After returning home with the scent of water, the moment the whole family saw her, they were so surprised that they pulled her over and kept asking questions about her, from the south of the sky to the north of the sea.

According to Yu Liang's arrangement, Shuixiang is an orphan who was abandoned since childhood in modern times and grew up in an orphanage.

After hearing the news, the whole family became even more curious about her and greeted her. Instead, they put Yu Liangliang aside, making him feel that he had become an outsider and an orphan.

"Forget it, just be happy!"

Yu Liang found a quiet place to stay leisurely by himself.

Let your thoughts wander freely. Unconsciously, he thought of the issue of 'will' again.

In the vast universe, there are many forms of life, but no matter what kind of life it is, as long as it has the ability to think, it has a will. Even if the consciousness is weak, as long as the mind is tenacious and the heart is strong, you can still show amazing willpower.

In the weak stage, the role of willpower may not be obvious. It is usually just used to resist the temptation of the outside world and stick to one's own heart. Once the life disappears, the will will also disappear, making it difficult to display much aggression.

However, as one's cultivation level increases, the role of willpower becomes more and more important. Those super strong people who stand at the top, even if they fall, their will will last forever.

Especially in Yu Liang's next practice, he will have to face the issue of will sooner or later! If the will is not strong enough, the promotion channel will be blocked.

So, what exactly is will?

Yu Liang, who couldn't figure it out, decided not to struggle anymore. Rather than meditating on this, it would be better to ask people who are accomplished in this field for advice.

And this person is the flood that swallows the world!

Devour the world

Yu Liang, who had been 'in seclusion' for many days, emerged from the secret room.

"Your Highness!" Guard Angklai saw Yu Liang and saluted him respectfully.

"Did nothing happen during my retreat?" Yu Liang asked.

"Your Highness, everything is normal and nothing happened." Guard Ankle replied.

"That's OK!"

Yu Liang said something casually, and then returned to the secret room.

In the virtual universe, Yu Liang contacted Hong.

"Mr. Yu, have you finished your retreat?" Hong's figure appeared after being summoned by him, and notified Lei Shen and Luo Feng at the same time.

After coming out of Chaos City, the four of them gathered together again.

The four of them sat separately. Yu Liang asked with a smile: "How is your recent practice?"

Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng all nodded, with confident smiles on their faces.

Under the training of Virtual Universe Company, their practice has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and they are moving towards a higher realm every day.

The core members of Virtual Universe Company have a privilege, that is, as long as they break through to the first level of universe level, or the first level of domain lord, or the first level of world lord, they can go directly to the nutrition cabin.

These nutrition cabins contain many precious substances, which allow cultivators to accumulate sufficient amounts to improve their cultivation realm. They can directly upgrade their cultivation realm from the first level to the ninth level, and use more of the time saved to participate in the study. Understand the law instead of wasting it on the accumulation of energy.

In addition, Virtual Universe Company will also invite many powerful people to give public lectures. These lecturers are usually immortal beings, and occasionally there are even "universe kings". Such opportunities are undoubtedly extremely precious for practitioners.

Thunder God suddenly smiled and said: "Although the current conditions are good, they are still not as good as the days when I practiced next to Mr. Yu in Chaos City. That is the real rapid progress!"

His words were full of nostalgia and emotion for that time.

After hearing what Thunder God said, Hong and Luo Feng also smiled and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Yu Liang smiled and said, "If you want, you can continue to practice with me."

After hearing Yu Liang's words, Hong and Luo Feng showed joy on their faces.

"That's great!" Thunder God said happily after hearing it. "Actually, I have had this idea for a long time. I just considered that Mr. Yu is still practicing in seclusion, so I'm afraid it will disturb you."

"Since Mr. Yu has spoken, I would rather be respectful than obey."

"Hahaha!" After hearing this, several people laughed.

After the four of them chatted some more topics.

Yu Liang suddenly turned to Hong and asked about willpower.

Regarding this issue, Lei Shen didn't care much, but Luo Feng showed strong interest. He looked at Hong expectantly, expecting him to have some good insights.

"Willpower?" After a brief thought, Hong began to explain his understanding of will.

Will is actually the strength of one's own heart.

He divided willpower into three stages and gave a detailed explanation based on his own practice experience. It can be divided into three realms, each representing a different stage of practice and spiritual growth.

The first level is "clearly seeing one's nature and pointing directly to one's true heart". This level emphasizes a firm heart and incomparable trust in oneself. At this stage, by deeply examining your own heart, you understand your nature and true self, and firmly believe that you are the most powerful. No matter what challenges and difficulties we encounter, we can remain determined and unwavering. Although this road is difficult, it is a path that practitioners do not seek externally and rely entirely on their own inner perseverance.

The second level is the "innocent heart", which focuses on the combination of hardness and softness, and the integration of yin and yang. At this stage, the soul deepens further, like an innocent child, pure and flawless. I learned to respond flexibly according to the situation and use both strength and softness, which greatly enhanced my ability to resist. In this state, one has already mastered certain skills and can cope with external shocks and challenges more freely.

The third level is "the heart tolerates everything". At this stage, the mind becomes infinitely broad and can accommodate all things. No longer threatened by external pressure, because the heart has become true, pure, and sincere. This state can bring out the ultimate power of the soul.

"These three realms are not divided into high and low, but represent three different paths of practice. Each path has its own unique value and meaning. You can choose the path that suits you according to your own characteristics and needs. No matter which path you choose, They all need to strengthen their hearts, remain sincere, pure and determined in order to continue to move forward on the road of mind cultivation and achieve self-transcendence.”

After listening to Hong's story, Yu Liang was thoughtful. During the silence, Luo Feng suddenly expressed his opinion.

"The will is the general, the consciousness is the soldier, and the will governs the consciousness. My heart is like a knife, and my natural will and consciousness are condensed like a rock, without a trace of dust or a trace of deception!"

Hearing this, Hong nodded, then shook his head and said: "The heart is like a bright mirror, which does not stir up a trace of dust. The heart is condensed like a knife, cutting off all obstacles. This can be regarded as directly pointing to the original heart, clarifying the heart and seeing the nature, but It’s too extreme, too strong!”

Then, Hong looked at the God of Thunder and said to Luo Feng: "You should learn from Lao Er, he has a pure heart!

The so-called yin and yang are born, and the yang and yin are born. The yin and yang are combined and the Tao is self-generated. Facing the strong pressure of the sky, the yin and yang are combined, hard and soft. If you need to resist, you will resist hard. When you are weak, you will remove the force and combine with each other! "

Hearing this, Yu Liang also nodded in agreement. It is said that if something is too strong, it will break easily. It requires a combination of strength and softness.

When facing external pressure, how to use your own strength flexibly requires both firm will and flexible response.

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