Walking in Shaanxi, the scene in front of me is all loess and desolate. Yu Liang can only describe it as desolate.

There is a road at your feet left by the passing merchants.

Along the way, we met a group of escorts.

They carried an escort agency flag with the word "wind" in it. There were about twenty or thirty people in the team, each equipped with weapons. They stood in scattered positions to guard six escort vehicles filled with goods.

Seeing Yu Liang, a lone traveler, behind him, everyone was on alert, with their palms resting on their weapons.

As Yu Liang gets closer and closer, these people become more vigilant!

The leader, a sturdy bodyguard, slowed down from the front of the team and came to the flank of the team.


When Yu Liang met this group of escorts, he deliberately speeded up and passed them by.

It wasn't until they saw his figure leaving that the group of escorts relaxed their vigilance, and the leader came to the front of the team again.

Yu Liang drove for a long time and finally came across a place where he could rest, an inn surrounded by earthen walls and wooden fences.

As soon as I arrived at the door, a waiter came to greet me: "Sir, do you want to work in the hotel or stay in the hotel?"

"Stay in the hotel!"

Passing the reins to the waiter, Yu Liang entered the store with his luggage.

At this time, there was only one table of customers eating in the store. When someone walked in, he glanced at it and ignored it.

When he came to the counter, the shopkeeper asked him again: "Sir, do you want to pay a premium or stay in the hotel?"

"Stay in the hotel!"

"Housekeeper, find me a clean guest room!"

"Hello, sir!"

"We have cleaned Room C upstairs. We guarantee your satisfaction."

After a while, the waiter ran over with the horse tied up and guided Yu Liang upstairs to the room.

"Sir, are you satisfied?"

Yu Liang entered the room and looked around, and the waiter asked him with a smile.

He took out four cents and threw it to the waiter: "This is for you!"

"Thank you for the reward!"

"Send me a vegetarian meal and a pot of hot water."

"Okay, sir!"

The waiter left and closed the door.

Yu Liang put his luggage on the bed and looked around the room again.

Not long after, the waiter came with what he wanted.

A bowl of porridge, two biscuits, a plate of side dishes and a pot of hot water.

"Sir, please use it slowly!"

After the waiter left, Yu Liang took out a small bamboo cage from a small cloth bag with a little mouse in it.

Separate some food and water so the hungry mice can eat first.

After it finished eating and a while passed, and after confirming that there was no problem, Yu Liang started to eat.

You must be careful when going out. There are some special colorless and odorless poisons that cannot be detected. You can only rest assured if you have tested them on laboratory rats.

After eating and drinking, lie down on the bed and rest.

As darkness approached, the noise from downstairs awoke Yu Liang from his nap.

Get up and open the window a crack to observe.

I saw a large number of guests coming downstairs from the inn.

He had seen these people before, the same group of escorts he met on the road.

Close the windows and continue to rest.

It was still dark the next day.

Yu Liang was awakened by the noise downstairs again.

Observing secretly, it was the group of escorts who had rested and were about to leave.

No quality at all, noisy and disturbing people's rest!

He complained in his mind and lay down on the bed to continue resting.

Don't get up until dawn!

Eat something, bring some food and water, and leave the inn after paying.

Follow the directions on the map and hurry up!

Near noon, Yu Liang actually saw the group of escorts again.

The other party also discovered Yu Liang appearing behind him again.

One of the bodyguards whispered to the leader: "Headguard, this man seems to have been following us!"

"Don't make any wild guesses yet. The other party may just be traveling the same way as us."

"However, please tell me to go down and tell the brothers to be more vigilant!"

"Okay escort!"

After the bodyguard passed on the words of the bodyguard, everyone kept their weapons in hand and always paid attention to Yu Liang's movements.

Yu Liang also sensed their intention, deliberately distanced himself a little, then galvanized his horse and whipped his whip to get rid of them.

Seeing this, the escorts relaxed.

After opening a long distance, the sun was shining brightly at noon, and the sun was extremely scorching.

Yu Liang found a shady place on a mound to rest.

After eating something and drinking some water, he was lying on the ground taking a short rest when he suddenly noticed a lot of movement.

I got up and went to the hill to look out, and I saw one group of people chasing another group of people.

Judging from the clothes of the person being chased, it was the group of escorts!

Seeing that they were heading in his direction, Yu Liang immediately mounted his horse and left quickly.

After throwing them away, he stopped.

It was already getting late, and it looked like we were going to spend the night in the wilderness today.

Yu Liang found a place leeward, collected some firewood, and when it got dark, he lit up a bonfire.

Sit by the fire, bake cakes, and look up at the stars.

The river is bright and the stars are shining brightly. It is really unique to enjoy the night view in this wilderness.


There was a sudden sound in the silent darkness, and Yu Liang stood up immediately.

Throwing away the scone in his hand, he pulled out the spear stuck on the side and shouted in the direction of the sound: "Come out!"

The sound of footsteps dragging sand came to my ears.

A shaking figure walked out of the darkness. Through the firelight, you could see that he was covered in bruises and fell to the ground before he could get close.

Breathing heavily, she raised her head and said to him: "Young hero, please help me, I am Feng Hai, the head of the Fufeng Escort Agency.

We were attacked by thieves and now I am the only one left. If you can send me back to Fufeng Escort, Fufeng Escort will be very grateful to the young hero! "

After carefully examining the other party's appearance, he discovered that he was the leader of the group of escorts.

Yu Liang knew very well that an escort's move was like a fire in the dark, which would cause a lot of trouble.

He thought that as long as he ran fast, trouble wouldn't be able to catch up with him.

We met four times in a row, and I tried my best to avoid them, but I didn't expect to get into trouble!

Is this Murphy's Law? The more you think about something, the more it will happen!

He didn't act rashly and asked him, "Who is the person who attacked you?"

"He's from the Demon Sect!" Feng Hai, the escort leader, replied.

Sun and Moon God Sect?

Yu Liang asked again: "Where are those people who are chasing you?"

"Don't worry, young hero, they have been thrown away by me and will not catch up for the time being."


"Does that mean they will catch up?"

Seeing that the other party was silent, Yu Liang cursed him harshly in his heart.

After packing up his things, he looked up at the starry sky. After determining the direction, he was about to leave, but then he turned to look at the escort leader Feng Hai who was lying on the ground.

Although I really want to leave him here at this moment.

But the education Yu Liang received cannot make him ignore it!

Forget it, let’s take him with us!

If the situation is not right, throwing him away can still attract firepower, and then there will not be much burden on my heart.

Lifting it up, he put it on his horse and headed towards the nearest county seat.

We finally arrived at dawn.

He found an inn, got a room, and asked the waiter to take care of him.

"I have done my best to be kind and righteous!"

Yu Liang, on the other hand, found another inn, ate and drank, washed up, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

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