There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it is unknown how many thousands of miles away it is. It turns into a bird and its name is Peng...

After listening to the teacher's wife's brief explanation, Yu Liang realized that Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou" was actually about astronomy throughout.

Kun and Peng here are actually Zhuangzi's description of the movement of celestial bodies from north to south among the twenty-eight constellations, the seven constellations of Suzaku in the South, from the autumnal equinox to the spring equinox in a year.

In the autumn wind season, Suzaku Qisu appears in the northern sky. When it first emerges, its wings cannot be seen. It is below the horizon as if it is underwater, that is, Kun.

As time went by, Zhuque Qisu began to rise into the sky and exposed its wings on both sides. This was called "turning into a bird. Its name is Peng!" ’

The one in Nanming is also Tianchi!

Tianchi refers to the vast universe.

‘He who soars up to ninety thousand miles and rests for six months. ’

It expresses that six months after the autumnal equinox, it reaches the spring equinox. At this time, the Suzaku Qisu moves to Nanming, that is, it rises to the high altitude in the south.

See Yu Liang is so interested in constellations and astronomy!

In addition to "Xiaoyaoyou", the teacher's wife also extended Yu Liang's teaching on the first hexagram of "The Book of Changes": Qian hexagram!

It also describes the seven Canglong constellations in the east among the twenty-eight constellations, from Qianlong to Feilong to Kanglong Yougui. It is also the process of Canglong Qisu in the movement of the celestial body.

The land of China is vast and rich in resources, although the seasons are divided by the stars in the sky.

However, due to the different locations, the reference stars are also different.

The Central Plains region is dominated by Qinglong Qisu in the East, while the Suzaku Qisu is dominated in the south!

Zhuangzi happened to be a native of Chu, so what he wrote in "Xiaoyaoyou" was the operation process of the Suzaku Qisu that he observed.

"Okay, the art of astrology is profound and profound. If you are interested, you can read more books like this. If you don't understand, you can come and ask me!"

Feeling that she had said too much, the mistress stopped talking about the constellations and asked Yu Liang to move all the bamboo slips to the study.

The next step is to cleanse the dust between master and apprentice.

During this process, Yu Liang mentioned the relapse of the master's old illness. Hearing this, the master's wife was extremely worried.

But after hearing that she was fine after receiving treatment from Ping Yi Zhi, the teacher's wife breathed a sigh of relief.

After chatting for a while, the master's wife mentioned Yu Liang and Shuixiang's marriage.

"Yu Liang, we discussed it before we left. We will organize your marriage to Shuixiang when we come back."

"Now that you are back, let's discuss it again and confirm it!"

Yu Liang replied: "Just leave this matter to Master and Master."

"But before that, I want to postpone the wedding a little bit."

"Why?" asked the master's wife.

"I plan to go out tomorrow!"

"Where are you going? What are you doing?" Master Ma Wu asked.

It was too astonishing to find the peerless martial arts of Zhi Gang Zhi Yang, so Yu Liang found another excuse: "Hing Yizhi said that the 'Vulcan Needle' can cure the master's old illness.

I specifically asked him about the location of the medical master back then. I planned to go there and look for it to see if I could find any relevant clues! "

Master Ma Wu nodded slightly and said: "I'm willing, but Master won't have anything to do for the time being, so let's settle your marriage first!"

Yu Liang shook his head: "My disciple's marriage is a small matter and can be done anytime. Master's health is a big matter. The sooner it can be resolved, the better!"

The peerless martial arts he was looking for was the "Nine Yang Divine Skill" buried in Taoyuan Valley by Zhang Wuji.

The specific location is uncertain, and he needs to search bit by bit after arriving at the place, which will take a lot of energy and time.

This trip is going to the Kunlun Mountains, where the altitude is high and the climate is harsh. It happens to be summer, so it’s easier to get there, but if it’s autumn and winter, it will be difficult!

If he doesn’t go this year, Yu Liang will have to wait until next year to go again!

The master and his wife tried to persuade him a few more times, but Yu Liang still had to find clues about the ‘Vulcan Needle’ first.

Just when Ma Wu was about to show his majesty as a master, Shuixiang on the side said: "Madam, Master, I think the young master is right. It is better to postpone the marriage. The master's illness is important!"

After listening to Shuixiang's words, the master and his wife were silent for a moment.

Yu Liang said: "Master, I'll be back soon after I go out, so I'm not in a hurry!"

"Then your marriage won't take a few days, so why not settle it first?"


keep silent

In fact, there were other reasons why Yu Liang wanted to get married later.

Because this is his first time getting married, he will inevitably feel a little nervous.

It is said that men have premarital phobia, and Yu Liang thinks he has it too!

Just when he was about to speak again

But the mistress said: "That's okay, you go early and come back early!"

The master turned to look at his wife, their eyes stared at each other for a while, and then he said, "When do you plan to set off?"


"So fast?"

"Go early and come back early!"

After pondering for a moment, Master Ma Wu said: "You are alone outside, please pay attention to safety!"

"Master, this is not my first time traveling around the world. I have learned a lot in the past few months when I traveled with you!"

The baby bird always spreads its wings and flies high. Ma Wu said nothing more.

After the discussion on this matter was over, several people stopped talking about this topic and started talking about other things.

The sky is slowly getting dark

Yu Liang rides home

Before leaving, his wife prepared a bag for him, which contained everything he could use when he went out.

back home

Yu Liang was not in a hurry to rest, but also prepared some small things for protection when going out.

He didn't lie down to rest until the middle of the moon.

Early next morning

After cleaning up, Yu Liang got on his horse and just went out when he bumped into Uncle Wu who was also going out with a hoe.

"Yu Liang, when did you come back?"

Seeing him riding a horse and carrying a bag, he asked again: "Are you leaving again?"

"Yes, Uncle Wu, I'm going out for a while!"

Uncle Wu suddenly smiled and said: "Since you became a master, your whole person has changed. You are so busy every day that you can't see anyone!"

"Fifth Uncle, I'm leaving now. When I come back, I'll catch up with you and catch up on old times!"

"Then be careful all the way!"

"Thank you Uncle Wu for your concern!"


With his horse galloping, Yu Liang left the village and headed northwest.

We followed the official road all the way and arrived at a county town at noon.

After entering, we took a short rest and bought a map at the shop.

Mark the next route on the map, and then continue on the road towards Kunlun Mountain.

Eight days in a row without incident

Until when Yu Liang entered the territory of Shaanxi, he encountered being robbed for the first time in his life!

Looking at a group of ragged 'robbers' holding sticks in front of him, Yu Liang, who was riding a horse, took the lead and said, "Everyone, can you make it easier for me to pass by?"

"You can go over if you want and leave all your money and food behind!"

Yu Liang shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid that won't work. If I give it to you, I won't have anything to eat."

The leading 'robber' holding a thick wooden stick yelled: "You have to give me something if you don't want me to give it to you. Let's do it!"

Seeing them besieging them, Yu Liang, who didn't want to hurt them, stepped forward, swept the spear in his hand, knocked the sticks out of their hands, then rushed out of a passage and rode away.

Thanks to ‘What’s wrong with little kitty’ ‘20170305112058050’ for the reward!

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