Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 274 Fuzzy Logic Quantum Superposition State

After discussing the issue of will with the Hong trio,

Yu Liang began to think alone in the secret room.

The vocabulary of concepts such as consciousness, heart, will, and thought are too abstract.

Yu Liang wants to transform them into more concrete and easier-to-understand forms to clarify the relationship between them.

Human beings, as complex creatures, have a way of thinking that is full of complexity and ambiguity, and their logic is a kind of fuzzy logic.

Different from pure black and white logical thinking, human decisions and actions are often affected by the interweaving of multiple factors. These factors are not simple causal relationships, but are full of gray areas and ambiguities.

This ambiguity provides more possibilities and flexibility for human decision-making and actions.

This kind of fuzzy logical thinking often combines precision and fuzzyness, which is similar to the superposition state in quantum mechanics.

Yu Liang thought of the similarities between quantum computers and the human brain.

This similarity stems from the fact that brain neurons can complete countless thought changes in an instant, forming a state similar to a quantum superposition state.

This state allows humans to process large amounts of information and make complex decisions and actions in an instant.

"The will is like a general, the consciousness is like a soldier!"

Yu Liang felt that what Luo Feng said was particularly good.

Compared with Hong's concept of knowing one's mind and seeing one's nature, this metaphor more vividly explains the relationship between will and consciousness.

Compare each conscious thought in your mind to an independent soldier. When these soldiers are scattered, they are like a group of unorganized stragglers with no combat effectiveness.

However, when Will appears as the commander-in-chief, these soldiers can be commanded in a unified manner to form a powerful combat effectiveness.

Yu Liang further thought that people's thoughts are complicated and chaotic, and their inner world is like the stars in the universe, numerous and complex.

This complex and chaotic thought constitutes each person's unique and rich inner world. The role of will lies in how to control these thoughts and make them operate in an orderly manner.

The universe itself is also a complex and uncertain existence.

Leaving the cosmic space where you are, the world outside is chaos.

Chaos is like a quantum world. All unknown objects are in a state of superposition of multiple possibilities before they are observed. When the will comes, the chaos separates and becomes clear, forming a new world.

Think of this.

It was as if a door to a new world had opened in Yu Liang's heart.

"Let me go, did I find something extraordinary?"

It's a pity that Yu Liang's current level of strength is really too low. Even if he has thought about this aspect, it is still too early to put it into action.

Therefore, the next research can only be put on hold temporarily, and the improvement of realm cultivation will be put on the agenda.

Yu Liang knew a perfect place to hone his will, and there were quite a lot of opportunities hidden there.

After joining Virtual Universe Company and becoming a core member, Virtual Universe Company will not enforce study arrangements, but adopts a free-range approach to cultivate geniuses and give them full freedom.

There are sufficient resources, and members can freely choose to attend classes or practice. This humanized arrangement provides great convenience to students.

In addition to theoretical courses, practical courses are equally important. Practical courses are divided into three categories: Tongtian Bridge, Illusion Sea and Immortal Altar.

The Illusion Sea mainly tests the practitioner’s consciousness strength and will. Consciousness plays a vital role in practice, breaking through bottlenecks, and fighting.

The Immortal Altar focuses on testing the body's strength. This is a special testing site developed by the Virtual Universe Company. It isolates the original laws of the universe, energy and the original thought power in the body, and can accurately measure the body's force.

Finally, there is the training task.

Only in the process of experiencing bloody battles and bravely killing enemies can you truly hone yourself and become stronger.

Training tasks are training tasks carefully arranged for members by Virtual Universe Company. They are divided into five levels according to the degree of danger: safe level, ordinary level, difficult level, dangerous level and desperate level. The mortality rate increases at each level, and the points you can earn after completing the mission also increase accordingly.

There are four desperate mission worlds in the secret realms owned by Virtual Universe Company, of which two are original secret realms.

The first is the No. 1 "Purgatory Abyss". Its mission points reward is as high as 1 million, which is the highest among all missions, but it is also accompanied by extremely high danger and difficulty.

Followed by the sixth-ranked "Missing Galaxy", with a mission point reward of 500,000, its danger is slightly higher than that of the Magic Mountain.

Then there is the eighth-ranked "Magic Mountain", located in the Taichu Secret Realm of Virtual Universe Company, with a mission point reward of 400,000.

The last one is the seventeenth-ranked "Nightmare Cave", located in the secret world of Virtual Universe Company, with a mission point reward of 350,000.

In addition, the original secret realm also contains six "danger-level mission" worlds, such as "Husca Planet", "Ruined Ancient Temple" and "Old Relics" and other ancient places full of dangers.

The place Yu Liang is going to is the "Xueluo World" that is part of the dangerous level mission.

[Task: Obtain the Blood Luo Crystal, you will get 10,000 points if you succeed.

Obtain the title of 'Blood Warrior' and get the 'Blood Medal'. If successful, you can get 100,000 points.

Reminder: As long as one of the two tasks is completed, it means that the training task is successfully completed. 】

Blood crystals, a specialty of the world of blood, are triangular pillar blood crystals condensed from the body essence of the beast god after his death. They are of great benefit to the lord of the universe.

However, this blood crystal can only be fused with flesh and blood life forms. During the fusion process, there will be the impact of the will to kill, causing severe pain to the body. Typically, the more experienced an individual is in killing, the smoother the integration process will be. Every time one more blood crystal is fused, the demands on the body will increase tenfold.

After fusion, the individual's induction and power of each law will be significantly improved. By fusing one blood crystal, the sensitivity and power can be increased by 20 to 30%; by fusing 2 blood crystals, the power can be increased by 50%; by fusing 3 blood crystals, the power can be doubled. When 10 are fused, the strength of the body is doubled, the power of the law is tripled, the overall strength is enhanced tenfold, and the basic structure of the body will also change.

What's even more amazing is that when 90 blood crystals are fused, the power amplitude of the law will increase to nine times. Moreover, once it is used, blood-red secret lines will appear on the chest.

And when the fusion reaches 100, the blood-red secret pattern will turn into the roaring head pattern of the beast god statue.

Yu Liang took over the mission of ‘Xueluo World’.

【warn! Your Highness Yu Liang, this is your first time accepting a training mission. According to statistics from the historical data of our virtual universe company, the mortality rate of choosing the "dangerous level" for the first training mission is as high as 78.2%. Please consider carefully. If you decide to continue the selection, please click OK; otherwise, please cancel the acceptance of this training task. 】

Ignoring the warning, Yu Liang continued to choose confirmation.

Then, he waited for the Virtual Universe Company to send someone to pick him up and take him to the 'Xueluo World'.

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