Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 53 The human body senses the way of heaven

The master and the apprentice searched all the bamboo slips and finally found the second bamboo slip which also had the heavenly stems and earthly branches engraved on it.

But after Yu Liang deciphered it, he discovered that the content of this bamboo slip had nothing to do with the "Five Yuan Qi Transformation" Qi refining technique.

It is another Qi refining technique called 'One Qi Jue'. Although it is also a fragment, it has introductory content.

But even so, this Qi refining technique cannot be practiced.

Because the first condition for cultivating is to achieve the state of unity between nature and man.

It is said that only at the master level, one can practice Qi refining.

Having the secret skill in hand but not being able to practice it was like having a bucket of cold water poured on his head. Master Ma Wu felt very depressed.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate!

Slowly driving the carriage home.

Yu Liang didn't care.

Put the two Qi Refining Techniques together and study them carefully.

The conditions for practicing Qi Refining are extremely demanding, not only for people, but also for the environment.

'One Qi Technique', when practicing, you need to find a place where the energy of heaven and earth is full, set up a magic circle, and when the sun and moon are in harmony, you can use the induction of heaven and man to incorporate the energy of heaven and earth into your body and circulate it for a week before spitting it out!

Various factors such as location, time, characters, actions, objects, etc. are indispensable!

Yu Liang had a bold guess.

Qi refining is to make the human energy field and the energy field of heaven and earth at the same frequency, and then resonate!

The reason why he has this idea is because he has opened up the twelve meridians in his body!

In the internal energy method, once the twelve meridians are opened, the internal energy can explode and form an aura in the body.

Aura can greatly enhance the human body's strength, speed, and defense!

Yu Liang tried to explode his internal energy. When the internal energy was running extremely fast in the twelve meridians, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

The internal force operation in the body, pulling respiratory rate, heart beating, blood flow, internal organs operation, muscle contraction and other factors coordinate and resonate!

Aura is an energy field!

All of what Yu Liang has learned now is to use the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements between heaven and earth to explain the various changing relationships in the human body!

The practice of the ancients was to use the human body to sense the way of heaven!

That is to say, let the energy frequency of the human body correspond to the energy frequency of heaven and earth!

Make bold guesses and verify carefully.

As for whether it is correct, Yu Liang only needs to practice for a while to know whether it is true or false!

Now that the twelve main meridians have been cultivated, the next step is the eight extraordinary meridians.

The Eight Extraordinary Meridians: It is a category of the direction of the meridians of the human body. It is composed of Du Vessel, Ren Vessel, Chong Vessel, Dai Vein, Yangwei Vein, Yinwei Vein, Yin Qiao Vein and Yang Qiao Vein.

The eight extraordinary meridians are different from the twelve regular meridians. They are neither directly subordinate to the internal organs nor have any coordination between the exterior and interior. They have "different paths and strange behaviors", so they are called "extraordinary meridians".

It has two functions:

The first is: communicating the connection between the twelve meridians, connecting the meridians with similar locations and similar functions, and playing the role of unifying the relevant meridians and coordinating yin and yang.

The second is: it has the regulating effect of accumulating and permeating the twelve meridians. The eight extraordinary meridians are like lakes and reservoirs, and the Qi in the twelve meridians is like the water of rivers.

Ren meridian: It runs along the midline of the abdomen. Its meridian intersects with the three yin and yin dimensional meridians of the hands and feet many times. It can integrate the yin meridians of any body, so it is also called: the sea of ​​yin meridians.

Du Vein: It runs in the middle of the back. Its pulse intersects with the three yang meridians of the hands and feet and the Yang Wei meridians many times. It can govern the yang meridians of the whole body, so it is also called: the sea of ​​yang meridians.

Chongmai: It goes from the head to the feet, runs through the whole body, and becomes the main point of qi and blood. It can regulate the qi and blood of the twelve meridians, so it is also called: sea of ​​blood!

Daimai: It starts from the side of Jiji, goes diagonally downward to Daimai point, and wraps around the body like a belt, which can restrain the longitudinal meridians.

Yin Qiao pulse, Yang Qiao pulse: Qiao means light, healthy and fast. It has the functions of soothing the eyes, opening and closing the eyelids and moving the lower limbs.

Yin Wei Mai and Yang Wei Mai: Wei means to maintain. The function of the Yinwei pulse is to 'maintain the Yin channels'. The function of the Yang Wei Vein is to 'maintain the yang channels'.

When the eight extraordinary meridians are also completely opened, all the energy channels in the human body will be opened, forming a great circumference.

When all the meridians are connected, then the internal force in the body will continue to flow, and the aura in the body will always exist. It will not only form a protection, but also keep the body in the best condition.

This is why people with advanced internal skills can remain strong and strong even when they are old, and are immune to cold and heat.


Five days later, Yu Liang and his apprentice finally returned home after traveling slowly.

Boom, boom, boom!

Yu Liang stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Shuixiang opened the courtyard door. When she saw them coming back, she immediately opened the courtyard door and shouted happily to the courtyard: "Madam, it's the master who is back!"

Ma Wu drove the carriage into the courtyard.

The mistress came up and said a few words, and then asked what was being pulled on the carriage.

"Master Wife, inside are the bamboo slips given to me by Elder Qu. They are all relics from before the Jin Dynasty!"

Hearing that they were bamboo slips from before the Jin Dynasty, the mistress was very interested and took out two of them, holding them in her hands and looking at them carefully.

Yu Liang took a glance and found that what she was holding happened to be a Taoist scripture that he didn't recognize.

Seeing that she was reading with gusto, Yu Liang asked curiously: "Master Wife, do you recognize the words on it?"

The master's wife smiled and said: "Medical medicine is not divided into different schools. I am also a doctor who has studied medical skills for many years, so I still know a thing or two about some Taoist things."

Hearing this, Yu Liang immediately asked for guidance: "Master Wife, can you teach me what is written in this scripture?"

The mistress spread the bamboo slips in front of him and said slowly: "The bamboo slips are not engraved with words, but symbols representing celestial phenomena and stars."

"The content is a stargazing calendar, which talks about the changes in celestial phenomena over a period of time."

After listening to the teacher's wife's explanation, Yu Liang understood that this bamboo slip was a note on astronomical observations.

The teacher's wife looked through other bamboo slips, and after reading them roughly, she said to Yu Liang: "These are basically stargazing records!"

Yu Liang became a little curious about this. Why did the ancients record so many celestial phenomena?

"Master Wife, why did the ancients record these things?"

The master's wife smiled and replied: "Of course it is to explore the way of heaven!"

"Since ancient times, all those who practice Taoism have aimed at immortality."

"But immortality is too elusive, so I tried to explore the secret of immortality by exploring the way of heaven!"

"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Kun. It turns into a bird and its name is Peng!"

Hearing his wife suddenly reciting Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou", Yu Liang asked curiously: "Master's wife, do you have any explanation for reciting 'Xiaoyaoyou'?"

Hearing this question, the mistress looked at Yu Liang doubtfully and asked, "Don't you know?"

"Zhuangzi's Happy Journey explains the movement of heaven!"


Hearing this answer, Yu Liang was confused.

He never thought that the "Xiaoyaoyou" that he had recited for so many years would actually have other meanings?

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