Yu Liang opened his mouth to the little boy, but no sound came out.

Then he pretended to be frightened and kept touching his lips and neck with his hands.

When the little boy saw this, he immediately asked anxiously: "Brother Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you? Why can't you just open your mouth and make no sound?"

Yu Liang opened his mouth wide and faced him, his lips and tongue kept moving, but he didn't make a sound.

"It's over, it's over, Brother Yu is mute!"

The little boy turned around and ran to the house next to him, shouting loudly: "Mom, Brother Yu is mute!"

Not long after, a short, dark-skinned woman came out of the house.

"What are you shouting?"

"Mom, Brother Xiao Yu is mute!"

The little boy pointed his finger at Yu Liang and shouted at the woman.


Looking up at Yu Liang who was not far away, the woman had a look of surprise on her face. She quickly came to him and said in surprise: "Yu Liang, you actually survived!"

Yu Liang? This body's name is actually the same as mine!

Yu Liang opened his mouth to the woman, but made no sound. He moved his hands randomly as if to express something.

Seeing this situation, the woman was surprised and said: "Yu Liang, why are you silent?"

At this moment, another middle-aged man with a slightly stooped figure walked out of the house: "What's wrong?"

"Husband, come and see, Yu Liang has survived, but he seems to be unable to speak!"

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard this and quickly came to Yu Liang: "Yu Liang, say something!"

Seeing that he opened his mouth, but there was no sound, the middle-aged man said thoughtfully: "I'm not dead, but I can't speak. Maybe this is the price!"

"If you can't speak, you can't speak. It's better than losing your life!"

"Yu Liang has just recovered from a serious illness. He hasn't eaten much in the past two days. Go and make him a bowl of hot porridge!"

The woman nodded and returned to the house.

When Yu Liang heard that there was something to eat, his mouth watered, and a strong sense of hunger suddenly surged through his body.

I didn't feel this way just now. I must have been too hungry. That's why I reacted so violently to the sudden smell of hot porridge.

"Oh, Yu Liang, your life is really miserable!"

"I miss you losing your parents one after another, and then getting seriously ill. Although you survived, you have been unable to speak since then. Your life is so miserable!"

Listening to what the other party said, Yu Liang got some useful information.

His parents died, he was seriously ill, and he encountered two major disasters in a row. It's no wonder that his family was completely destitute and destitute.

The other party patted Yu Liang's shoulder with a helpless look and said sincerely:

"Uncle Wu's life is not easy either. I can't help you much. I can give you a bowl of hot porridge every day these days. As for the rest of your life, you can only rely on yourself."

Yu Liang nodded to express his gratitude.

Uncle Wu turned back to the house, and he followed behind him.

As soon as you enter the house, you can see that their home is very poor and they don't even have any decent furniture.

"Wait a moment, the porridge will be ready soon!"

Yu Liang was mute now and couldn't speak, so he just stayed there and waited quietly.

Not long after, Fifth Uncle's wife came to him with a bowl of hot porridge: "Here, eat it while it's hot!"

Yu Liang took it and looked down. Hey boy, it was said to be porridge but there was not a grain of rice in it. There was just some water and some unknown grass blades in the bowl.

I took a tentative sip and found that it only had a bitter taste, and it also hurt my throat.

Yu Liang has also eaten wild vegetables, such as shepherd's purse, purslane, bracken, bitter greens, etc.

But the things in the bowl were really hard to swallow, as if they were not edible wild vegetables at all.

"Eat? Why don't you eat?"

Uncle Wu and his family all looked at Yu Liang with puzzled expressions.

At this moment, he really wanted to say that this thing was not for human consumption at all.

Feeling the hunger in my belly.

Blow on it with your mouth and let it cool down.

Holding your breath, drink up all the soup, leaving the vegetable leaves inside.

With hot food in my stomach, my hunger eased a little.

One hand held the bowl in his arms, and the other pointed at the contents of the bowl, then pointed at the direction of home, and finally pointed at the sky and touched his belly.

The fifth uncle and his wife were confused and didn't know why.

But their son suddenly realized and said: "I understand, Brother Xiao Yu means that he wants to take it back to eat!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang nodded quickly.

Without allowing the other party to say anything, he took the bowl and left, leaving Uncle Wu and his family of three looking at each other.

When he ran home, there wasn't even a table in the room, so Yu Liang placed the bowl of leftover porridge on the edge of the bed.

Looking at the unpalatable food, it was his limit to finish the soup.

The rest, unless he was so hungry that he had only one breath left, it would be really difficult for him to take it into his mouth.

After touching his stomach, Yu Liang was really hungry at this time.

Therefore, he planned to go out to find food that could be put in his mouth and fill his stomach.

How could there be no food in a rural village with such a large farmland nearby?

Just as Yu Liang was about to go out, he met the fifth uncle's son again. He must have been waiting for him here specially.

"Brother Xiao Yu!"

Nodding to him, Yu Liang walked toward the fields outside the village, with Uncle Wu's son following behind him.

"Brother Xiao Yu, where are you going?"

Yu Liang pointed in the direction with his finger.

"Are you going to the fields? But didn't you sell all the land for medical treatment?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Liang turned to look at him, thoughtfully, and then continued to move forward.

"It's Yu Liang, are you healed?"

He met an old man head-on. Before Yu Liang could react, Uncle Wu's son had already stepped forward to answer his question.

After learning that although Yu Liang recovered from his illness, he could not speak, the old man shook his head slightly and sighed deeply: "Poor child!"

He took out an unknown yellow fruit from his arms and handed it to Yu Liang.

When he took it over, the other party continued to shake his head and left with a sigh.

Yu Liang held the yellow fruit in his hand and looked at it in front of his eyes.

The fifth uncle's son on the side stared at it eagerly and licked his lips with his tongue, showing that he wanted to eat it.

Seeing this, Yu Liang took a bite and tasted it briefly. It was very moist and had a hint of sweetness.

Hmm~ Not bad!

I ate more than half of it, and finally there was a little left before I handed it to the little guy who had been greedy for a long time.

After the other party took it, he actually ate the core in two or three mouthfuls.

It’s just a piece of fruit, do you want to be so hungry?

Yu Liang continued to move forward, and the fifth uncle's son helped him deal with the villagers he met on the road.

Everyone's reaction was to lament his miserable life.

From their exchanges, Yu Liang also gained a lot of useful information.

Slowly, everyone in the village came to know that Yu Liang was not dead and had become mute.

After leaving the village, the two entered the field of farming.

Looking around, we can see that the green crops in the field are orderly and full of vitality. Not only are there not a single weed in the field, but even the field edges have been neatly treated.

There was no grass, let alone finding food.

Yu Liang saw a manually dug irrigation ditch with a diameter of only half a meter next to the field.

Follow the direction of the current and go upstream, leaving the cultivated land, passing through a small forest, and arriving in front of a lake.

After signing the contract, you can rest assured! If there is anything poorly written, please correct me!

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