Seeing Yu Liang's abnormal performance in front of them, Hong and Lei Shen couldn't help but wonder what the other party had discovered?

"Boy, is there anything else?"

Hearing this, Hong and Lei Shen stood up and said goodbye: "Then we won't disturb you anymore!"

After the two of them left.

Yu Liang entered a state of cultivation.

This epiphany made him understand that he had actually embarked on the path of analyzing the universe's code, and this path was through the "Ziwei Dousu Formation".

‘Perception’ is indeed an important way of interacting with the world, being able to directly experience and understand things around you. However, perception is not the only way to know.

Mathematics and logic are also ways to analyze the world. It can help Yu Liang understand the laws and structures that cannot be directly perceived, allowing him to deeply explore the mysteries of the universe.

Through mathematical models, the movement and changes of things can be described and predicted.

Through logical reasoning, unknown conclusions can be derived from known facts.

For example, based on the observed cosmic phenomena, a mathematical model can be established to describe the operating laws of the universe. Through logical reasoning, we can summarize the causal relationship between things and understand the essence of things.

Through mathematics and logic, it is possible to discover the existence of those that are not perceived. For example, antimatter, gravitational waves, etc., were discovered through mathematical models and logical reasoning.

"Everything within the magic number is the universe!"

Yu Liang's "cave sky" has never been fully formed because the energy field has been expanding. All the energy changes in the formation are controlled by the Ziwei Dou Shu formation.

If the energy field is expanded into a universe, and the Ziwei Dou Shu Formation can calculate and formulate all energy changes, then the final formation will be an independent universe!

The road is long and the road is long!

Yu Liang's current practice not only increases the range of the energy field, but also simulates the Ziwei Dou Shu formation!

Time passes day by day.

Forty years passed by unconsciously.

Yu Liang finally reached the strongest state on the earth's surface that he expected, the ocean current level energy field!

But in contrast, the magic simulation was stretched even further, which he had already expected.

In these years, the landscape on Earth has changed dramatically.

There are only five major countries left in the world, as well as some base cities established by countries that were destroyed by the beast tide. The rest of the world is occupied by mutant beasts.

The remaining humans established a new social order, calling those who became stronger through genetic evolution as warriors, and divided them into warriors, generals, and gods of war based on their physical fitness.

At the same time, mutant beasts are also called monsters, and their levels are divided into beast soldier level, beast general level, lord level and king level.

Since Yu Liang has never appeared in the world, few people remember him anymore.

Hong became the strongest man on earth and founded an extreme martial arts gym. The God of Thunder was the second strongest man who founded the Raiden Martial Arts School. The two of them united with the God of War powerhouses around the world to create the Palace of the God of War, and those who surpassed the God of War were appointed as members of parliament.

The earth has since entered the age of warriors.


"Mr. Yu, what state are you in now?"

Over the years, Hong and Lei Shen often approached Yu Liang for competition and communication. Although the strength of the two has been improving rapidly, the gap between them and Yu Liang is getting wider and wider.

"Come on, we will reach the planet level soon!"

After hearing Yu Liang's answer, the two of them looked at each other and couldn't help but complain: What kind of planet level is yours? They are both planet-level now, so why is the gap between them and you even bigger?

"Mr. Yu, please stop joking. I got some information about the powerful people in the universe on a damaged starship left by an alien civilization on the earth. Based on my comparison with this information, your strength should reach the stellar level." !”

As he spoke, Hong's expression became serious.

Hearing this, Yu Liang replied with a smile:

"The most I can do now is blow up a planet as big as the Earth with one punch. The sun above my head is a full 1.3 million times bigger than the Earth!"

"Star level, I'm still far away!"

After hearing Yu Liang's words, Hong and Lei Shen were instantly shocked and speechless.

"Co-author, this is how you divide the realm!" Thor said with a face full of disbelief.

"Otherwise?" Yu Liang replied calmly.

Thor couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. No wonder he always felt that the gap was getting bigger and bigger. How could this compare to blowing up the earth with one punch?

Hong Ze let out a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved. Ever since he learned about the existence of a powerful alien civilization, he has been worried about the safety of the earth. Now, knowing that there has always been a superpower like Yu Liang sitting on the earth, he understands that his worries are unnecessary.

"Since you are so strong, why don't you wipe out all the monsters on the earth?"

Hearing Thor's question, Yu Liang smiled and asked: "Why do you think the octopus at the bottom of the sea never dares to leave the bottom of the sea?"

"How can you grow without going through hardships!"

Hearing this, the God of Thunder stopped talking.

"Please tell me how we can practice so that we can be as powerful as you?" After learning about Yu Liang's true strength, Hong spoke with a little humility and respect.

Hearing his inquiry, Yu Liang said with a smile: "Actually, I taught you, do you remember?"

Hearing this, Hong lowered his head to recall, and then said thoughtfully: "You are talking about changes in energy!"

Yu Liang nodded.

Seeing this, Thor said helplessly: "What you said at that time was so profound that we couldn't understand it!"

His face turned and he said with a smile: "How about you teach us again!"

Hong Ye looked at Yu Liang expectantly.

"Hong is fine, after all, he controls the field, but you, I'm afraid you still don't understand!"

Hearing this, the God of Thunder smiled and said, "If you don't understand, I can write it down first, and then I can slowly understand it when I get back."

"Okay, then just listen on the sidelines!"

Yu Liang turned to look at Hong: "You control the field of light, so I will explain it to you."

Hearing this, Hong Ju listened attentively.

"Light is transmitted in the form of waves, which have characteristics such as resonance, interference, diffraction, polarization, and rotation."


"Let your own frequency and field resonate, thereby generating powerful energy."

"Interference and diffraction are changes in the shape of the field. Through interference and diffraction, the shape of the field is changed, thereby forming different attack methods."

"Polarization and rotation are the power control of the field. The direction and intensity of the field's power are controlled through polarization and rotation."


After listening to Yu Liang's explanation, Hong silently displayed his light field. Since all the surrounding light cannot escape when it shines here, it looks like a huge black hole from the outside.

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