
Suddenly I heard the sound of a snake spitting out messages.

Yu Liang held the gun in one hand and cautiously stepped forward to check after hearing the sound.

"Let me go, this snake is too big!"

Hiding behind a pile of rocks and observing secretly, there was a huge thing entrenched not far ahead.

Judging from its size, this giant python is at least ten meters long!

The dense scales glowed with a metallic sheen like armor.

Is this the strange snake that the village leader mentioned? Is it something that people can tame?

He retreated back cautiously, lest he make any noise and alert the huge creature.

It wasn't until he retreated a long distance that Yu Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Suddenly I heard the sound of the snake spitting out its message again.

Yu Liang didn't hesitate at all and ran directly towards the entrance from where he came.

He didn't have time to look back and check, but he only heard the sound of rolling gravel from time to time behind him. The giant python must have been chasing him quickly behind him.

Saw the entrance!

Yu Liang jumped out, bypassed the eight snake-shaped statues, and continued to escape.

I noticed that the giant python didn't seem to be following.

He glanced back.

I saw that the giant python stopped at the entrance and did not chase it out.

Seeing this, Yu Liang stopped and observed it from a distance.

The giant python also stared at Yu Liang with eyes as big as copper bells.

I didn’t dare to chase him out!

Yes, snakes are particularly sensitive to sound waves. They may feel the presence of the sound wave energy field in front of them.

The giant python looked at the eight snake-shaped statues in front of him with fear.


After vomiting a few times, he returned to the inner valley.

Seeing the giant python leave, Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

Go forward and come to the eight serpentine statues.

Before, he thought that the sonic energy field formed by the statue prevented outsiders from entering.

Looking at it now, this is obviously to guard the strange snake inside and prevent it from coming out.

Looking towards the direction where the giant python left again, Yu Liangliang thought secretly:

Conquer strange snakes. If you can subdue this behemoth, you will truly be worthy of the name of 'Snake King'!

"Aren't all the strange snakes here so big?"

Yu Liang cautiously entered the inner valley again.

Always be alert to changes in your surroundings to prevent you from being targeted by something scary!


It’s the sound of a snake spitting out its seeds again!

Yu Liang rigorously stepped forward to check.

I saw a strange snake about three meters long swimming slowly not far away.

Compared with the giant python that was over ten meters long, this 'little guy' who was only three meters long looked much cuter.

But it has two heads, green eyes, and red and yellow stripes on its scales, all showing its power.

Darling, there really is a strange snake with two heads!

If it's just that they are huge, Yu Liang has seen on the Internet that some forest giant anacondas can exceed 20 meters in length!

This two-headed snake must have a genetic mutation!

According to what the village leader said, if you want to conquer the strange snake, you have to rely on talent.

What talent?

The talent of being able to communicate with strange snakes!

Yu Liang took out a bamboo flute from his arms and started playing it gently.

Snakes will have special reactions to certain audios!

The Miao people's "snake driving technique" uses this principle to drive snakes.

Alien snakes are different from regular snakes in that they only respond to unique audio sounds.

The way to conquer the alien snake is to find the audio that can cause the alien snake to have a special reaction.

After the two-headed snake noticed the sound of the flute, it immediately charged towards Yu Liang's direction.

The two heads, one on the left and the other on the right, kept twisting back and forth, with their mouths wide open and making a frightening "hissing" sound.

Yu Liang retreated while changing the sound of his flute.

After being chased for a long time, the angry Yu Liang put away his bamboo flute, threw a spear, penetrated the tail of the two-headed snake, and nailed it directly to the spot.

After resting for a while, Yu Liang stepped forward and looked at the two-headed snake that was still struggling. He took out his bamboo flute again and started playing in front of the struggling two-headed snake.

There is no fixed rhythm, just random playing.

Yu Liang always pays attention to the reaction of the two-headed snake to different flute sounds.

When he saw it again and felt a sound, his body suddenly paused, Yu Liang also stopped playing.

found it!

The same audio frequency was played again, and the two-headed snake no longer attacked, but raised its head and stood still in place.

Yu Liang changed the audio frequency again and started playing randomly. The originally quiet two-headed snake started attacking frantically again.

When a new frequency appeared, causing his body to twist forward unconsciously, Yu Liang immediately stopped.

After blowing out this new frequency, the two-headed snake twisted its body directly and moved forward slowly following the frequency.

Facing different audios, the two-headed snake will react differently!

In this way, Yu Liang kept trying, and finally found five audio sounds that could make the strange snake react, so as to control it.

Looking at the dying two-headed snake in front of him, Yu Liang stepped forward to retrieve the spear and bandaged its wound.

Playing the bamboo flute leads the two-headed snake out of the inner valley.

When they saw the eight snake-shaped statues at the entrance again, the two-headed snake was so frightened that it resisted and escaped directly from Yu Liang's control and fled back to the inner valley.

What a profound memory it must have to be so afraid of the statue!

Looking towards the direction in which the two-headed snake was escaping, Yu Liang curled his lips and hurriedly followed.

The strange snake that was finally subdued cannot be allowed to escape.

Following him all the way, the two-headed snake seemed to know that Yu Liang was chasing it, and it ran away very fast.

Until he came to a pile of rocks, he slipped into the small cracks between the gravel and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Yu Liang chased him to the stone pile and immediately took out his bamboo flute and played it, hoping that the two-headed snake would come out on its own.

I didn’t want to get no response after blowing for a long time.

Is there no way out here?

Yu Liang circled the pile of rocks and found many cracks leading to other places.

It's a pity that the strange snake that I finally caught ran away, so I had to catch another one.

The giant python appeared in Yu Liang's mind unconsciously.

If you can control it, you have a chance to conquer it!

Looking back at the snake statue at the entrance, since it is so scared, it can use some help!

After thinking carefully about the feasibility of the operation, I feel that there is much to be done.

Then Yu Liang went to the place where he saw the giant python to look for it.

Unexpectedly, this giant python is still entrenched in its original position!

Standing far away, Yu Liang threw a stone at it, instantly attracting its attention.

"Hey, big guy, come after me!"

Feeling Yu Liang's provocation, the giant python opened its bloody mouth and charged straight at him.

Upon seeing this, Yu Liang hurriedly ran towards the entrance.

While running away, he also provoked the giant python that was chasing behind him.

Until he came to the entrance and stood behind eight snake-shaped statues, the giant python did not dare to chase him out. He just stared at him fiercely with its bloody mouth open.

Yu Liang took the opportunity to take out his bamboo flute and started playing.

Unexpectedly, when the sound of the bamboo flute passed through the sound wave energy field composed of eight snake-shaped sculptures, it was disturbed and turned into a sharp and harsh high-frequency sound.

The giant python was frightened and fled from here.

Helpless, Yu Liang could only think of other ways to subdue the giant python.

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