Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 4 What to do if you have no memory when traveling through time? Pretend to be dumb!

In the live broadcast room

Yu Liang, who was live broadcasting, glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw someone scolding him in the barrage?

I don’t recognize them by their names, but there’s no need to think about it, they must be the two guys just now.

Watching them keep scrolling, Yu Liang ignored them. After all, anti-fans are also fans!

Throughout the afternoon, there were still very few people in the live broadcast room.

"Forget it, let's get here today!"

Close live broadcast room

Yu Liang looked up and looked outside. It was starting to get dark. He got up and went to the door to move around.

It will be time for school to end soon, and there will be more people at the door at that time, which is also the time when his business is at its best.

Standing at the door waiting, there were more and more pedestrians in front of me.

Watching a customer come straight to him with his child

Yu Liang hurried forward to greet him: "What do you want to order?"

"Do you have a mobile phone holder? The kind used by children for online classes, the kind that can be placed on the table."


Yu Liang took out several different types of mobile phone holders and quoted different prices for them to choose from.

"Let's do this!"

Customers pay and leave.

"see you next time!"

Not long after, several more students came together.

"Boss, how much do headphones cost?"

"There are ten yuan, twenty yuan, and thirty yuan. Which one do you want?"


“Boss, how much does the power bank cost?”


After two hours of busy work, there were fewer and fewer people at the door.

Yu Liang bought a pancake for dinner.

It was dark and there were basically no customers, so he casually touched one of the books he bought today.

"The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook"

There are seven hundred and forty-four pages in total, all in small print.

If you want to read it completely, it will probably take at least three or four days.

Yu Liang read it word for word, and after reading about thirty or forty pages, he felt a little bloated.

Close the book, close your eyes and reflect.

At the same time, he rubbed his eyebrows with his hands. After a while, the feeling eased a lot.

He found that he still underestimated his learning ability and photographic memory, and actually remembered everything he had just read.

"If I had this kind of ability when I was in school, Tsinghua University and Huada University wouldn't have been a dream!"

Yu Liang was very academically inclined back then, but it was because of his failing foreign language that he was kept away from the first class and barely got into the general second class.

Check that it's not too early, put down the book in your hand, close the door and go home.

After washing up and lying on the bed, I watched short videos on my phone for a while. I found that I was getting more and more energetic, so I quickly put down my phone.

Go to bed early and get up early to be healthy. I will study hard tomorrow!

Turn off the lights, eyes wide open and unable to sleep!

Brushing for another half hour!

An hour later, Yu Liang forced himself to fall asleep.

in sleep

Yu Liang found that he was in darkness again.

But at this moment he was very clear-headed and understood that this was just a nightmare.

Looking at the endless darkness, thinking about how to wake up.

Slap yourself in the face!


It hurts~

Yu Liang instantly noticed something was wrong. How could a person feel pain while dreaming?

My heart suddenly became panicked, where is this? How to leave?

As he ran in one direction, he saw endless darkness in front of him.

Calm down and think about how you woke up last time!

Yu Liang looked up at the top of his head. Last time, a beam of light shone down and he woke up from his dream.

He raised his hand and pointed upward, shouting loudly:

"God said, let there be light!"

no response.

"Buddha said, let there be light!"

Still no response.

"Jade Emperor, come and shine!"

Yu Liang called out all the gods he could ask for.

He also knew that it was useless, but he just wanted to seek comfort, which was better than staying here and doing nothing.

"Guang, when will you come?"

He lay down and looked upward, hoping that the light would appear soon.


Yu Liang jumped up excitedly and turned around to see a beam of light shining in the distance.

Although he was confused as to why the light didn't appear from above his head, as long as it could appear and leave, Yu Liang didn't care where it appeared from.

Running all the way, there is a circular aperture at the end of the light.

"Is there any problem with this?"

Yu Liang looked around it in confusion, stretched out his hand to touch it out of curiosity, and was suddenly sucked in.


Opening his eyes suddenly, his whole body shot up. Looking at the bright world in front of him, Yu Liang let out a long sigh of relief.

"Phew, it's out!"

However, he soon discovered something was wrong. This was not his home!

What about the clean white walls? What about clear windows? Where is warm Simmons?

Why did his room turn into a shabby mud house?

Not only was there nothing, but what he slept under was a wooden bed made of stones, with a sparse layer of hay spread on top.

When I look at myself, my white and delicate hands have become rough and dark, and there is a thick layer of calluses on my palms.

The delicate cotton pajamas turned into a pair of coarse linen clothes.

Touching the unfamiliar face, the long hair on top of his head, the thin body... these all told Yu Liang that this was no longer his body.

"Have I traveled through time?"

I didn't react for a while.

When he came to his senses, Yu Liang pushed open the door and rushed out.

There are black and yellow dirt roads, houses made of stones and earth, and passers-by dressed as ancient people pass by from time to time. You can also see fields in the distance...

Bang ~

He quickly returned to the room and closed the door tightly.

"I'm going to really travel through time!"

"What can we do!"

"No preparation at all."

"Can I still go back?"

"I want to go back!"

After several mental struggles, Yu Liang slowly accepted this fact.

If I had known about time travel, I should have read more of the books I bought!

What kind of crappy game are you playing, and you’ve wasted a whole day in vain!

"The Barefoot Doctor's Manual", it would be great if you read it all, so that you can gain skills even after traveling through time!

Yu Liang began to regret that since he bought the book, why didn't he read it right away?

I always wanted to watch it when I got around to it, but now it’s over, I don’t even have the chance to watch it now.

Breathe a long sigh of relief.

Turn around and open the door

MD, when he traveled through time, this adult body actually left him no memory at all.

The first task now is to explore the place he traveled through.

Not far after he walked out, a seven or eight-year-old boy on the side of the road shouted to him: "Brother Xiao Yu, are you okay?"

Are you calling me? The name of this body is ‘Brother Xiao Yu’?

Yu Liang didn't say anything, just nodded to him.

The little boy came to him with a smile on his face and jumped up and down: "That's great. Everyone said that you can't survive for a few days if you get wind and cold in your body. I didn't expect you to survive."

After listening to his words, Yu Liang gained another piece of useful information.

This body died from the cold that entered the body!

"Brother Xiao Yu, why don't you speak?"

The little boy stared at Yu Liang with wide eyes.

Yu Liang secretly thought that he also wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. After all, he didn't understand anything now. It would be bad if he said something wrong.

Yes, don't speak, pretend to be mute!

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