Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 26 The gun becomes more stable as it shakes; the body becomes more upright as it stands!

"Come and try!"

After the demonstration, Ma Wu put away the gun stand and let Yu Liang try it.

Yu Liang imitated his master's posture and stood on the ship's plank with his gun in hand.

Due to the shaking of the ship's hull, his center of gravity was unstable. He had to adjust his center of gravity to reduce the shaking of his body.

Repeating this left and right back and forth, Yu Liang's body began to sway from side to side.


Seeing this, Ma Wu smiled and asked Yu Liang to stop.

"You must have felt it just now. On this water, the hull of the boat is rocking back and forth, and you can't steady your body at all!"

When Yu Liang heard this, he bowed his hands and said, "Master, please teach me!"

Ma Wu waved the wooden gun in his hand, and the tip of the gun cut through the water, causing a splash of water.

Then he said: "Power starts from the ground, originates from the heels, passes to the legs, dominates the waist, and moves through the hands!"

"This is the mantra for using your body to exert strength when standing on land!"

"But if we reach the water and the hull under our feet is unstable, our feet will be unstable. How can we still keep our bodies stable and exert our strength normally?"

"That's true even on a boat, let alone underwater!"

"So, what I teach you is a unique strength training technique!"

"Have you ever seen a bow and arrow?"

Hearing Ma Wu's inquiry, Yu Liang nodded, secretly saying that he had not only heard of it but also practiced it.

Ma Wu continued: "The body is like a bow, and the spine is like a string."

"Compare the body to a bow, the power is generated from the spine, controlled by the waist, and transmitted to the limbs!"

As he spoke, Ma Wu held the wooden gun across his chest with one hand.

His back shook violently, his arms rolled like waves, and the wooden gun in his hand began to shake violently.

"Have you seen?"

"This is actually the technique of using the 'Swimming Fish Technique' underwater!"

"The big muscles in the back stretch and contract, like drawing a bow, and the force is transmitted to the arms and bursts out from the palms."

"Come on, try it!"

Yu Liang, like Ma Wu just now, held a wooden spear horizontally with one hand.

The back stretches and bends like a wave. Although it moves the arms, it only has a weak force.


"Only explosion can generate power!"

Ma Wu scolded, Yu Liang exploded violently, and the force transmitted to his hand became a little stronger.

But at the same time, his body felt a tingling sensation.

Sensing Yu Liang's abnormality, Ma Wu smiled and said, "Do you feel a little numb in your body?"

Yu Liang nodded and said: "Yes, Master, what is going on?"

Ma Wu replied: "This is because your body is too weak and cannot bear the burst of force. This is just a moment. If you send out a few more bursts of force, your body will feel weak and weak."

"So, you must have a strong body to practice martial arts!"

"Otherwise, even if you have all the means, you won't be able to use them."

After listening to his teachings, Yu Liang replied respectfully: "Disciple, you must practice hard!"

Ma Wu nodded happily, and then continued: "You pick up the gun stand and try it again!"

"When the hull of the boat rocks, imagine that you are in the water, and your back will sway slightly, and the force will be exerted on the soles of your feet to stabilize your body!"

"Yes, Master!"

Yu Liang once again held the wooden gun in his hand and stood on the bow of the boat.

The hull of the boat swayed, and the back also swung. Not only did he stabilize his upper body, he also transferred his strength to his legs to firmly hold on to the boat board.

"Yes, that's it!"

Ma Wu nodded and said: "When exerting force, you must not only stabilize your body shape, but also transfer the force to your hands to make the gun in your hands shake together!"

"The gun, the more it shakes, the more stable it is; the body, the more it stands, the more upright it becomes!"

"There is movement in the stillness, and stillness in the movement. When you practice until your body is motionless but your body is moving with strength, you will have achieved success in your spear skills!"

"I understand, Master!"

Yu Liang followed Ma Wu's teachings and started practicing bit by bit.

But because the ship's hull was shaking erratically, if he didn't pay attention and didn't keep up with the rhythm, he would lose his balance again.

Fortunately, as he stood still for longer and longer, he was gradually able to keep up with the rocking rhythm of the ship and became more stable.

Seeing his rapid progress, Ma Wu couldn't help but nodded in relief.

I thought to myself: The talent of a martial arts prodigy is really enviable. I think that when he accomplished this step, he had to live on the boat for half a year without eating and drinking.

"Okay, it's getting late, take a rest and get ready to go into the water!"

"Okay Master!"

Put down the gun in your hand and sit cross-legged on the board of the boat.

Soon after, Yu Liang took off his clothes and was about to jump into the water, but suddenly stopped, turned to look at Ma Wu, and asked:

"Master, since you can practice your strength while standing on a boat, can you also practice your strength by performing the 'Swimming Fish Technique' in the water?"


When asked this question, Ma Wu burst out laughing: "You can teach a kid!"

"You are right, the 'Swimming Fish Technique' can indeed be used to practice strength underwater, but it needs to be paired with the Breathing and Breathing Technique.

However, you haven’t reached that level yet, I will teach you the secrets when the time comes! "


Just when Yu Liang was about to enter the water, Ma Wu suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted: "Wait!"

Yu Liang turned his head to look at him doubtfully.

"What's wrong, Master?"

Ma Wu said with a serious face: "Remember, you must never try to practice strength underwater without my guidance, do you understand?"

Yu Liang nodded: "Don't worry, Master, I am the most obedient!"

In this way, Ma Wu felt relieved to let him go into the water.

He listens to others' advice to eat enough, let alone his own master!

If it hadn't been for what he said just now, Yu Liang would have really wanted to try practicing the breathing technique underwater!

But since the master said so, he gave up the idea and practiced the 'fish swimming technique' underwater honestly.

It's almost noon

Yu Liang swam around the lake a little faster than yesterday.

Go to Master’s house for dinner

In the afternoon, I still studied medical books.

The day passed quickly.

Go back and rest at night!

The next day, I came to the lake early, but my master Ma Wu always came earlier than Yu Liang.

"Master!" Yu Liang saluted.

"Get aboard!"

Entering the cabin, Yu Liang ate the chicken soup prepared by his master and asked, "Master, what are we learning today?"

Ma Wu replied: "I won't learn anything today!"

"I've taught you enough. You can't bite off more than you can chew. You should first integrate what you have learned, and then I will teach you new things."

"Okay, Master!"

After eating and taking a short rest, Yu Liang jumped into the lake and started exercising.

Before noon, he had completed the swim.

After landing ashore, under the watchful eye of Ma Wu, Yu Liang first practiced breathing skills, and then practiced basic marksmanship!

Seeing his terrifying progress, Ma Wu was calm and calm on the outside, but he was very excited inside.

To have such an outstanding disciple, a sense of pride will naturally arise in my heart!

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