Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 84 The real inheritance of the Snake King

While Yu Liang was thinking about how to control and subdue the giant python,

I also thought about why there are strange snakes in this inner valley?

Where did this strange snake come from?

Is this the variety? Probably not, more like a mutation!

Look at the eight snake-shaped statues in front of you.

Since someone can arrange a sound wave energy field with this.

So will this entire inner valley also be equipped with an energy field? Or can this valley be a natural energy field?

This induced the snake to mutate, so strange snakes appeared.

It's a pity that although Yu Liang has read many books, the ocean of knowledge is vast, and he doesn't know much about geography, Feng Shui, magnetic fields, etc.

So he could only make guesses about Neigu's problem.

He couldn't analyze the specific situation.

The more books you read, the more you will realize how little you know!

After sighing with emotion, Yu Liang concentrated his thoughts on how to subdue the giant python.

It's not enough to be tough from the front.

Medication won't work.

Setting a trap, one person cannot create a trap capable of trapping such a behemoth in a short time.

Finally, he came up with the stupidest way to fly a kite!

Because the giant python is so large, Yu Liang has an absolute advantage in speed and flexibility.

Find a favorable circular terrain and lure the giant python there.

Yu Liang ran in front, and the python chased behind him, and then tried to use various audios to 'communicate' with it!

After thinking of a way, he entered the inner valley again.

First, I found a ring-shaped terrain and tested it without any problem.

During this period, Yu Liang encountered several strange snakes, some with a single horn on the head, some with sarcoma on the body, and some with double tails...

With the giant python as his target, he doesn't like these little snakes.

In the same place as before, I found the giant python entrenched in the same place.

Throw a stone.

"Hi, big guy!"

After being interrupted by Yu Liang twice and three times, the giant python was extremely jealous when it saw him. It opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards him with its rapidly twisting body.

Yu Liang quickly jumped and ran in the predetermined direction, with Ju Mang chasing after him.

Come to the ring-shaped terrain you selected before, and while playing the bamboo flute, pull the distance between you and the giant python and circle around the terrain.

a quarter of an hour later

Yu Liang finally tested an audio that can make the giant python react!

With the blow, the giant python not only stopped chasing him, but also directly coiled up on the spot.

With the breakthrough, Yu Liang was excited to try again.

I was chased by the giant python for a long time again

In the end, Yu Liang came up with eight audio modes that can make the giant python sit cross-legged, raise its head, bend down, move forward, swing, turn, open its mouth, and flick its tail!

Eight movements, eight sounds!

Yu Liang suddenly remembered the content of the Snake King Magic Skill.

"Let me go, isn't this the origin of the Snake King's magical power?"

To imitate the movements of a snake and the corresponding special pronunciation method, all that is needed is the movement of internal force!

I'm afraid, this is the real inheritance of the Snake King!

The more he thought about it, the more certain Yu Liang became.

Imagine if he practiced this self-created set of 'Snake King Magic', then he would be able to control the giant python with just his movements without blowing the flute.

"Man and snake become one, this is the snake king!"

After thinking about all this, Yu Liang happily rode on the top of the giant python, played the flute in his hand, and drove it towards the entrance of the inner valley.

Suddenly remembering the experience of the two-headed snake escaping, Yu Liang immediately asked the giant python to stop.

There are eight snake-shaped statues at the entrance, and the python can't get out at all!

How to do this?

Move the eight serpentine statues?


Not to mention each one weighs tens of thousands of pounds.


He slapped himself on the forehead and said mockingly: "Why am I so stupid!"

"Just find something to cover the snake statue!"

Continue to drive the giant python forward

When he saw the entrance, Yu Liang gave up the idea of ​​taking the giant python out.

To be more precise, it was the idea of ​​bringing back the Miao village.

"Big guy, it's better for you to stay here. I'll take you out again when I get the chance to show off!"

After releasing the giant python into the inner valley, Yu Liang planned to tame a small strange snake again and take it out.

Walking around in the inner valley.

After picking around, he had already chosen a strange snake with a single horn on its head.

But in the process of subduing it, I encountered another strange snake that was only half a foot long, as thick as a little finger, and its body was as jade-like.

In addition to its stunning appearance, the venom of this strange snake is even more amazing.

While Yu Liang was catching it, the jade snake sprayed out a shot of venom from its mouth.

After Yu Liang dodged, he discovered that the poison dropped on the stone and was as corrosive as sulfuric acid.

With such strong venom, if he were to take a bite, he would definitely die.

Give up the One-Horned Snake and leave Calabash Valley with the Jasper Strange Snake.

As soon as he returned to the Miao village, the village leader and others came to greet him.

"How's it going? What kind of strange snake did you tame?"

Hearing their inquiry, Yu Liang smiled slightly, played the flute in his hand, and out of the cloth bag around his waist, a small jade-like snake emerged.


Seeing the appearance of the little snake and hearing its name called out by the leader of the village, several people had frightened expressions on their faces and took a few steps back.

Let the Jasper Alien Snake return to the bag.

Yu Liang said with a smile: "Cui Ji, is this the name of this kind of snake? It sounds pretty good!"

The leader of the village said with emotion: "Hidden beneath the beautiful appearance is the most dangerous poison in the world, which is so poisonous that it will kill you if you touch it.

Cui Ji only appears twice in the records of our Miao people. I didn’t expect you to find it! "

Yu Liang nodded and agreed with what the village leader said. After all, he had seen the power of snake venom.

The few people no longer had the fear they had just now, and became curious about Cui Ji again, hoping that Yu Liang would release it again for them to see.

"Next time, I'm a little tired now, so I'll go back and rest first!"

Yu Liang waved his hands at them.

Then return to your residence.

The master and his wife came together and asked him with concern about his specific experience on this trip.

Yu Liang first told about the strange snakes he encountered in the inner valley, and his master, his wife, and Shuixiang listened with interest.

Then he talked about the eight snake-shaped statues at the entrance to the inner valley.

The master and his wife were thoughtful after listening.

Although they didn't know what the 'sonic energy field' Yu Liang was talking about.

But it sounds very similar to the secret technique of acupuncture, ‘Zhenyue’.

"Master, do you know any good craftsmen?"

Hearing Yu Liang's inquiry, the master smiled and said, "What, do you want to study the secrets inside this snake-shaped statue?"


Yu Liang nodded.

Ma Wu replied: "In order to imitate the 'Zhenyue Bell', I met several skilled craftsmen as my teacher!"

"In their chat, I heard them mention a technique that can be used to carve in jade!"

"What technique?"


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