In the laboratory.

Yu Liang created a device that can automatically produce the "3R virus".

The metal skeleton was filled with sarcoma-like material, as if it were some kind of strange creature. Upon closer inspection, you will find that these sarcoma-like substances are actually composed of expanded blood vessels and active blood and flesh, like a miniature living world.

This device was made by Yu Liang using a biomechanical hybrid system that combines biology and mechanics. At first glance, it seems to be a product of technology, but inside the cold metal frame, there is flesh and blood full of vitality.

As long as the culture medium containing RR virions is poured into the device, it will operate on its own to produce the '3R virus'.

Zhou Huansong couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in his heart when he looked at the device that Yu Liang had created that was full of science fiction twists. In her opinion, this device is like a strange creature torn from an extra-dimensional world, which is both amazing and weird.

"This device can produce a thousand doses of enhancer every day, and it's up to you how to distribute it!"

Hearing Yu Liang's words, Zhou Huansong felt mixed emotions in his heart. A thousand strengthening agents per day means that the army can strengthen a thousand super soldiers every day. However, it is still a drop in the bucket in today's precarious situation.

In the short period of time that Yu Liang was making the device, all the places in China where the beast tide broke out fell, and those once prosperous cities were reduced to ruins.

Even if a nuclear strike was launched, the power would not be as devastating as people imagined. Although the power of nuclear bombs is powerful, except for the central core area, the lethality of its radiating areas is not great for mutant beasts, and nuclear radiation actually promotes the birth of more terrifying existences among mutant beasts.

"Mr. Yu, according to the instructions above, we have to evacuate!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang turned to look at Zhou Huansong, and she continued: "What you said before is right. The Jiaozhou Peninsula, facing the sea on three sides, is not a place to hold on, so we have to lead the people to evacuate and form a military Base City to fight against the more powerful mutant beasts next."

Hearing this, Yu Liang had no expression on his face, because he had expected this situation.

"You evacuate, just as I'm leaving too!" Yu Liang's words made Zhou Huansong feel inexplicably nervous. .

"Mr. Yu, where are you going?" Zhou Huansong's voice was trembling. She stared closely at Yu Liang, who was now the pinnacle of the military region.

Yu Liang said softly: "Where to go? Of course I will do what I want to do!"

Now that the experimental subjects in this laboratory are no longer enough, he needs to go outside to find more materials.

After packing some things, Yu Liang had just left the military base when Han Weiguo got the news and rushed over immediately.

"Mr. Yu!"

"What? Do you want me to stay?"

Hearing this, Han Weiguo shook his head: "You have helped us a lot. Now that you have your own things to do, we naturally won't stop you."

"I came here to give you something." Han Weiguo said.

"What?" Yu Liang asked.

Han Weiguo handed him a box, and Yu Liang opened it and saw a pure white jade ring inside.

He looked carefully and found that the jade ring was hard and delicate, composed of countless tiny crystals, which were intertwined to form a wonderful texture.

Han Weiguo explained: "This is a jade ring excavated from an ancient tomb of the Warring States Period. In addition to having a high collection and ornamental value, it also has the effect of calming the mind of the wearer."

Yu Liang knew that the other party gave him such a good thing because he wanted to make good friends with him, so he accepted the jade ring with a smile and said thank you: "Thank you very much!"

Then, Yu Liang suddenly rushed into the sky. If he could find rich experimental materials anywhere, it would undoubtedly be the ocean. So he flew towards the sea.

Crossing the coastline, I saw a medium-sized island in front of me. When I stared at it, I found that there were many mutant creatures gathered on the island.

Yu Liang fell from the sky and landed on the highest point of the island. After looking around again, I thought to myself: This will be my testing ground from now on.

After conducting some research in the military base laboratory, Yu Liang had some ideas formed in his mind.

The human body is composed of cells. Cells are the basic units that constitute the structure and function of the human body and are also the basic units of life activities. There are many types of cells in the human body, with about two hundred different cells. Each type of cell has its own division of labor, different working principles, different shapes, and diverse functions. These cells work together to enable the human body to complete various physiological functions.

Human cells are mainly composed of cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.

The cell membrane is a thin film on the surface of the cell. Its main function is to control the entry and exit of materials into the cell, so that the cell has a relatively stable environment.

The nucleus is the control center of the cell, which contains the cell's genetic material, DNA, and is responsible for the cell's inheritance and gene expression.

Cytoplasm is the gelatinous substance inside the cell, which contains a variety of organelles and functional proteins, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, etc., which work together to complete various physiological functions of the cell.

Cell organelles are very sophisticated molecular structural machines.

These molecular structural machines play vital roles in energy metabolism, material transport, cell division and other aspects within cells.

These molecular structural machines are encoded by genes. Genes transmit genetic information to proteins through the processes of transcription and translation, thereby controlling protein synthesis and the assembly of molecular structural machines.

Therefore, mastering the genetic code is mastering the secret of life.

By mastering genetic coding, we can control and transform cells, and even life.

In Yu Liang's eyes, the human body is like a centralized mechanical factory. Each cell is a small workshop in this factory. They each undertake different production tasks and work together to complete various physiological functions of the human body.

The cell membrane, like the wall of a workshop, controls the entry and exit of materials and maintains the internal environment of the cell.

The cell nucleus is like the control center of the workshop, responsible for issuing and regulating the production plan. Cytoplasm, like various equipment and tools in the workshop, is responsible for specific production and processing processes.

Cell organelles are those sophisticated molecular structural machines that work together in the cytoplasm to complete various complex production tasks.

Mastering the genetic code is equivalent to mastering the entire factory's production line.

The evolution of life transition is to build a new and more efficient human cell production line to achieve customization and programming of cell functions by precisely regulating gene expression.

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