Lin Yuantu's annotations also included his specific cultivation techniques.

The first step is to focus: by focusing on the current feelings and experiences, gradually develop a keen perception and clear understanding of the six senses.

The second step is awareness: stay aware at all times and observe your own thoughts and emotions, as well as your interactions and reactions with others.

The third step is to let go: don’t cling to past experiences and memories, don’t worry about future results and changes, and focus on current feelings and experiences.

The fourth step is to observe: observe your inner world and gradually discover your own weaknesses and shortcomings, thereby cultivating the qualities of self-knowledge and humility.

The fifth step is to practice concentration: Cultivate inner peace and concentration through meditation, Zen, etc., so as to better control your emotions and thoughts.

Step Six: Compassion: Always pay attention to the needs and feelings of others, thereby cultivating compassion and care for others.

Be strict with yourself and be self-disciplined!

Use restraint to gradually control yourself so that you are not affected by emotions.


Yu Liang put down the scripture and couldn't help but sigh: "If Lin Yuantu hadn't practiced the Sunflower Book, he would have become an eminent monk in the future."

Looking out the window, the sky is already bright.

Yu Liang packed up his things and lay down on the bed to rest.

After sleeping until the afternoon, washing up, eating and drinking, and adjusting his mentality, he started to read the "Evil Sword Manual" recorded on his cassock.

[At the four correct times of Zi, Wu, Mao, and You, push the returning Qi Dantian forward with your palms.

Facing the north and facing the sky with the south behind, the mind follows the movement of the two palms.

Pay attention to the yang movement in Dantian, and retract the two acupoints left and right.

When worshiping the Buddha, do it on the chest, and let the true energy flow through it.

The movement of Qi is in charge of Zhou Tian, ​​and a stick of incense warms the Dantian, and the speed is consistent with thirty-six.

The four correct times of day, noon, Mao and You are

Find a place with strong yin energy, preferably a place with four, medium and low.

Sit facing north, with your five hearts facing the sky, keep your mind calm, and focus on your Dantian. When the first yang begins to move,

Put your hands together in front of your chest, with your fingertips facing forward.

The Qi from the Dantian is directed up along the Du Meridian, and then returns down the Ren Meridian to the Dantian.

After thirty-six rounds of Zhoutian, from slow to fast, after the Qi returns to the Dantian, push both palms forward, with the palms facing forward, the palms facing the sky, and the Qi moves through the two palms...]

Time, place, action, people!

Seeing these elements, Yu Liang became even more convinced that the "Sunflower Book" was a Qi refining technique.

After writing them all down, Yu Liang returned the two things to the Lin family's old house at night without anyone noticing.

the next day

Get on your horse and leave Fuzhou for Sichuan.

The mountains are green and the smoke is floating!

Late autumn is approaching, and while walking among the mountains and rivers, Yu Liang sees a different kind of beautiful scenery.

Seeing no one in front or behind the road, he was riding on horseback and humming a song.

"Autumn wind, cold night, memories slowly come back!"

"True love is like fallen leaves, why do we have to separate~"

Suddenly, a melodious bamboo flute sound came from the dense forest in the distance.

Yu Liang immediately reined in his horse and stopped, closing his eyes and listening to the melodious sound of the bamboo flute.

Well, it sounds nice, long and crisp, and very penetrating!


He raised his hand and shot out a silver needle. A green poisonous snake that tried to approach him three steps away was directly penetrated by the snake's head and pinned to the ground.


A thin body emerged from the dense bushes on the side.

Taking a closer look, he saw a girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a blue Miao costume covered with silver accessories and carrying a small bamboo basket behind her back.

If it weren't for the red venomous snake in his hand, he would look quite cute.

"Hey, why did you kill my snake?"

"What?" "Your snake?"

Yu Liang smiled: "That's really embarrassing, let me apologize to you!"

"Huh, what's the use of apologizing? I want my snake!"

Seeing the other party pouting angrily and frowning, Yu Liang smiled and said, "What should we do?"

"You compensate me!"

"How to compensate?"

"Help me find another one!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang shook his head slightly: "Sorry, I don't have that skill!"

"The snake is wild. You didn't catch it, so it's not your snake."

"Besides, this snake wants to attack me, so it deserves to die!"

"Little sister, if I still have something to do, I'll leave first. We'll see you later!"


Just as Yu Liang was about to ride away, the Miao girl suddenly secretly released the poisonous snake in her hand and bit Yu Liang's horse on the butt.

With a wave of his hand, a silver needle flew out and killed the poisonous snake directly.

Yu Liang said without turning his head: "I won't do this again!"

The little girl stood there, watching him leave, with a sly smile on her face.

Not far away.

Yu Liang heard the melodious, crisp and bright sound of the bamboo flute again.

But this time he was not in the mood to listen, because for some reason, one after another venomous snakes were slithering toward him, and there were more and more of them, threatening to surround him.

There's something wrong with the sound of this flute!

The first thing Yu Liang thought of was the Miao girl he met just now.

He picked a leaf and blew it, which instantly disrupted the audio rhythm of the bamboo flute, and the snakes around him began to scurry around.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

Following the sound of the flute to determine the direction, just when he was about to ride forward to pursue the Miao girl who made the flute sound, he turned around and found that she was already standing among the branches of a tree not far away.

Throwing a silver needle in his hand, the opponent jumped briskly to dodge the attack and leaped towards the other side to make a vertical fork.

But just as he was flying in the air, Yu Liang's second silver needle shot out. The Miao girl, who had no way to escape, threw the bamboo flute in her hand to resist.

When she saw the third silver needle that followed, a look of panic appeared on her face. She touched her back with her right hand and whipped out a long whip.


When the silver needle was shot down, her body also fell down.


Lying on the ground, seeing Yu Liang about to shoot out the fourth silver needle, she immediately raised the long whip in her hand and begged for mercy: "Wait, wait, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Seeing the fourth silver needle shoot out, the Miao girl closed her eyes in fear.

But when he opened his eyes after a moment, he found that he was unharmed.

After careful inspection, she found that the silver needle was just inserted into a silver accessory on the top of her head.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked up at Yu Liang's fading figure.

The Miao girl was thoughtful, and actually caught up with her at a brisk pace.

When Yu Liang noticed the Miao girl following him, he just glanced at her and ignored her.

"My name is Lan Fenghuang, what's your name?"

Blue Phoenix!

Hearing the name, Yu Liang glanced at her again.

Unexpectedly, Lan Fenghuang smoothed some loose hair in front of his forehead with his hand, pretended to be a gesture, and said with a smile: "Am I beautiful?"

Hearing this, Yu Liang couldn't help but chuckle, raised his head and looked forward, and said, "A little girl!"

After walking for several miles on the mountain road, Lan Fenghuang kept following him. Yu Liang turned to her and said, "How long will you continue to follow me?"

Lan Fenghuang smiled and said: "Who is following you? This is also my way back to the village!"


Following the direction of her finger, Yu Liang indeed saw a faint shadow of a Miao village building in the dense forest.

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