"Are there any experimental subjects?"

Hearing Yu Liang's inquiry, Zhou Huansong nodded and said, "Yes!" Then he left and fetched a white mouse.

The mouse genome is very similar to that of humans, especially the genes it shares with humans for many common diseases and conditions. In addition, it reproduces quickly, is easy to raise, and is easy to operate, so it is the best experimental subject.

Yu Liang grabbed the white mouse, dropped a drop of crystal liquid into its mouth, then put it back into the cage and observed it carefully.

Soon, the little white mouse had significant changes.

The originally sleepy eyes became piercing. The hair on the body also seemed to have been carefully polished and became smooth and shiny. The movements also become more agile and full of vitality.

Zhou Huansong, who witnessed all this, couldn't help but marvel at the efficacy of this magical liquid.

However, Yu Liang said calmly: "This is just the beginning."

At this moment, the body of the white mouse suddenly began to twist and deform. The originally slender tail became thick and protruded irregularly, like a twisted snake. The limbs become extremely strong and the claws become as sharp as knives. The head also began to undergo drastic changes, the mouth became huge, and the teeth became slender and sharp. Those eyes were blood red, emitting a fierce and wild light.

Gradually, some strange scales began to grow on the body of the white mouse. These scales were like hard armor, shining.

Yu Liang observed all these changes calmly, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he was enjoying a wonderful drama.

Zhou Huansong looked at the incredible scene in front of him in astonishment, his heart full of doubts and surprises.

Mutation in the mice continues. Its body became more twisted, and its hair became rougher, as hard as iron wire. Its eyes became more blood-red, as if they were about to spit out fire.

One claw tore apart the iron cage in which it was imprisoned. Zhou Huansong was so frightened that he stepped back. The mutated white mouse raised its claws and was about to attack Yu Liang.

However, he grabbed it and dissected it directly on the experimental table.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Huansong couldn't help but feel a chill rising up his spine.

However, Yu Liang just smiled indifferently, as if everything was under his control.

"What on earth is this!" Zhou Huansong asked nervously.

While studying the corpse of the mouse, Yu Liang replied: "Tell me, why do living things mutate?"

Zhou Huansong thought for a while and then replied: "Because of the RR virus!"

Then he suddenly realized: "So, this 3R virus is actually an optimized and improved biological enhancer of the RR virus."

Yu Liang looked at her sideways and replied: "The word strengthening is not accurate. It should be called a life transition."

"The young eagle learns to fly. It makes a leap of life and death on the edge of a cliff in exchange for the right to fly freely; the caterpillar pupates, the pupa breaks, and the colorful butterfly appears, completing the leap of life!"

"While this virus brings disaster, it is also an evolution!"

After listening to Yu Liang's words, Zhou Huansong became thoughtful and silent.

Ignoring her anymore, Yu Liang continued to study the corpses of mutated white mice.

The internal structure of the mutated white mouse has undergone earth-shaking changes. In a sense, it is already another kind of creature.

Yu Liang had a panoramic view of the entire process of mutation and evolution of the white mouse just now, and all the changes that occurred due to the genetic mutation were also observed and recorded by Yu Liang.

This transition of life is like a shooting star cutting through the night sky, bright and shocking!

Especially in it, Yu Liang also observed the formation process of the 'energy engine'!

It does not appear out of thin air, but is already present in the body. This thing is an 'enzyme'!

Enzymes play many important roles in organisms, such as metabolism, nutrient and energy conversion, cell signal transduction, DNA repair, etc.

It can be said that enzymes are an important "engine" in organisms. They can drive various physiological activities of organisms, allowing life to be maintained and reproduced.

Enzymes are genetically encoded, extremely sophisticated biomolecular machines.

Changes in the coding of genes will affect the shape, structure, function, and activity of enzyme molecules.

"Keep experimenting!"

A set of data is far from enough for Yu Liang to gain insight into the mystery of life transitions. Therefore, he needs to conduct a large number of experiments and obtain enough data to summarize and explore the mysteries.

Yu Liang asked Zhou Huansong to get another experimental body.

However, before she could get the experimental subject, she hurried into the laboratory and shouted to Yu Liang: "Mr. Yu, it's bad, the beast tide is coming again!"

Upon hearing the news, Yu Liang looked calm, because he had long known that the tide of marine mutant beasts would soon come back.

"Don't panic, I'll be right back!"

This military base is now his experimental site, and Yu Liang will not let the beast tide destroy it.

After leaving the laboratory, he bumped into Han Weiguo as soon as he arrived outside.

"Mr. Yu, I have to trouble you again!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang shook his head slightly and said, "I have said before that there will be more and more beast tides in the future!"

"The Jiaozhou Peninsula is not a place to hold on to, you must make plans early!"

After saying that, Yu Liang rose into the sky and soon arrived at the seaside. The densely packed mutated beasts on the sea had formed a tide of beasts and were swarming towards the shore.

Yu Liang rushed into the beast tide and directly used 'Resonance Killing'. A powerful energy wave spread instantly, shattering the surrounding mutated beasts.

As he took action, the originally raging beast tide collapsed instantly, leaving only a few fish that slipped through the net for the army to mop up and deal with.

When Yu Liang returned to the military base, he saw Han Weiguo, who had learned that the beast tide had been repelled. There was no smile on his face. Instead, there was a layer of gloom hanging over him, and his eyebrows were as solemn as a mountain.

He was the first to speak: "Let's talk directly!"

"Mr. Yu, please!" Han Weiguo took out a handheld computer and showed it to Yu Liang.

The computer showed the outline of the territory of China, which was covered with dense red dots, large and small, especially near rivers and coastlines. Like time bombs, they spread along rivers and coastlines, cutting the country into pieces.

Yu Liang knew the meaning of these red dots at a glance, and chuckled: "You don't want me to deal with so many beasts, do you?"

Han Weiguo stared at him closely, his voice full of sincerity: "I understand this is a huge burden for you, but please think about it, every outbreak of beast tide means the loss of countless lives. As long as you can reduce Even the slightest bit of pressure is a great merit.”


Yu Liang sighed. He naturally understood the stakes involved, but after all, personal power is limited: "I'm not afraid of trouble, but it's just in vain. If you can stop it for a while, you can't stop it for the rest of your life. If you want to truly resist this, you can't stop it for a lifetime." Disasters require the collective strength of everyone.”

Han Weiguo was about to speak, but was interrupted by Yu Liang with a wave of his hand: "I have developed a potion that can strengthen ordinary people into super soldiers. As long as it can be mass-produced, the army will have the ability to fight against the beast tide."

Hearing this, Han Weiguo showed unconcealable excitement on his face: "Really? That's great!

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