After such a delay

When Yu Liang came to the lake, it was a bit late.

"Master, I~"

Seeing Ma Wu who had been waiting for a long time, Yu Liang was about to explain, but he stopped him with his hand.

"Just pay attention next time!"

"Come up!"

In this way, Yu Liang stopped explaining. No matter what he said, if he was late, he was late. Instead of explaining too much, it would be better to pay attention next time.

Fishing boats leave the shore.

Just like yesterday, a pot of chicken soup was simmering on the small stove in the cabin. Ma Wu asked Yu Liang to eat first, and then taught him new things.

"Yesterday I taught you the breath-taking formula to make the energy sink to your Dantian and fill your chest."

"Today, I will continue to teach you the 'Fish Breathing Technique'!"

With that said, Ma Wu took off his shirt, revealing his muscular upper body.

"When Qi is in a static state, it is like stacked dry firewood, unable to exert its usefulness."

"Once the Qi is activated, it is like a dry firewood being ignited, igniting a raging fire and bursting out with powerful power."

As he spoke, Ma Wu lifted the pole on the deck with his feet and held it across his chest with both hands.

"Between breathing and breathing, movement and stillness alternate, and the breath flows, the body can exert stronger power."

"I saw you using a bamboo spear to spear fish before. I must have some skills in using the spear!"

"My teacher has a basic set of marksmanship. Although the moves are simple, if combined with the strength, they can also explode with powerful power. It can be taught to you as a demonstration!"

"Just keep an eye on it!"

"Dip, twist, twist, block, drape, collapse, drag, hang, cross, tie, shake, frame, pick!"

Every time he took a breath, Ma Wu waved the pole in his hand and made bursts of sound.

"Pay attention to the coordination between me and Tuna when I move, so that I can unleash the maximum power!"

call! ha! call! ha!

In order for Yu Liang to see clearly, Ma Wu made a sound in his mouth.

Exhale to gain strength, inhale to accumulate strength!

For some moves, you exhale when you move out and inhale when you withdraw the move.

However, for some moves, you inhale when launching the move and exhale when withdrawing the move.

While Yu Liang was observing, he was also constantly thinking in his mind.

When the body exerts force, sometimes it needs to inhale and sometimes it needs to exhale!

For example, you need to inhale and exert force when squatting or lifting weights.

When performing exercises such as pull-ups or sit-ups, you need to exhale to exert force.

The frequency of breathing is different, and the strength displayed is also different.

Short and rapid breathing can make the marksmanship faster; long and deep breaths can make the marksmanship more stable and powerful.

Each of these thirteen basic marksmanship techniques requires different breathing methods.

After Ma Wu finished his demonstration, he asked Yu Liang, "Did you see clearly just now?"

Yu Liang nodded and said: "See clearly, Master!"

Ma Wu nodded happily, secretly thinking that it would be good to have a smart apprentice, who would be able to teach him everything, and he would be able to understand everything at once.

"Then I'll teach you another trick!"

"You should take good care of it!"

"The breath is blowing!"

I saw Ma Wu's abdomen shaking slightly!

"Reach out and feel it!"

After hearing Ma Wu's order, Yu Liang put his palm against his abdomen, and could clearly feel the shock caused by the rapid contraction and expansion of his abdomen.

"The breath is blown, and the rapid alternation of Wen style and Wu style is used to exhale quickly, so that the rapid Qi in the body can be circulated!"

“When Qi circulates, it is like a piece of charcoal about to be ignited, containing a powerful force.

As long as it is released instantly, it will ignite flames and explode with powerful attacks! "

As he said that, Ma Wu let out a loud "Ha~" and hit the pole in his hand hard on the lake.



There was a loud noise, and two curtains of water rose up on the lake. After a moment, they turned into thousands of water droplets and fell down.

Looking at the support pole in Ma Wu's hand, it actually broke into two parts because it could not withstand such a strong force.

Yu Liang was shocked when he saw this. The poles used to prop up the boat were extremely tough. They broke directly after a blow. This shows how powerful the master's hands were!

Throwing away the two-section pole in his hand, Ma Wu said: "When you master the breath agitation, you can learn the internal skills and mental methods!"

Yu Liang was a little excited after hearing that he could learn internal skills and mental methods.

He has been looking forward to such a magical thing as internal strength for a long time.

"Thank you, Master. I will definitely practice more diligently and strive to master it as soon as possible!"


After the teaching, Yu Liang started today's training task.

Take off your clothes and jump into the lake like an arc.

When he felt tired, he returned to the boat and asked Ma Wu to massage him with medicinal wine.

Yesterday's practice had paid off. Today, when the sun was at its peak, Yu Liang swam around the lake.

When we go to Master's house for a meal, it's still two meat and two vegetables and one medicinal meal.

After dinner, I went to the study room and continued reading medical books.

The day ends quickly.

Ma Wu rowed a boat to send Yu Liang back and asked him to come early tomorrow before leaving. Yu Liang understood that the master did not want him to be late again, so he nodded solemnly.

After returning home, Yu Liang lay on the bed, practiced listening to the sound displacement for a while, and then fell asleep directly.

The second day

At dawn, Yu Liang got up and headed to the lake.

He never thought that even though he came so early, Master would still arrive before him.


"Come up!"

Yu Liang came to the boat. In addition to the chicken soup prepared for him, he also saw two wooden guns lying across the center of the cabin.

"Master, are you going to teach me marksmanship?"

"Yes, I'm going to teach you marksmanship today!"

Fishing boat leaves the shore

After Yu Liang finished eating, Ma Wu picked up two wooden guns.

"Go on!" Throw one of them to him.

The two men each held a gun and stood on the bow deck of the ship.

"The basic marksmanship I taught you yesterday were just moves. Today I want to teach you the marksmanship stance!"

“Forehand stance: This is the basic stance of marksmanship, used to wait for the enemy.

Put your feet together, your body facing the target, hold the gun with both hands, palms upward, arms naturally straight, and the gun body perpendicular to the ground.

Backhand stance: used to attack the enemy and increase the power of the attack.

Stand with your feet open, your body facing the target sideways, hold the handle of the gun with your right hand, hold the gun body with your left hand, place the gun body horizontally in front of your chest, and keep the inner side of your left arm close to your body. This frame.

Cross-arm stance: This stance is used to defend against enemy attacks and can increase defense capabilities.

Stand with your feet spread apart, hold the gun body with your hands crossed, and place the gun body horizontally in front of your chest.

Front and rear hand stance: This stance is used to attack enemies from a distance and can increase the stability of the attack.

Stand with your feet open, hold the handle of the gun in your front hand, support the gun body in your back hand, and place the gun body horizontally in front of your chest.

"A gun stand, in addition to defending against enemies, its greatest function is to practice gun skills!"

"What is gun skill?"

"Gun skills are training for strength!"

Ma Wu held the wooden gun in his hand upright in front of his chest, standing motionless like a pine tree.

Even if the fishing boat is rocking from side to side due to the current, he can still remain motionless.

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