When Yu Liang went to Dongting Lake, the reason why the news of the action was leaked was because he was involved in the secret fight between the seven-color flags.

Even elder Qu Yang became a victim, which shows how fierce the struggle within the Sun Moon God Sect is.

What Yu Liang received was the messenger order from the leader!

It's just that his status is a bit more noble, but he has no real power.

As long as they do not actively touch the vital interests of many forces within the church, they will give Yu Liang enough respect.

Ma Wu warned Yu Liang that no matter who asked him to do something or made any promise in the cult, he could not easily agree.

Yu Liang nodded seriously.

All turmoil in the world is for benefit, there is no hatred without reason, and there is no good without reason.

Anyone who comes to contact him must have some purpose in mind.

the next period of time.

In addition to living a shameless newlywed life, Yu Liang practiced daily and sorted out the bamboo slips sent by Qu Yang.

Maybe the bamboo slips sent this time were not old enough, so he didn't get any information about Qi refining.

After opening up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, he began to prepare to go to Fuzhou.


When she, Shuixiang, master and wife gathered together in the courtyard.

Yu Liang said: "Master, I plan to go to Sichuan!"

"Why are you going to Sichuan?" Master asked curiously.

“I got some news when I went out to look for the ‘Vulcan Needle’ last time.

Sun Simiao, the Prince of Medicine, lived in seclusion in Qingcheng Mountain in his later years and left behind a medical inheritance.

Later generations built a Yaowang Temple on Qingcheng Mountain.

This inheritance may contain information about the ‘Vulcan Needle’, so I plan to check it out! "

After listening to his story, the master's wife nodded slightly and said: "Prince Yao's "Thousand Gold Prescriptions" does clearly record some information about the 'Vulcan Needle', which shows that he had studied this unique skill back then."

"It seems that if someone in Qingcheng Mountain has learned the medical inheritance left by Lord Yao, then it is really possible that he can master the 'Vulcan Needle' skill."

Yu Liang turned to look at his master.

He had a serious expression on his face and said in a deep voice: "If you want to go to Sichuan, you must agree to a few conditions, otherwise I won't allow you to go!"

It seems that Master has lingering fears about his last trip to the Western Regions!

Yu Liang smiled and said: "Okay, Master You, tell me, I will agree to any conditions."

The master said: "First, you must keep a low profile on this trip and don't cause trouble."

Yu Liang nodded and agreed.

"Second, you must disguise yourself so that no one can recognize your true identity."

It is indeed necessary to dress up in disguise. After all, he is the person who killed the leader of the Kunlun Sect. If anyone knows his whereabouts, he will definitely not be safe along the way.

Yu Liang continued to nod in agreement.

"Third, you must leave early and come back early. Within three months, you must come back regardless of whether you have found any news about the 'Vulcan Needle'!"

After hearing the three-month time limit, Yu Liang made some calculations in his mind.

The reason for going to Qingcheng Mountain to look for the ‘Vulcan Needle’ is true, but he also has to take a detour to Fuzhou.

Three months is enough time to go back and forth.

Yu Liang nodded and agreed to the third request.

"Okay then, when do you plan to leave!"

"I have to prepare some things tomorrow, so I plan to leave the day after tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Shuixiang said: "Husband, I want to go with you!"

Yu Liang shook his head: "Don't follow me. This trip is to Sichuan. The road is rugged and difficult. You should stay at home to take care of my master and my wife!"


Shuixiang knew that Yu Liang was afraid that she would drag him down, so she didn't say anything more.

everything's ready.

Early the day after tomorrow, we left on horseback and headed straight to Fuzhou.

With the "Asian magic" learned on the modern Internet, Yu Liang is now a rough and ugly man with a dark complexion and pockmarks on his face. He is not easy to mess with at first sight!

Traveling during the day and resting at night, he arrived in Fuzhou in less than a month.

Entering Fuzhou City, after a little inquiry, I found out where the Fuwei Escort Agency was.

Yu Liang held the horse and passed by Fuwei Escort Agency as if nothing had happened.

Today, although the founder of Fuwei Escort Agency, Lin Yuantu, has died, his reputation has not dissipated.

Therefore, Fuwei Escort Agency is still brilliant at this time.

But I don’t know how long I can hold on?

He also found out from passers-by the location of the Lin family's old residence, Xiangyangfang, Ximen Street.

Continue to lead the horse to the spot outside the old house.

There are two guards at the gate. Judging from the entry and exit conditions, there can be no more than ten people inside.

Find an inn nearby to stay.

In the evening, Yu Liang came outside the old house wearing night clothes.

At night, when the watchmen went to rest, he easily sneaked into the temple.

Looking at the Buddha statue in front of him, Yu Liang jumped up and took down the "Evil Sword Manual" hidden on the beam.

After obtaining the items, he did not leave directly, but continued to explore the house.

There are many wooden shelves placed along the wall. On the shelves, in addition to Buddha statues, there are various scriptures.

Although people often clean them and there is no dust on them, it can still be seen that these things have not been touched for a long time.

Yu Liang sat on the chair in front of the desk, placed his palms on the table and wiped it gently.

From a psychological point of view, things that a person looks at frequently will be placed where they are most focused and easily accessible.

Yu Liang turned to look at the window on the right, pulled back his right hand, and held a scripture in his hand.

"Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra"

Judging from the traces in the corners, this book has been read by its owner countless times!

Take it away and return to the inn.

Yu Liang did not immediately read the "Evil Sword Manual", but first opened the Heart Sutra and started reading it.

[Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, he saw that the five aggregates are all empty, and he survived all the hardships.

Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and consciousness.

Relics are all dharmas that are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing.

That’s why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind...]

The content of the Heart Sutra is not precious, but what is precious is the handwritten annotations by Lin Yuantu next to it!

When a Bodhisattva who observes his own mind with Prajna wisdom and obtains liberation and freedom practices profound Prajna wisdom.

Observe and gain insight into the five elements that constitute the self, including the body, feelings, thoughts, will, and consciousness. They are interdependent in the relationship of birth and death...

The physical body and all material phenomena are not real existences. They are nothing more than the interdependent relationship of birth and death. Therefore, there is no difference between matter and emptiness...

With prajna wisdom, the Bodhisattva sees clearly that matter is emptiness, and emptiness is matter, just like the relationship between water and water waves. The two are both separate and integrated. The same goes for feelings, thoughts, will, and consciousness...

People's understanding of the outside world needs to be through the six senses of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and consciousness, and correspond to the six external environments of matter, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and all other things and concepts. Recognize everything, these are not real existences, but empty!

one night

After Yu Liang carefully read the scripture in his hand, he immediately understood how Lin Yuantu overcame the side effect of 'great change in temperament'.

There is a method of practice hidden in this Buddhist scripture.

The heart was originally empty!

It is the eyes, ears, nose, and tongue of the body, the six senses of the body and consciousness that reflect the chaotic world into the heart, so there are so many distracting thoughts.

Through the cultivation of the six senses, you can get rid of the interference from the outside world and let your heart return to emptiness!

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