a smile: "I sold her the technology of medical intelligent robots!"

Upon hearing the news, my mother immediately became nervous: "Then how much did you sell it for?"

Yu Liang replied with a smile: "The interest deposited in the bank alone is enough for our family to eat and drink!"

Mom was a little confused by this answer, lowered her head and started to count.

Yu Liang patted her shoulder gently, said with a smile: "You take your time and guess!" Then he turned and returned to the room.

Soon after, my mother and father excitedly rushed to Yu Liang and asked him how much he had sold the technology for.

Yu Liang replied calmly: "They will come to sign the contract tomorrow, and you will know then!"

The next day, people from Xiaofan Technology came to Yu Liang with a contract.

"Boss Yu, this is the contract. Please read it carefully. After the technology is transferred, we, Xiaofan Technology, will transfer the amount to your account in three installments..."

"Well, no problem!" After the two parties communicated, Yu Liang signed his name readily.

Looking at the string of zeros on the contract, my parents were so happy that they couldn’t open their mouths from ear to ear.

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