Return to the island testing site.

Regarding the ruins, Yu Liang has no idea of ​​exploring them yet. After all, these ruins are very dangerous.

He planned to cultivate to the strongest level on the surface before visiting them one by one. This would be safe and secure, and he could also loot all the treasures inside.

Just a few days after Yu Liang had been practicing, two new guests arrived on the island.

"Your name is Thor? My name is Thor too. How about we compete and see who is the real God of Thunder!"

Looking at the young man in front of him who was shouting at him, Yu Liang chuckled and ignored him.

Turning to face the mature and steady Hong beside him, Hong said, "I'm sorry, my friend's character is like this, please forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter, he is a straightforward and sweet-tempered person. I also like to deal with such people!"

"Since I saw your great strength last time, I feel very admired in my heart. Today I am here to visit and ask for advice!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang smiled slightly and said: "Forget asking for advice, communication is okay. Let's discuss progress together."

Seeing Yu Liang's approachable appearance, a smile appeared on Hong's face.

"Hey, don't you dare to compete with me?" Thor shouted loudly again.

Yu Liang turned around and kicked him, and the latter instantly flew backwards and fell into the sea. Hong was not worried at all, because he knew that Yu Liang was just teaching Thor a little lesson to make him be more honest.

Sure enough, after Thor rushed out of the sea and returned to the two of them, he became much more honest.

Yu Liang and Hong looked at each other and smiled, and then the three of them began to communicate with each other.

Both Hong and Lei Shen are well versed in various classic literature. The cultivation methods of the two people are the essence gained from them.

After being infected with the RR virus, the body's genes are optimized, allowing the body to receive and integrate the energy of the universe, thereby enhancing its own strength and defense.

When practicing, they will let their bodies reach a state of stillness and adopt specific postures, so that their bodies can absorb as much energy as possible from the universe.

Yu Liang explained to the two some changes caused by the interaction of natural energy.

Perhaps the content was too profound, and both of them were a little confused. Yu Liang had to slow down his speech and use simpler language to explain.

"Imagine that you are looking at a calm lake. Suddenly a small stone falls into the water. The ripples caused are the result of the interaction of natural energy. This stone is a kind of energy, which causes the vibration of the water. This vibration Spreading out in the form of waves is the process of energy transfer and transformation.”

"Then, if you magnify this process, it is just like the movement of the earth's plates. It is also due to the effect of the earth's internal energy. This energy prompts the plates to move, forming mountains, rivers and even earthquakes. These are the results of natural energy interactions."

After listening to Yu Liangze's explanation, both of them nodded thoughtfully, seeming to have a clearer understanding of the confusion just now.

Next, Yu Liang continued to use vivid examples and simple language to introduce them to more knowledge about natural energy interactions, including solar energy, geothermal energy, bioenergy, etc.

Hong and Lei Shen felt confused as they listened. It wasn't that they didn't understand what Yu Liang was saying, but they didn't know what the use of Yu Liang telling them was.

And what about Yu Liang? The more he talks, the more energetic he becomes.

"The formation and movement of galaxies, stars and planets in the universe are also the result of the continuous transformation and transfer of energy. Just like the ripples caused by a stone falling into a lake, every celestial body in the universe is constantly interacting with The surrounding energy fields interact to maintain their movement and shape..."


"Then, if we put this natural energy into the microscopic world, we will find that every particle and every atom is actually full of energy. This energy prompts them to carry out various movements and changes. Thus the material world we see is formed. This energy is the vitality of nature.

The vitality of nature is endless. It exists not only in the mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, fish and insects we see, but also hidden in the microscopic world that we cannot observe with the naked eye. It is this vitality that enables nature to continuously transfer and transform energy..."


"Every living being is the existence of energy. Our bodies, thoughts, and emotions are all manifestations of energy. Our emotions, thoughts, and perceptions are also the flow and changes of energy in the body.

And this flow and change of energy is exactly how we interact with the world. "

“When we feel warm under the sun, it is the energy of the sun that is transmitted to us; when we hear beautiful music, it is the energy of the notes that touches our hearts.

Even when we communicate with others, we are transmitting and receiving each other's energy. This exchange and flow of energy makes us more closely connected to the world. "


Hong and Lei Shen felt something was wrong with Yu Liang's state and looked at each other. They both kept quiet at the same time, fearing to disturb him.

Yu Liang continued to be immersed in his own world, speaking emotionally: "..."

"So, whether it is a tiny ripple or a huge wave, it is the result of the interaction of natural energy. And we, as part of this universe, are constantly exchanging and interacting with the world. Every feeling, every Thinking is a manifestation of energy and a bridge to connect with the world.”

When Yu Liang stopped, his whole body fell into silence.

If the universe is viewed as a huge whole, then the vibration pattern of strings is the basic code that constitutes the universe.

All matter and force in the universe are composed of different vibration patterns of strings. The vibration patterns of these strings, like instructions in computer code, determine the properties and behavior of matter.

Different vibration modes produce different particles, forming various substances and forces in the universe.

These vibrational modes also determine the interaction and evolution of matter, thus forming the rich and colorful phenomena and laws in the universe.

Therefore, the vibration pattern of strings is the basic code that constitutes the universe and is the basis of the basic laws and structure of the universe.

After a long time, Yu Liang suddenly laughed again.

"That's it, that's it!"

Yu Liang looked at Hong and Lei Shen with excitement, making them confused.

Yu Liang never expected that just a simple exchange would suddenly bring out all his long-term accumulation.

Sure enough, in practice you should communicate more with others!

Thanks to the reader ‘Dachuan404’ for the reward!

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