"Disciple, do you know about 'Jie Yu Sha'?"

Hearing the master's question, Yu Liang nodded.

Stones from other hills, can learn!

The ‘stone from other mountains’ here is Jie Yu Sha!

It is one of the tools used for cutting and grinding jade and making jade articles.

The master continued: "Drill a small hole in the middle of the jade and put the jade-resolving sand into it.

Then the jade is rotated rapidly, and the jade solution sand will collide and rub with the inner wall of the jade, thereby achieving the effect of engraving and grinding! "

"This technique takes a lot of time, and it often takes a person's lifetime to make jade with this technique."

"So, this technique has been lost a long time ago!"

"Disciple, do you understand what it means to be a teacher?"

Regarding the master's explanation, Yu Liang naturally understood what he meant.

In other words, these eight snake-shaped statues were probably made using a technique similar to 'rolling jade', so he should not waste time studying these things.

Yu Liang nodded: "I understand!"

Although he said he would stop studying, he was still thinking about it in his heart.

Because the ‘Rolling Jade’ technique that Master just mentioned gave Yu Liang a great inspiration.

If you want to carve inside an object, you don't have to insert the tool. As long as you can apply force to the inside of the object, you can complete the carving process!

By rolling the entire jade, the jade-resolving sand inside rubs against the inner wall of the jade, thereby grinding it.

The ‘Rolling Jade’ technique uses the friction generated by rotation!

Coincidentally, Yu Liang also knows a force that can enter the interior of objects, and that is resonance!

When I was in school, the physics teacher once conducted such an experiment in the physics class when he was talking about the 'production and propagation of sound'.

Spread a handful of sand evenly on a flat table.

When knocking on the table continuously.

When the tabletop vibrates, the scattered sand on the tabletop will condense together to form a specific grain pattern.

And this is the ‘standing wave’ phenomenon!

When waves traveling in one direction in a medium encounter waves traveling in the opposite direction, they will form strong interference at a certain location due to superposition.

The interference phenomenon of waves formed in this way will cause fixed waveforms to appear at certain special nodes and abdomens in the medium.

Bronze dragon wash basin, if you rub the wall of the basin with your hands, the water in the middle will jump, which is caused by standing waves.

If it is in a hollow jade, install jade-resolving sand, and then let the jade vibrate.

The jade sand inside will form a ripple pattern due to 'standing waves'.

With constant vibration, the jade-removing sand will continue to rub against the inner wall of the jade, leaving a ripple pattern on the inner wall of the jade!

In the same principle, if iron sand with higher hardness is installed in the stone, when the stone is always in a sound wave energy field, the iron sand can grind out a ripple pattern inside the stone.

The people who arranged the 'sonic energy field' in Calabash Valley have already studied the rhythm to an incredible level.

He most likely used the 'standing wave' technique to grind out the inherent ripple patterns in the stone statues.

Thinking about it this way, even if Yu Liang does not cut into the stone statue, he only needs to find the vibration frequency used in making the stone statue, and then show the 'standing wave' phenomenon in another place to get the internal texture of the stone statue.

After deducing all this, Yu Liang felt like a genius. He could answer such complex and mysterious questions, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

When the master and his wife saw him giggling, they immediately asked what was wrong?

"Oh, I'm fine, I just figured out one thing!"

After regaining his composure, he chatted with his master and his wife for a long time.

Looking up and looking outside, it was already getting late, so the two left and returned to the residence next door.

rest overnight

When Yu Liang got up the next day, the old Miao woman came to see him.

"If you want to cultivate the Snake King Gu, in addition to the strange snakes, you must also learn the Snake King's inherited magical skills!"

"Now that you have tamed a strange snake, go to Snake Valley again and learn the rest of the content!"

Yu Liang looked at the expectant old woman and naturally knew what she was thinking.

He smiled and said, "Okay, no problem, I'll go to Snake Valley at noon!"

When she heard that Yu Liang was going to Snake Valley at noon, the old woman left happily.

The master who had been watching next door came over and asked, "What's going on?"


Yu Liang said with a smile: "They, like Master You, are also thinking about extending their lives!"

Hearing this, Ma Wu patted Yu Liang's head: "Why are you talking to Master!"

Then he said seriously: "There won't be any hidden dangers, right?"

Yu Liang understood what the hidden danger Master was talking about and said calmly: "Don't worry, Master, as long as we have the same interests, we are all one family!"

"You brat, you see quite clearly!"

Ma Wu smiled and scolded, and then asked softly: "Do you know the secret of extending life now?"

Yu Liang nodded slightly: "I roughly understand a little bit, but we have to wait for more details."

"Okay, Master is waiting for your good news!" Ma Wu returned to his residence with a smile.


As soon as Yu Liang had lunch, the village leader and others came to welcome him to Snake Valley.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked politely.

"have eaten."

"Then let's go!"

Came to Snake Valley again

Yu Liang reached the end cave very easily.

Looking at the eight stone walls in front of him, he couldn't help but compare them with the magical skills he had learned.

The cultivation of Snake King Gu is to gradually form a tacit understanding with strange snakes through practicing magical skills.

Except for the first eight audio actions, every subsequent command and action can be synchronized.

In the end, he and the strange snake reached the 'human-snake unity', which is the realm of the snake king!

When he felt that time was almost up, he started to walk back.

"Nature is so miraculous that it can create such a magical place!"

Listening to the low-frequency sounds that kept ringing in the Snake Valley, Yu Liang felt filled with emotion.

After sighing, he suddenly became curious about the overall structure of the Snake Valley.

After taking a look at the fork in the road leading to an unknown place, I decided to explore the secret passage when I have the strength in the future.

After leaving Snake Valley, the village leader and others immediately came to greet them.


"I haven't studied in vain during this time. I understand the rest of the content. I will make a copy for you to see when I get back!"

After hearing this, everyone returned to the Miao Village with excitement.

Yu Liang wrote out what he had deliberately concealed before.

After the village leader and others took it, they immediately gathered around to read it.

These people are looking at it in vain. Without the corresponding state of mind and control over the audio, it is impossible to practice the Snake King Magic Skill.

Seeing how serious they were, Yu Liang didn't bother them and returned to his residence alone.

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