
"Next, it's my turn to perform!"

The voice of the main body subsystem resounded in Yu Liang's mind.

"I have mentioned before that most of the functions of the subsystem have been sealed, but now, I will let you see its true power."


As the system function was activated, a brilliant white light suddenly burst out from Yu Liang's eyes, like a star descending to the world, mysterious and profound.

Under the illumination of this white light, Yu Liang's vision has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The world in front of him seemed to be deconstructed into a series of colorful runes, which were like ancient codes, containing the secrets of all things.

What is this?

Yu Liang's heart was filled with a strong curiosity.

And at the moment when he was confused, the meaning of these runes automatically emerged in his mind, as if there was a mysterious power guiding him to explore the truth.

"Awesome!" He couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

Under the power of insight, Yu Liang felt as if he had become an omnipotent being.

Wherever his eyes go, the essence of all things is exposed, and all the secrets are revealed before his eyes.

"To be able to see through the essence of all things in the world and explore their origins, this is the true meaning of the "insight" function!" The voice of the main body subsystem sounded again.

However, Yu Liang did not seem to hear its voice.

He concentrated on scanning the giant corpse in front of him with the power of insight, exploring all its secrets.

"Energy contains information, and the gathering of information can trigger psychic changes. It turns out that this is the secret of the corpse being able to revive again!"

After seeing all the information, Yu Liang suddenly realized, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

At this moment, he felt as if he had become a god who mastered all the secrets of the world, and an unprecedented sense of excitement surged in his heart. This sense of substitution made him more immersed in this mysterious and wonderful world.


That mysterious feeling disappeared without a trace.

It was as if a gust of wind blew, awakening Yu Liang from that deep state of insight.

The "insight" function of the system has been turned off.

Yu Liang's mind seemed to fall from the clouds to the mud in an instant, and an indescribable sense of loss surged in his heart.

"Keep going, don't stop!"

Yu Liang urged anxiously, with a desire for the unknown in his eyes.

However, the main subsystem responded calmly: "You think too much. In your current state, if you look at it a few more times, the massive information impact will be enough to make you directly transform into the Tao!"

"Transform into the Tao!"

These two words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Yu Liang's heart hard.

Only then did he realize how dangerous his behavior was.

In the huge torrent of information, his spirit was like a small boat in the ocean, which could be swallowed by huge waves at any time.

Yu Liang took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner throbbing.

He was silent for a long time.

After seeing the power of the system's "insight" function, Yu Liang was full of curiosity about other functions of the system.

"What other powerful functions are there in the system?" He couldn't help asking.

The main body subsystem chuckled and replied: "There are many functions, I won't list them one by one now. When the actual situation comes, I will slowly tell you when it is turned on."

Yu Liang nodded and didn't ask too much.

He will understand these functions sooner or later, so there is no need to rush.

Besides, if he knows too much in advance, he will definitely keep thinking about it, and thinking about it will only add to his troubles.

Stand up and look around.

Night has fallen, and the stars are shining on this desolate land.

The giant corpse is still lying there quietly, but in Yu Liang's eyes at this moment, it is no longer a simple corpse, but a huge treasure.

This giant, when it was alive, was a fierce beast derived from the world. Unlike the same creatures born later, it is the first in the world and the ancestor of this species. It has the purest blood and contains the most primitive information.

For Yu Liang, this is not just a corpse.

He took a deep breath, leaped up, and landed steadily on the head of the giant beast.

He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to enter the state of cultivation.

As Yu Liang's breathing gradually became deep and even, a huge amount of blood and qi surged out of his body, surrounding his body and rotating endlessly.

As the blood and qi flowed, it seemed that one could hear the sound of the Yangtze River rushing. That was the power of life surging, and the energy in Yu Liang's body was stirring.

The heartbeat sounded like a bell and drum, and it was like lightning and thunder. The sound waves swept the blood and qi, and like a thundercloud, tightly wrapped Yu Liang and the body of the giant beast under him.

As time went by, this blood and qi vortex gradually became larger and denser.

Finally, it formed a sphere, completely wrapping Yu Liang and the body of the giant beast in it.

This sphere was like a huge blood cocoon, quietly suspended in the air, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura.

Being in this blood cocoon, the connection between Yu Liang and the body of the giant beast gradually deepened.

He continued to absorb the blood information of the giant beast. At the same time, the remaining power of the giant beast slowly flowed into his body like a trickle, blending with his blood and qi, causing Yu Liang's body to begin to transform.

The night was as dark as ink.

The blood cocoon was suspended in the air, emitting a strange and mysterious red light.

Suddenly, the blood cocoon began to tremble violently, as if some huge monster was about to break out of the cocoon.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the blood cocoon suddenly exploded, and the fragments flew like meteors.

At the moment of the explosion, a majestic figure rushed out of the blood cocoon and rushed into the sky.

It was a huge beast with a huge body and a ferocious appearance. It exuded a sharp momentum and its eyes flashed with blood-red light.

This was exactly what Yu Liang became after absorbing the original information of the blood of the beast.


He raised his head and opened his bloody mouth, roaring at the sky.

The sound waves spread around like shock waves, shaking the surrounding air as if solidified.

The giant tail behind him kept bombarding the ground, and every whip made the earth tremble, as if it was about to crack, and the ground shook like a small earthquake.

After venting his power.

Yu Liang stopped roaring and bombarding, and his huge body began to shrink gradually. The twisted body kept shrinking in an extremely strange way, until it gradually manifested into a human form, becoming Yu Liang's original appearance.

He twisted his neck, shook his arms and kicked his legs to stretch his muscles.

Yu Liang smiled and said:

"Blood and flesh are derived, and they are ever-changing. Can I be considered to have created the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art?"

"The principle is similar, but the actual difference is very far!" The main body subsystem gave a fair evaluation.


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