
"Do you know what a 'true spirit' is?"

After hearing this question from the main body subsystem, Yu Liang thought for a moment and then shook his head.

Ontology subsystem: "The true spirit is actually the origin of consciousness!"

"The most peculiar thing about life is that it has consciousness, which is the 'spirit'!"

"Consciousness is a collection, which is the need of matter to satisfy its own existence!"

"The birth of consciousness is chaotic and complicated, and contains all desires and delusions."

"As the Taoists say, if there is a flesh body, there must be desires. So we must fly away and throw away the heavy body to keep the breath clear."

"As the Buddhists say, everything in the world is like a dream bubble, fleeting, and only the inner spirituality is eternal."

"Therefore, all practice is about one word, 'truth'!"

"'Seeking truth' is the only way for all practice."

"Whether it is the pursuit of ascension by the Taoists, the pursuit of liberation by the Buddhists, or any other way of practice, the ultimate goal is to explore the most real and essential self - that is, the 'true spirit'."

After listening to the explanation of the ontology subsystem, Yu Liang nodded thoughtfully: "So that's it, so this is the true spirit, seeking truth..."

Paused for a moment.

The main body subsystem continued to say: "Wu, the body contains the purest blood of Pangu. He is different from other creatures that evolved and gave birth to wills. Their consciousness and spirit are not chaotic. They don't need to practice at all to stand at the end of all practitioners. It can even be said that if all the witches are combined, it will be a complete Pangu."

"Oh my god, so awesome!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang sighed directly, and remembered that there seemed to be something called the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation in the Wu clan, which seemed to be able to directly burst out the power of Pangu.

While communicating with the main body subsystem, Yu Liang also kept moving forward and continued to explore this world.

On the way, just like before, he didn't meet anything.

This time he would not blindly guess that there were no creatures, but that this world was too big, so big that he had to travel a long way to meet a creature.

"Stop, pay attention to the front!"

Suddenly, the voice of the main body subsystem sounded in his mind.

Yu Liang looked forward in confusion.

There was a slightly raised black hill in front of him, standing there quietly, blending into the surrounding environment.

However, when Yu Liang looked closely, he found that the shape of this "hill" seemed a little strange. Its surface was not smooth, but covered with various uneven lines, as if it was the skin of some ancient creature.

At this moment, the earth began to tremble violently. The black "hill" actually began to move slowly, gradually rising from the ground and turning into a towering giant shadow.

Yu Liang was shocked to find that this was not a hill at all, but the remains of a huge creature.

This giant towered into the sky, with a sharp thorn on its head, as if it could pierce the sky. Its body was shriveled and stiff, but it still revealed a kind of majesty and power.

Yu Liang looked at the big guy standing in front of him, without any hesitation in his heart, and turned around to run away.

But the voice of the main body subsystem came to his mind: "No need to run, the guy in front of you is a dead thing."


Hearing this, Yu Liang stopped in confusion and turned to look at the big guy who had just stood up. After careful observation, he found that there was indeed no life in it.

In response, Yu Liang asked curiously: "How can a dead thing move?"

"That's because it is about to give birth to a 'spirit'." The main body subsystem explained.

"Hehe, this is really a coincidence. I was just explaining the birth of consciousness to you, and a real example appeared directly in front of me."

"Go forward and take a closer look."

Hearing this, Yu Liang approached cautiously.

The corpse of this unknown creature was extremely shriveled and stiff, with cracked and raised skin, and special patterns formed on the scale-like skin. When the gas was poured into the body through these patterns, a subtle sound was made, like the whimpering and howling sounds coming from the dark night, resonating in the cavity of the body, which was creepy.

As Yu Liang approached cautiously, the huge corpse of the giant suddenly trembled, and the drooping huge head fell towards Yu Liang like a meteorite from the sky.

"What's going on? Isn't it a corpse? Why would it attack me?" Yu Liang exclaimed, dodging quickly.

Although he avoided the direct impact of the head in time, the shock wave generated by the heavy impact of the giant head on the ground still shook Yu Liang away.

"I told you before that this corpse is gestating a new 'spirit', so although it is now a dead thing, it can act according to instinct." The voice of the main body subsystem echoed in Yu Liang's mind.

Yu Liang stood up awkwardly, dusted off the dust on his body, and complained dissatisfiedly: "Then why didn't you make it clear earlier!"

"It's just a big fool who acts on instinct now, what's so scary? Go, knock it down, and then we will observe the way it gives birth to spirits." The main body subsystem encouraged.

Yu Liang stared at the towering giant, and the fighting spirit in his heart gradually rose. Although the thing in front of him was big, it was still a corpse. Thinking back to the two previous experiences, he had already gathered a ball of anger in his heart and didn't know where to vent it.


As Yu Liang shouted, the power of his whole body burst out instantly, and the whole person seemed to be wrapped in red flames, like a burning fire meteor, rushing towards the giant.

The giant corpse also stood there in a daze without any reaction.

However, just when Yu Liang was about to hit the giant's chest, the giant suddenly turned slightly, and a huge, shriveled and stiff tail, like Optimus Prime, hit Yu Liang with lightning speed.


Yu Liang screamed in his heart, but it was too late to dodge, and the whole person was hit hard by the giant tail.

He drew a long arc in the air, then fell heavily to the ground, and stopped after sliding out a deep gully.

"Are you shaking me? This kind of attack method, you say it is a dead body?" Yu Liang complained with a grin in pain.

"Did you not hear clearly? Although this corpse has no intelligence, it still retains its fighting instinct in its flesh. You rushed forward without thinking, and you deserve to be hit." The main body subsystem explained.

Hearing this, Yu Liang said nothing more. He struggled to stand up, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the giant corpse.

The giant corpse seemed to feel the challenge, waving its huge arms to sweep towards Yu Liang.

Yu Liang was flexible and cleverly dodged its attack with a roll.

Then he jumped up again, rushed to the back of the giant like a flash of lightning, and punched hard. Each punch condensed all his strength, but the giant's skin was as hard as iron, and it only made a dull echo.

The giant roared and turned around, trying to crush Yu Liang with its huge body.

Yu Liang was quick-eyed and quick-handed, jumped up, landed steadily on the giant's shoulder, rushed down along the giant's neck, like a whirlwind, and kicked the giant's chest hard.

The giant waved its arms and tried to catch this cunning opponent. However, Yu Liang was as slippery as a loach, always dodging the giant's attack at the critical moment.

The battle entered a white-hot stage.

Yu Liang sometimes jumped up to avoid the giant's attack, and sometimes launched a fierce attack in close combat. His figure quickly shuttled around the giant, as elusive as a ghost.

Although the giant was extremely powerful, it seemed a little clumsy in front of Yu Liang's flexible tactics. Yu Liang cleverly took advantage of the giant's weaknesses and continuously launched fierce attacks.

Finally, under Yu Liang's constant hard grinding, the giant fell down with a bang.

The huge body smashed a huge hole in the ground, and dust flew.

"Stupid thing, I can't cure you!"

Yu Liang stood on the edge of the hole, panting, with a victorious smile on his face.


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