Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Four hundred and two [each has its own depression]

"Sir Shao, 50 million can't be any more," Zhang Moren stooped and looked like he was bowing his head to Shao Yifu, but his tone was very rude, "You know, the third round of negotiations between the pro-Party and the UK. It has already started, but there is no sign that the Hong Kong issue will be resolved. [;First release] If there is a fight at that time, wouldn’t Mr. Kang buy so many movie theaters for nothing in the mainland?”

Shao Yifu is almost 80 years old, but he is full of energy. He slowly shook his head and smiled: "Your boss, Mr. Kang, secretly bought land and a house in Hong Kong, and is still building a studio in Tseung Kwan O. These things are no secret. How can you be afraid of the People's Liberation Army coming?"

"That's what I said, but this is the situation in Hong Kong now," Zhang Moren finally raised his head and said, "Back then, Shaw Brothers had so many movie theaters in Hong Kong and Nanyang, and when the Japanese came over, not all of them were gone. Do you know if the People's Liberation Army will be like the Japanese?"

What Zhang Moren said is the truth. Before World War II, the Shaw family had already laid a huge foundation in Hong Kong and Nanyang, but it was a pity that everything was destroyed by the Japanese. The current Shaw family business was basically rebuilt by the Shao brothers after the war.

Can the Japanese be compared with the People's Liberation Army?

Zhang Moren was just messing around, and Shao Yifu didn't bother to argue with him any more, he just said: "150 million."

Zhang Moren said with a smile: "150 million is certainly possible, but it must include Shaw Brothers' four leading theaters."

Shao Yifu shook his head and said, "Shaw's leading theaters are only rented, not sold."

Zhang Moren asked, "What's the rent?"

Shao Yifu said: "The four cinemas rented 50 million for three years."

"Sir Shao, are you kidding me? Considering the current land and housing prices in Hong Kong, I would rent land in a prime location to build four large theaters. It's far less than 50 million yuan." Zhang Moren asked with a smile.

Shao Yifu said indifferently: "I rarely joke."

The price difference offered by the two sides is too large, and if there is no speculation, it will naturally be scattered.

After Zhang Moren left, Shao Yifu couldn't help sighing.

Since the news of Shaw's theaters being sold, many people have talked to Shao Yifu, but these buyers all want to take the opportunity to lower the price, and none of them can negotiate.

To be honest, Shaw Brothers and Shaw Cinemas are almost unable to sustain it. Its box office is stubbornly suppressed by Shaw Brothers, DreamWorks and Art City every time.

In the parallel space, this year, Shaw Brothers released a total of two films, which were directed by Hua Shan. But the starring roles of Zhang Guorong, Zhong Chuhong and Er Dongsheng in these two films are now all artists under Kang Jianfei's hands, and they have nothing to do with Shaw Brothers at all.

It was filmed. However, Yang Guo's actor was replaced by Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua, and the film disappeared out of thin air, and was replaced by an adaptation of Jin Yong's famous book.

The film starring Liu Dehua has already ended, and the box office in this port is only 1.68 million, which is a very ugly figure in the summer season. Shaw Brothers may be able to make a lot of money from overseas box office, but the Shaw Brothers (Hong Kong) cinema chain is losing money.

As for following. After only three days of the show, the film went straight to the stage. If the show continued with the meager attendance, the Shaw Brothers Cinemas would only lose more.

Shao Yifu's current psychology is very contradictory. He wanted to quickly sell the theater chain to reduce losses, but he was reluctant to sell the theater chain that he worked so hard to sell to others.

Fortunately, there is also TVB. Although TVB's ratings have been suppressed by Phoenix TV for three consecutive months, the loss is not too bad. And in the variety show, it still has the upper hand.

Shao Yifu has a lot of assets under his name. He has his own cinemas in Southeast Asian countries, and also owns real estate and amusement parks in Singapore and Malaysia. Even if Shaw Brothers and the theater chain lost everything, Shao Yifu's personal assets are several times that of Kang Jianfei, and his family assets are even more than Kang Jianfei's horses can't keep up with.

But Shao Yifu's love for the film and television career is definitely more pure than Kang Jianfei. The brothers of the Shao family sold their ancestral property to make movies. Shao Yifu almost died in a shipwreck in order to go to the United States to buy equipment.

Shao Yifu has been in the film industry all his life, and he is very unwilling to be forced by young people to close the film company in old age.

To be honest, the films produced by Shaw Brothers this year are not without their bright spots. Like director Wang Jing, the box office was over 15 million, which gave Shao Yifu some hope of continuing to persevere.

A few minutes later, Huang Jiaxi, the current general manager of Shaw Brothers, came in and said, "Sixth uncle, Liu Jialiang wants to make a kung fu movie. I heard his idea and thought it was good..."

It is said that Huang Jiaxi, the general manager of Shaw Brothers, is also aggrieved. Now, even if a movie can be filmed, he has to ask Shao Yifu for instructions, because the company's funds on the books are really tight.

"What is he going to shoot? Tell me about it." Shao Yifu asked.

Huang Jiaxi said: "Liu Jialiang was going to film Yang Wulang in the Northern Song Dynasty, but he was framed by a traitor and defeated, and he became a monk and learned the gossip stick for a monk, and then went down the mountain to take revenge."

It's that same set of all corners of the country's enmity drama!

Shao Yifu felt that his directors were all elm heads.

Huang Jiaxi continued: "Sixth uncle, at the Silver Capital Agency, the starring Li Lianjie will be shown in the new year. This film will probably sell very well. It will be released after it sells out."

Shao Yifu is very reassured about Liu Jialiang. Although Liu Jiaban's movies don't make much money, they haven't hit the streets very much so far. Now that the Dongfeng can be borrowed again, it is definitely no problem to get the cost back. Shao Yifu finally nodded and said, "Then shoot it."

"However," Huang Jiaxi hesitated and continued, "Liu Jialiang wants Hui Yinghong to be the heroine."

Shao Yifu hated traitors the most. He didn't have a good impression of Hui Yinghong, an actor who jumped to DreamWorks. He went to the radio station to pick!"

Huang Jiaxi didn't dare to say more, so he had to accept it.

In fact, according to Huang Jiaxi's idea, if Shaw Brothers makes a film now, it is best to invite one or two popular female stars under the Oriental Entertainment Company, and the box office will be much larger.

But now only one sentence of Hui Yinghong was mentioned, which was directly rejected by Shao Yifu, and Huang Jiaxi could only give up the idea.

The shooting plan was approved. As a producer, Huang Jiaxi immediately went to contact Ni Kuang to write the script after leaving Shao Yifu's office.

Not long after Huang Jiaxi left, Shao Yifu pushed away a book on his desk, and below it was today's newspaper. I saw the headline on the entertainment page - "Forty-one theaters in Hong Kong, the box office broke the record on the first day".

Forty-one cinemas are showing one movie at the same time, which is absolutely unprecedented in Hong Kong.

A few years ago, Lisheng Cinema, the predecessor of Princess Jin, was attached to the Golden Harvest Cinema Line. Combined with some other retail cinemas, the number of cinemas of the Golden Harvest Cinema Line once reached 35. It accounts for more than half of the first-round theaters in Hong Kong.

Today, due to the rapid prosperity of Hong Kong films, the number of cinemas in Hong Kong has also increased, with a total of 107. It has caught up with the level of 1985 in parallel time and space.

What is the concept of 41 cinemas showing at the same time, that is to say, one-half of the first-round cinemas in Hong Kong are showing this film.

Under the strong appeal of Cheng Long and Lin Qingxia, it combined the distribution capabilities of Golden Harvest and DreamWorks. There is also the influence of Kang Jianfei, a director who attracts money, and the box office on the first day turned out to be 4.63 million.

4.63 million box office on the first day!

It is already equivalent to the local box office of most of Shaw Brothers' films. This huge gap makes Shao Yifu, who has been making films for decades, very uncomfortable.

But Shao Yifu has to admit that Kang Jianfei and Zou Wenhuai are both people who can afford it. Obviously, the films of the two companies are still competing for the box office in the first half of the year, but they can cooperate with each other in the second half of the year. This is not something ordinary people can do. .


The General Manager's Office of the Golden Princess Cinema.

Lei Juekun was silent for a long time with the box office data. Finally, he said to the theater manager Li Maowen: "Delay the release time, and show other movies first in the Christmas season."

"That's the only way." Li Maowen said helplessly.

It is precisely because of the huge publicity and the cooperation of two major companies that Lei Juekun did not want to play two games and moved the release time a few days later.

Ke's box-office data is too terrifying, 41 theaters are showing at the same time, and the average attendance rate is still more than 90%. Although it was filmed in France, and even though 007's actors were invited to make a cameo appearance, neither Lei Juekun nor Mecca and others had the confidence to fight head-to-head.

Li Maowen suddenly said: "The box office of that movie should not be low at the Yindu Cinema in the Spring Festival."

"How can a movie from Yindu Agency be sold even if it sells well? It's just a real shot in the mainland." Lei Juekun didn't take it seriously. The biggest competitors in his eyes were Jiahe and the company. Two DreamWorks.

Lei Juekun's other major industries are all listed companies, and he has lost the bottom line in the past two years. He has to seek development in the film industry.

In 1978, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was only 383 points. However, with the reform and opening up of the mainland, Hong Kong's political and economic environment has been greatly improved. At the same time, relying on the mainland market, Hong Kong's status as a trading port has been restored.

While Hong Kong's economy was developing rapidly, the Hang Seng Index soared from 383 points to 1,810 points in just three years. In those years, people who speculated in stocks could make a profit by buying any stock. Not only that, but house prices were horribly high back then, almost two to three times what they are now.

However, in the summer of 1981, as banks adjusted deposit rates, the Hong Kong property market bubble was instantly burst. The property market slump also affected the stock market, and the Hang Seng Index also fell from 1810 points to around 1000 points.

At that time, Lei Juekun's two listed companies had already lost enough money, and at the same time, due to the acquisition of Sun Hung Kai, Lei Jue Kun lost his position as the first shareholder of the bus company.

Next is the Sino-British Hong Kong negotiation. During the first round of negotiations, the Hang Seng Index dropped from 1,000 points to more than 600 points. After that, the Hang Seng Index gradually rose to more than 900 points, but this summer, it fell back to more than 600 points again, and now it has only recovered to about 800 points.

The Hong Kong stock market has been so ups and downs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many investors have made a lot of money because of stock speculation, but more investors have lost and jumped off the building. Even the major shareholder of a listed company like Lei Juekun is completely against this kind of big stock. There is no way to change the story caused by the environment.

Lei Juekun is very satisfied with the performance of Xinyicheng, and even Chen Xunqi's Yongjia Pictures has been a big hit at the box office. It can be said that the entire Golden Princess and its satellite companies are now more able to make money than Lei Juekun's other businesses.

However, Lei Juekun was always worried about the departure of DreamWorks and the establishment of a new era theater chain with a group of retail investors. Lei Juekun hated Kang Jianfei a little bit, and regretted it for forcing Kang Jianfei away, but he had to admit Kang Jianfei's ability, and he had to stagger the release date of the DreamWorks film in a good schedule.

Anyway, when he mentioned Kang Jianfei, Lei Juekun felt like he was stuck in his throat.


I accompany my mother to buy a TV this morning. In the afternoon, I have some chores. I will go to the city to see the house tomorrow.

But today's third watch is definitely there, even if it is written in the middle of the night, it will be made up.

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